Shirt: Forever21.Try Free People, Equipment or Nastygal. Shorts: Forever21. Try Citizens of Humanity, Asos (on sale) or Shoes: ACNE. Love the cut on these Jeffrey Campbell’s – just higher. Hat: H&M. Try Hat Attack . Hamsa Necklace: Jennifer Zeuner. Bag: Vintage. Try Boden, Star Mela or Ralph Lauren (on sale code: RLSUM40 for extra 40% off).
The clogs are an obsession re-ignited. I had a pair years ago and always liked them. They’ll be killer with charcoal socks or tights in winter too like a mad: ‘I threw this sh** on and don’t care what you think kind of way” add jeans or long dresses like this older post. End with an oversized sharp coat. The slightly eccentric ugly vibe.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you of what’s to come when it gets colder.
ps. Yep. I found another hat and there’s more to come. You can see one of the others on Instagram.
Trying this look:

hannah frankel says:
those shoes are amazing on you!! so cool! xx
Vicky | The Golden Bun says:
Gorgeous pictures. love that look! x
Domonique Wilson says:
The shoes are perfection! Like the idea with socks, you’d probably need to wear them now in the UK funnily enough!
Eleanor says:
those shoes are perfect!!
Luxx Mint says:
I love silver and white together. I’m looking for a silver clutch right now to pair with a white dress.
Luxx Mint
Jane says:
Indeed… Very hot <3
Berty Morales says:
Beautiful look and gorgeous photos. Love those shoes and how you styled them!
TSO OTM says:
Beautiful images. I specially adore the eye shadow color. Great look!
xx, C
Mary Gui says:
love the casual look and your handbag!