platform slippers

Boots: Jeffrey Campbell (LF) Also available on Solestruck! Bag: LF (clearance sale). Fedora: Trash and Vaudeville. Striped hoodie: Remember the video I made wearing it —>here?. Striped jumper: H&M. Vintage necklace: Foley & Corinna.

Please don’t try these boots on. You’ll get sucked into the vortex of ‘crap. I should not have tried these on.’
Ever since seeing preview pics of them in June, the seed was planted. The sales assistant said she wore hers all day. Hmm….sales pitch talk. After over an hour of me walking in them (I wore them right out of the shop), I realized she probably wasn’t joking. They are slippers with heels attached and yes, they run true to size.
They come in a zillion colours (about 20?) but this sort of periwinkle denim-esq blue sold me.


  1. A-N-N-A says:

    The shoes are adorable 😀

  2. Malena says:

    Now you plented the seed to me 🙂

  3. Sassi says:


  4. Ivania santos By DIAMOND says:


    Amazing… <3

    i want…!!!!

    Ivânia Diamond*

  5. Ado says:

    Jeez, the minute like thee minute I saw ur shoes, I got this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me if I do nothing else today, I will find those shoes in CHICAGO. I’m probably going to have to take a break from this blog, I feel overwhelmed by the need to own these lol. And I absolutely LOVE the Tory Burch necklace from yesterday *sighs*


    I love those! and they look so good…. I saw them in a store in soho and was immediately turned off because the glue was actually showing, it was like running down the heel.. my bubble totally bursted, I still love them though …

    Love Makes The Peace

  7. Diana says:

    O.M.G. !

    ME WANT. That color is GUH! Are they seriously that comfortable? And true to size? ACK! Let me know. ;P

  8. Lyrica Onyrica says:


    In solestruck, they don’t have these boots on blue-navy. The most similar color is purple, and they’re out of stock. Sigh, I’d love to be able to go to the LF store. I’ll try to contact them and IMPLORE them to send me the boots to Spain….:(

    You’re outfit is GREAT. I’d like to help you with the 5 favorite outfits, but now I don’t have time (because I must study) and is SO DIFFICULT TO CHOOSE ONLY 5!!;)


  9. The Photodiarist says:

    They are pretty fantastic. Love the blue as well.

  10. Sunniva says:

    Love them! You are such a lucky girl!

  11. Monroe Steele says:

    Love these! Great post. You have such amazing style. Congrats on your new shoes!

    xoxo Monroe

  12. Debby says:

    Love this!!! Okay seriously…you could rock a trash bag.
    xoxo Debby

  13. luisafernandadelmar says:

    You are so beautiful 🙂 Love the shoes, but i would probably break a leg or something bæd wearing them :p xoxo from norway

  14. Jose Camacho says:

    Love going to that store.
    The “periwinkle denim-esq blue” looks amazing on you!
    Btw I love the combination of that large striped cardigan wit the thin striped loose top.. Amazing!

    Jose C.

  15. Ms_SyllyBee says:

    they’re a great color! shoes that high normally scare me, but if they really were like slippers then i’m totally in. 🙂

    i wander, i wonder

  16. ari says:

    om my goodness, now that you say they are “like slippers” with heels attached I want them EVEN more. i love the taupe suede color and that’s the color that I want… but that blue one looks amazing on you! 🙂

  17. bukkakeofstyle says:

    Who the hell are You to look such stunning every time I see you?
    Love from Poland

  18. Cindy says:

    i was in lf last week and all i could do was think of you and rumi. the blue litas are my favourite too. i didn’t try them on though, just for the reason you stated. i’d get sucked in and my guy would not be seen with me in those shoes, he’s not a big fan of extreme platforms even though i’d probably be able to walk in them better them most of my shoes b/c they’re so light. you wear them beautifully.

  19. Glamour Bbey. says:

    These shoes are lovely! The color is perfect

  20. Sassy says:

    shoes r maaajor! love it!


  21. Jay says:

    I want a pair so bad!! 🙂 Yours look awesome!

  22. Camilla says:

    blue, i love it.


  23. juniee says:

    let me say your photos are amazing… loved your outfit.. and the shoes HOT!!!

  24. Emma at Daily Clothes Fix says:

    I love the shade of blue and I love your stripey top too. I was in baseball boots today, inspired by you.

  25. Nita -Karoliina says:

    Oh yeah, the Litas. I have them in mustard and i love them. You can get them from nastygal too.

  26. asha says:

    I was the same. Once you put them on, you never want to wear anything else.

    Ash x

  27. Lolitta says:

    Oh my! I kept looking at the pics and thinking, “are these blue??!!” Love them, especially in this blue color..dang you KAREN! I must have these in BLUE! I’ve been looking for a pair of blue boots. Have you seen the blue riding boot at Zara? They are VERY CUTE!!! Hmmm, now I’ll have to choose which one to get first these or the Zara boots. Mind blowing decisions.

  28. caylee says:

    i haven’t caved so far. i really love the taupe suede ones, but i must resist! the blue ones look sooooooo good on you.

  29. mickey Vin says:

    Wow really i thought the jumper was a shirt…. I love this whole outfit && the shoes goes perfect with it. My favorite piece is the jumper of course.
    && I love your photos..whoever takes them captures u well.

    -Mickey Vin

  30. Anonymous says:

    AAAAAAHHH, after seeing this I’m like so ready to book a flight and get to NYC!!! I NEEEED these so bad!! ;D

  31. Eden says:

    those shoes are sickkk!

  32. The Queen of Hearts says:

    I can’t believe your striped cardigan isn’t by Autumn Cashmere. I have the exact same cardigan (except mine doesn’t have a hood) that I picked up on sale from Intermix a few weeks ago. I’m still in shock that it is by another brand. Ha!

    Oh, I’m probably the only person on earth who doesn’t love those Jeffrey Campbell’s. I think they have a most peculiar shape to them! Different strokes for different folks I guess.

  33. Fashion Pirate says:

    I just love your grey hat, i have been searching for one like that in ages

  34. Li says:

    They look gorgeous!

  35. legsnshoes says:

    I LOVE the photography. Great pics as usual, but I especially love these night shots.

  36. Jamie says:

    I have been flirty with these little buggers for WEEKS…I want them NOW!!! I LOVE that color!!
    (and that dress is FAB!)

  37. DediLovesFashion says:

    i am so in love with these shoes.

  38. abbiebarker5 says:


  39. Shamini says:

    gorgeous heels!!

  40. Blicious says:

    gorgeous pics!! the shoes are hot!


  41. Karen says:

    Everyone who’s asked, they are very comfortable. Honestly. I was v suprised when I slipped them on.

    Malena = ha ha!

    Cindy – you are a stronger person than I not to try them on.

  42. Vyile says:

    you are a beautiful girl! I love your blog! it’s so chic…amazing!!!

    can you check out my blog/follow at:

  43. Helena from BrooklynBlonde says:

    Love the Lita picture story you have here! JC shoes in general are slippers! I have a pair of wedges that I got from LF this season and they’re more comfortable than some sneakers I own. Don’t know how that’s even possible!

  44. Megan says:

    Blue was definitely the right pick. I love it! And frankly, I cannot believe they are that comfy. I might have to investigate.


  45. helga says:

    ooo! so cool shoes!!!!good photo!
    I love your blog!:)

  46. FASHION CHALET says:

    I want the red ones. 🙂

    You look pretty in navy!


  47. anguillagrl says:

    What outdoor mkt is this in the pic??

  48. RedHead says:

    I want a pair of these so badly it’s unreal. The red, or the distressed grey, or the non-distressed grey, or….oh I just want them all.

  49. Amber S. Brown says:

    I’m sooooo addicted to Jeffery Campbell shoes because of YOU, Karen!! I die for those blue ones…I love how they look from the front. I hate it when shoes are disappointing from the front angle. And that blue is fantastic. LOVE it with those socks and that dress BTW. So fab!

  50. .stylesauce. says:

    lovely boots, and the blue is gorgeous!

  51. Catherine says:

    I love that last photo, you’re such a beautiful girl.

  52. Magnolias says:

    great choice, bought the same ones 🙂

  53. Coy Fallacy says:

    This whole look is hot! I know the shoes are supposed to be the focus but I’m stuck on the dress. I may have to make this before the week is up. The coat is a perfect addition to the whole ensemble.

    Thank you so much for posting SoleStruck as a shoe source Jeffrey Campbell shoes. I have been searching high and low looking for the Bjork booties and they have them. How freaking awesome!

    Kee of Coy Misconception

  54. CHESCA says:

    Really wish we had an LF in CANADA.

  55. Izumihiiiflower says:

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thejeffrey campbell boots!!!!!!! *q*

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