flowers in autumn

Jacket: Zara. Leggings: American Apparel. Boots: Dr Marten. Purple scarf: Love Quotes. Black mini shawl: Thrift. Hat & wool polo neck dress: H&M. Shades: Ray Ban
I took Oliver for a walk today and just like the words to that song; All the leaves are brown, except the skies weren’t grey. Blue and sunny would be more accurate.
I wore these American Apparel leggings that I loved from the first time that I saw them at the shop but kept umm-ing and ahh-ing for weeks thereafter – until a couple of days ago. I paired them with the Docs because I LOVE clashing florals together.
How’s everyone’s weekend going so far? This is Day 3 of the long weekend in the US and it feels bloody brilliant!


  1. Anonymous says:

    This outfit is absolutley hideous! If I saw you on the streets I would think you were homeless & just scrapped items from whomever threw them your way..literally. I typically love love your outfits but this is just wrong in all ways.

  2. unstoppablestyle says:

    simply awesome. soon as i saw the florals on florals i loved it. πŸ˜€

  3. Jessie77 says:

    loving the clash of florals, and your dog is far to cute!!

  4. Tayler says:

    LOVE this outfit, the pop of pattern is awesome.

  5. kim J says:

    i love all the floral in this look, those leggings are pretty sweet.

    Clothes Are Cute

  6. bisou-joue says:

    I love the print of your dr marten !! And your hat is sooo great !
    Your dog is so cute !

  7. ag says:

    I envied your Martens before, but now… There’s a lot more to envy πŸ˜€ Of course it’s a bit risky to put them together, they look awesome on each own, but your try is good enough πŸ™‚ I would even paired one more patterned thing on the upper part… πŸ™‚ Anyway, it’s that bit “not right”, which makes the fashion line go round in spiral..

  8. Mila says:

    omg this is amazing!
    your outfits are always so creative and just perfect!

  9. Martha says:

    Lovelovelove the florals, thinking of buying myself some soon.
    absolutely adore your blog

  10. Dominika says:

    amazing outfit as always! ^^

  11. lorenabr says:

    Great outfit:) Like the hat, cool blog by the way

  12. Angie Star says:



  13. Francheska says:

    Only YOU could pull of those leggings with the flower docs! incredible and so eye-catching!!! your dog is adorable!x

  14. Suzanne says:

    so much love for the floral tights <3

  15. elina says:

    You are so beautiful and your photos are good. I love photographing and being in photos but I don’t have anybody who photographes me. but your blog is so lovely πŸ™‚

  16. Eva Ana says:

    i’d really like to know what camera do you use πŸ™‚

  17. ediot says:

    adore the outfit. and your blog!

  18. Nataliexxx says:

    I read your comment on another blog about the infamous ‘atacoma’ boot by Acne. I’m a size 41 aswell (being tall has its advantages but also its pitfalls too!) I was thinking about purchasing them (probably from a reliable trading site as if i’m correct they’ve sold out of my size everywhere) So my Qn is, WERE THEY NOT EVER PRODUCED IN A SIZE 41 IF YOU GOT THE 40?????

    I did think about the JC knock-offs. Only problem is they look like knockoffs and I don’t want that. It’s a shame I’m not in love with Burburry’s platform bikers b/c JC’s version are spot on

    Hope to get a response from you

  19. tailorstitch says:

    im liking the textures in the pics

  20. Karen says:

    Nataliexx – those ACNE boots were only made up to size 40. I contacted ACNE to confirm so I had to have mine stretched a couple of times for them to fit me and that’s by a trustworthy cobbler that really knows what they are doing.

    Jacqueline – yes, Sir Ollie is making another appearance ; )

    Eva Ana – we use a Nikon D90.

    Francheska – I bet YOU could too judging from the amazing shots that you post. Talk about inspiration from those? Your definitely good with styling.

    Angie Star – thank you. The older header was getting. Well old. LOL!! This definitely is more me : )

    Ahh yes; the ever essential Anonymous poster. The one thing all fashion bloggers have to contend with. I posted your comment because I actually LOVE throwing anything together and walking out. Even the homeless inspire me too. (Shocked yet?). Glad to see you decided to post but, of course, without revealing to all who you are. Your comment made me laugh : ))

  21. rosalita fashionista says:

    I love prints on prints! would kill for those docs!

  22. haute.teapot says:

    love the floppy hat and purple on you. πŸ™‚

  23. Zanah says:

    I love your floral boots and your entire outfit! Perfect!! πŸ™‚ Mon Mode Blog

  24. gemma says:

    The outfit is great!
    but i must say your bf is a great photographer!

    love the one of you crouching!!

    good stuff!!


  25. Ola says:

    I love the color of your scarf

  26. All Women Stalker says:

    I am super jealous of your shoes. Really, I am.


  27. Jasmine says:

    I just love all of your outfits! πŸ˜€ love love LOVE!

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