Skirt: Forever 21. Waistcoat: Modcloth.com. Fedora: Thrifted. Jewellery: T&V, street vendors: Tiny bag: FCUK. Chuck Taylors: DIY studded
I nearly passed out when I saw this skirt at Forever 21. The huge floor sweeping tiers and grey colour, reminded me of a skirt that I could see hanging at a designer shop. The waist band can be pulled up or down or folded over. I kept it unfolded to lay flat.
I’ll always wear it with flats to keep it casual, only seeing the footwear peaking out with each step or when sitting cross legged.
You already know the faux leather waist coat from modcloth.com. I can’t wait to wear this sweeping skirt in the Fall with a skinny black turtle neck, cropped leather jacket and ankle boots.
*** ps. The current September issue of Lucky magazine has a full page Rachel Rachel Roy ad with me dead center in the shot! Sorry, but I’ve never been in a publication like that before so I had to share! ***

xfridays-childx says:
I’d pass out too if I chanced upon the skirt!
Anonymous says:
woooowww. love the skirt. must have it. but it’s not available online 🙁
Anonymous says:
karen, do you mind if I ask which f21 you found the skirt at? and how much? you can PM me if you’d rather. Thanks so much
jcbellemarie says:
love the skirt! did you get it recently? reminds me of a black gathered/bunched/tiered skirt from F21 i got years ago and LOVE…it’s perfect for wearing on the plane.
Anonymous says:
What shade of lipstick are wearing?
Bambola says:
TOTALLY in love with that skirt!!! It’s insane!! <3
Farrah @ Stylecrumbs says:
That skirt is awesome! Could probably wear it as a dress too?
Nerdic.. says:
Love the waistcoat!!
X, fashion-nerdic.
thischicksgotstyle says:
You look so cool!
I think people will really turn their heads for this skirt!
And the waist coat is gorgeous too, I saw a really cool black leather one hat h&m too!
Angelina says:
Ohh amazing photos!!
Karen says:
Hey guys – I got the skirt about a month ago : (
I just never got round to wearing it until now! Its actually from the Twelve by Twelve collection. i don’t see it on the website anymore though. Their might be a Forever 21 though that still has them?
Farrah – I didn’t think of that!! I’m going to give that a try.
Thischicksgotstyle – I wonder if its the faux blackleather one I saw at H&M a few weeks ago. I almost bought it but ended up finding one at Forever 21 (black too) that I really like. Need to do a post in it : )
Anon – the lipstick is Ruby Woo by MAC.
Dominika says:
AMAZING outfit! love it <3! ^^
Lip Gloss and Mane Toss says:
Want those Chucks! The studs are killer!
Mira says:
can u wear it as a dress too? that would be killah
Aire says:
Hi Karen,
Thanks for featuring our waistcoat on your blog! We appreciate the support!
<3 Aire
Nika says:
Ruby Woo is such a pretty color and that skirt is the BIZNESS. I love it!
Elaine says:
That is such a GREAT skirt!!! Love it! clothedmuch.blogspot.com
Sarah K. says:
damn, that skirt! i think i’d probably wear it with heels but you’re totally rockin’ it in your sneakers! Looks great!
IbisCaraib says:
That skirt is amazing.
Random question… I’m fascinated by your hair. Are you natural or do you relax?
Anonymous says:
Class outfit!!!
Nice to see your not another Olsen drone and actually have your own style. Good inspiration thanks.
Diana says:
i love this whole outfit! honestly, K – I think you can pull off just about anything!
Debrah says:
U gad an amazing style! So original, so personal, i really love!! Great blog.
Lola Oma says:
OMG THAT SKIRT IS AMAZING!!! You have inspired me to go out and make on! 🙂 btw I love your style!