Dress: American Apparel. Blazer: H&M. Boots: DIY studded (Steve Madden).
Bag: Alexander Wang. Fedora: Thrift shop
I need a new name. I should be called Miss Clearance. I got this blazer for $20 at H&M. The price tag superseded the large size. Too big = boyfriend blazer.
I’m wearing my grey DIY studded boots (after a 1 year hibernation).
Side note: I’m going through a serious American Apparel phase.

cocorosa says:
loveeeeeeee these, man, that 3rd picture is awesome!!!!!! <3
fickle red riding hood says:
the dress looks fantastic on you!
Fashion Is Poison says:
i love this!!
Asia says:
nice Dress! 🙂
thischicksgotstyle says:
Hahah big = boyfriend, good rule!
You look very good in it!
Ola says:
Fantastic shoes!
Tom Tuttle from Tacoma says:
Diana says:
LOL! 3rd and 4th pictures are my favorite!
Damsels says:
definitely passes for a BF blazer .
the dress and hat are nice colors . GREAT 🙂
budget chic says:
I feelin the color of that dress, I know I could never wear anything like that because I got too much backside! Looks great on you!
sadie d. love says:
love the dress..beautiful.
Anonymous says:
well, since you look fatastic in everything you could dub yourself “Miss Fantastic Finds”
Anonymous says:
do you really need to post like 10 photos of the same outfit, some the same pose for you to convey what you wore? conceited much?
take this as constructive criticism
nikky says:
awesome photos + i love the hat!
Sylvia says:
The outfit looks awesome! The dress and blazer are my fav pieces. Zara and H&M seems to make the best blazers?
Karen says:
Thanks! Sylvia – yea I’ve noticed those are the ones I tend to wear. Not too expensive and they are generally cut well enough. Esp Zara.
Coco – I had a feeling you’d like that one ; )
♥ fashion chalet says:
Adorable air kisses!! 🙂
and lol at the guy in back (produce) smiling at you and the camera.
tina_mbc says:
Me wants a Brenda *sigh* !!! 🙂
Elaine says:
You look amazing in that dress! Probably because you have such a skinny body!!! Jealous!
PH says:
super cute as usual! I agree about the AA phase. Their stuff feels like skin to me. I can never get enough!
Nerdic.. says:
Love the dress and the nailpolish!
X, fashion-nerdic.
Daria says:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daria says:
oh lol.. my comment for another outfit ended up here! 🙂 you make me want this dress and i might have to go buy it tomorrow. simple and good.
Lola says:
you look great!
if you could please answer this- are you wearing the dress in ‘sea blue’? I’m shopping for one but I don’t know which colour to purchase!
Merlina Dupal says:
Hmm Nice love the look of the open back