white stars

Lace dress: Forever 21.

Alter ego to the black one. Check!
Hopefully I’ll layer it just as much. Can’t get enough of using lace as a base for everything else.


  1. thehautepursuit says:

    Oooh la la! I like the look of the white one!!! I’ve also always wanted to do a galactic themed photoshop edit to my photos….I still have to google how to do it…but it looks GREAT!

  2. unstoppablestyle says:

    so cute! this is such an amazing dress, and the starry background just makes it that much better. i literally gasped when i saw it was from forever 21. you rock at finding awesome, inexpensive pieces. 🙂


  3. apparellel says:

    love lace. love these pics!

  4. ru.kurarin says:

    indeed i agree that lace is a great layering piece.

  5. emma j says:

    that is a fantastic dress…i am obsessed with lace dresses. and love the effect to!

  6. Ally says:

    omg i ordered this dress yesterday! you look gorgeous! i can only hope i’ll look just as fabulous as you!

  7. Sarah K. says:

    YAY stars! I just did a post on galaxy print clothing, hahaha. I love it!

  8. Dylana says:

    This is gorgeous! Love the sparkles all over!

  9. Tastes Eclectic Fashion says:

    Beond amazing. I love lace as well. I love the way these photos are edited, by the way.

  10. Carlotta says:

    very pretty!!

  11. Victoire says:

    gorgeous! the dress is so form fitting and the lace is so sweet. love it!

  12. Julie Chiem says:

    I am loving the cosmic addition to your dress!

  13. Dominika says:

    lovely dress!

  14. kota behemota says:

    you look gorgeous in this dress.

  15. Susu Paris Chic says:

    What a chance to see you so romantic… I’m all for alternating styles! You are beautiful in your tight lil’ wonder!

  16. nuheila says:

    Love these pictures!White lace looks so good on you!


  17. Astérisque says:

    you look stunnig girl! love this lace dress. simply perfect!

  18. Li says:

    Lace looks so good over a simple white dress! Love it! You look gorgeous! x

  19. Emmi says:

    Oohh nice star effect! 🙂 That dress looks gorgeous on you! The lace looks so romantic.

  20. dandra says:

    Gorgeous! Like the stars.

  21. Suzanne says:

    lovely dress! you look great in white

  22. Kamciatek says:

    I love this dress, you look like an ANGEL 🙂

  23. Martha says:

    Love the dress.
    Damn your style is ridiculously amazing 🙂
    I would love to use it on my blog as part of an inspiration post and i will definately link it back to you. Please let me know if you’d like me to take it down 🙂

  24. Camilla says:

    wow- I love this so much! xxx


  25. Taylor B. says:

    Oh, Karen! You’re just so beautiful and your braid turned out so pretty!

  26. Karen says:

    Glad you guys like the dress and the cosmic shots. Felt like experimenting a bit!

    Martha – no problem ; )

    unstoppablestyle – thank you. Every now and then Forever21 does a half decent item. It’s so hit or miss there!

  27. Monica Bedi says:

    so fab!im heading to f21 asap!

    i am obsessed with fashion as well!

  28. 'Lee says:

    wow, I really love that dress, especially as I have a big thing for lace.

    Theory of a fashion victim

  29. superjadedC says:

    wow, just checked out your blog and i love it

  30. tres tippy says:

    you look gorgeous in this! one of my favs so far on your blog. love the star effect as well 🙂

  31. Norma says:

    Why did you delete your Lookbook account? I’ve been wondering this for a while.

  32. Amber says:

    Wow amazing dress!

  33. Tiny Quirks says:

    LOVE your dress- gorgeous. and did you overlap the pictures? it looks amazing

  34. Fashion Monstre says:

    ALRIGHT! i need to get that dress this instant!!!

  35. Caylie says:

    love love love that dress! I can’t find the black long sleeve one anywhere on the site ;(


  36. Karen says:

    Monica Bedi and Fashion Monstre – hope you score one!!

    Caylie – I got the black long sleeved one like early LAST YEAR! I’ve had it for a while now. Unreal though how that style hasn’t been done again….

    Ramona – ha! I”m really going through a lace thing at the moment….

    Taylor B – !!! dang. Thank you! My braid is so thin and short. LOL!! Still kinda like it though. Def want to get a cheap clip on though for something longer. Very disposable fashion.

  37. JaHaute says:

    i want – i want – i want –

    I noticed you removed the satin bow belt – yea that would just make it look cheezy.

    jeezus cant wait to get my order!


  38. Imogen says:

    I love your blog. I first discovered it after you were the mod cloth blogger of the moment. I adore the dress in this post and I think that lace is stunning at the moment. The sparkly pictures are amazing.

  39. Maggie says:

    this is soo nice and simple polar opposite what what you usually have pictures of..you look great :)I always love your posts =]

  40. Jennie says:

    Love this dress! The photo effect is great… how did you do that?

  41. Tiffany says:

    Beautiful , beautiful, beautiful.

  42. Nika says:

    AWESOME! such cool pics

  43. Karen says:

    Jennie – its two pics laid on top of each other. I used photoshop : )

    Imogen – hellooooo! I agree, lace is making a bit of a – dare I say it – come back?

    JaHaute – yea. Can’t deal with the ribbon. Snipped off of the side loops attached to the dress too.

  44. his hers says:

    The photo effects! When, where and how? lol!

  45. Victoria-H says:

    Stunning pictures ! That dress looks amazing on you !!!

  46. ChinChin says:

    Love the shoot! Beautiful pictures!

  47. Tanja says:

    You’re so pretty, and the dress is looking fantastic on you!

  48. Hazelton Ave says:

    Love the dress, love the laces detail.

  49. All Women Stalker says:

    That looks delightful! What shoes will you plan to wear it with? 😀

  50. Ann says:

    I saw it on the F21 site and I was like “eeeeeh” but on you it looks gorgeous omg. Still gonna hold out on getting it for me though.

  51. kerosene and lux says:

    so freakin gorgeous. take me shopping!!! hahah

  52. Karen says:

    his hers – lolol!! its two pics laid on top of each other.

    All Women Stalker – depends where i”m going really. Posh night out then heels. Haven’t thought that far yet LOL!!

    Jamie – thank you.

  53. veronica<3 says:

    ahhhh amazing dress 🙂
    wouldn’t imagine you looking so nice in it but you pull it off VERY WELLLLL!!! how many white items are in your closet? i doubt many haha 🙂

    xo Veronica

  54. Karen says:

    veronica – quite a few things actually. New York isn’t conducive to wear it very often though but heck, when I can I bloody well will! : )

  55. Angela says:

    What size did you get in this dress??? The site doesn’t show measurements…I’m guessing the small fits perfect..right?

  56. Diana says:

    i love that dress on you!

  57. hepburnwannabe says:

    I love your style, the mix of cool fabrics and unique combos in contrast to dresses like these! It’s really an inspiraion 🙂

  58. Emma Sandberg says:

    I love that dress and I love your style =)=)

  59. Anonymous says:

    Feelin’the vibe….happiness all around :)) from vintage gal ….

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