Dress: Thrift shop. DIY spiked jacket: Forever 21. DIY stud vest: Zara. Boots: Zara. Bag: Alexander Wang
Ditsy teeny floral print dresses. God I love them. I found this one at a thrift store (you see a shopping pattern?)
I ended up ditching the leather jacket and kept on the denim vest instead. Both items I DIY studded. I think the spiked jacket is still my fave. The boots you definitely know about by now.
ps. Regarding those kick a@@ boots below coming to me, LF and a few other stores are bringing them back for a limited time. Sam Ed caved to demand. Run. Don’t walk.
**Call KAMIKA at the LF store in New York or ask her which LF’s have them. **

The beautiful and glammed says:
Love the edgy florals x
Finally following your blog! x
Ola says:
I will write once again probably-great shoes. I like the whole outfit, looks a bit like London fashion
Nina (Femme Rationale) says:
god, i love those boots. and where did you get the sam edelmans?!? i have been searching for about a year for them now and i could never find them in my size. i checked LF and there’s nothing…help?!
YoQueSe says:
looove that combo: floral dress and vest, you look soooo great 😀
PUNKIE says:
great amazing! this outfit is perfect! I tryied on me the flat version of this boots because this onewere out of my size… they was horrible on me 🙁
Posh says:
Great look, so sweet and the boots are awesome! <3
Anika says:
Lol at the run,dont walk comment. I want a pair too but wonder if they’ll have em online. Probably not.
p.s. this outfit = killer. the diy stdded jacket is perfection with the loose floral dress and those drapey drapey boots. I’d prob rob you of em if I saw you in the street, they are so perfect 😉
Ore, says:
I love floral dresses! 🙂
thischicksgotstyle says:
You’re the best studder. I can’t believe you did those yourself!
The jacket is so nice like this!!
And florals are always great when paired with some less girly items!!
WHAT's IN WHAT's OUT says:
This comment has been removed by the author.
WHAT's IN WHAT's OUT says:
i like the zara’s denim jacket. u rock it.
chickdowntown.com_ashley says:
Your outfit is great, love your style. The boots are such a great look for this fall season!
Life99 says:
great looks!! Love the studded vest!
noirohio vintage says:
love that little dress!! awesome vest too.
tinklestar says:
apparently there are plenty of other places that will be carrying these booties. i listed them on my website. hopefully that helps when LF sells out!!
Anonymous says:
you *have* to tell me what you use for your skin! its really tdf!
i like the dress…
LaurenSchoon says:
I love this outfit.. the denim and floral look. I was looking through a lot of your older posts and I really really like your style! You’ve got yourself a new follower! I just started my blog about a week and a half ago. Maybe you’ll want to check it out.
Nini's Style says:
Great job on the DIY denim vest Karen.
Jennifer says:
Love this outfit!! The vest is fantastic!! What is the name of the store that will have the boots?? XOXO
Tariro says:
That jacket is soo cool! And the dress is cute
Simon says:
kayla says:
Edgy but girlie…. like it a lot.
Sophia and Mary says:
great diy!
Karen says:
Thank you all!!
The Sam Ed boots are now sold at a few stores including LF but also Jildor shoes plus apparently urban outfitters?!
Mine arrive next week, but I have tried them on already and OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous says:
are you still selling the brenda?i want it
Karen says:
Yes the brenda is still available.
Email me if you are interested.
sarah says:
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Asia says:
oh my gosh i would die for those boots!