sort it

Been AGES since I did another wardrobe tour (the last one is under the videos tab).  Right now I am half way through the biggest sort out in Karen history. Bags to throw, to sell, to keep.  
Once it’s over I’ll do another tour – via a video or photography.  Since the last tour, I feel like two thirds of my stuff has changed. An update is definitely in order. 
Promise this time. 


  1. hello shopaholic says:

    Can’t wait for the update!

  2. Ramona says:

    Yeyyy! Can’t wait for it!

    xoxo Ra

  3. FashionableAsians says:

    Yay, can’t wait to see, I love taking a peep into other people’s closets, gives me ideas of how to organize mine, etc

  4. Lulu B says:

    I need to seriously sort out my wardrobe! Just looking at it gives me a headache currently, its a battle i must face haha xx :o)

  5. Alicia says:

    Yes! Purge! 🙂
    I have to make some room in my closet, (and my wallet) I would love to own some of the things in your closet!

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