forever 21 cross giveaway

I found this cross connector ring over a week ago or more and have been wearing it religiously (excuse the pun) so I wanted to share the wealth with a giveaway!
Not sure if anyone’s noticed, but this ring has been selling for around $90+ on ebay (crazy considering it retails less than $5).
I bought an extra in a size S/M – equivalent to a ring size 7/7.5. It was the only size left on Forever 21’s site and it was their very last one.
To win this ring, leave me a comment under this post ONLY. Offer ends next Sunday April 25th 9pm EST when I will pick a winner. Please leave your contact email if you post anonymous.
Good luck!!


  1. alyssa says:

    looooooove! i want this ring!!!!! it look so good on… im not even catholic but whatever, i hope i win!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow! People sure are crazy for that ring..

    [email protected]

  3. Tanisha says:

    i think the ring is Amazing! and would love to win this. i would def bring a smile to my face after all i have been through.

  4. Fuji Files says:

    Pick me! Pick me! I promise I’ll rock it so hard

  5. Tanisha says:

    i think the ring is Amazing! and would love to win this. i would def bring a smile to my face after all i have been through.

  6. marni_girl says:

    yes pls!

  7. michelle says:


  8. Maria says:

    Holy-catholic-paraphernalia!! I would thank the heavens if I won this 🙂


  9. Nika says:

    I would love to win this ring!

  10. Leizl Basilio says:

    love that ring!

    ….hahahhahaha (laughing at your religious pun!)

  11. tina says:

    I totally regret not getting it when I first saw it on the f21 website…and I’ve seen it on ebay for $75, which is RI-DICULOUS! I hope I win…

  12. Nyemale says:

    Pick me, pick me!! **Raises hand vigorously**

  13. Anonymous says:

    Oh my God, I’ve wanted that ring for months! For some reason I couldn’t find it on the site though. 🙁


  14. iamlisaaa says:

    i went to 2 different forever 21’s this past weekend hoping i’d find something like it. hope i win.

  15. Florie says:

    MEEEEEEEEEEEE please i’m from Romford(UK) so you know i need that goodness to ward away the chavvy evils that are forever trying to ensnare me!

  16. thisnewsensation says:

    I NEED this ring to match the DIY inverted cross tattoo my boyfriend got at his friends place on a drunken bender

  17. The CultureCynic says:

    gimmmmmmmmmmme!! sideeye at anyone who would pay 95 dollars for them tho. really??? it is NEVER that serious…but for free. 99??? count me IN!! hhehehee

  18. valentina says:

    i’m from Chile and i’ve been looking for this ring since forever on the web….so please! yes spread your love far away to southamerica
    gracias bella!

  19. skeleta says:

    so cute 🙂

  20. VintageVirgin says:

    i’ve been searching high and low for that the ring! since i’ve since it graced your finger! would love to win it!
    [email protected]

  21. Haute Girl says:

    Love it! It’s so haute!

  22. June says:

    That ring is absolutely beautiful, I adore him but I don´t believe that you make shipments to the outside doesnt? I am from Argentina,that type of beautiful things doesnt arrive here, not the minimal imitation of anything! Please pick mee!

    [email protected]

  23. Anonymous says:

    I fell in love with that ring ever since you posted!! ekoroh[at]gmail[dot]com

  24. Neekoh says:

    Good on you! You’re such a benevolent blogger 🙂

    Live Love LA

  25. donna says:

    Thanks for doing a giveaway instead of selling it for $90 on ebay.

  26. donna says:

    oops, I forgot to leave my contact:

  27. thebroguetrader says:

    Pick me! I promise I won’t sell it on ebay!

  28. Kenita says:

    I would absolutely love this ring ! There’s nothing like it in Trash and Vaudeville and it’s the last one! ;___; I even checked the website and … s’all gone. So you would absolutely make my 18th birthday awesome by helping me out with this piece of cross jewelry. 😀

    [email protected]

  29. T.Bloomfield says:

    I Adore it and would love to own it!!!


  30. jennifer@lyssa says:

    My Gosh! I <3 it!! It’s so cool!

  31. Jay says:

    That is such a cool giveaway!!
    Good luck to everyone!! 🙂

    [email protected]

  32. Brittany says:

    i’ve been trying to get this ring since it came out. i’d LOVEEEEEEE to win it. =]

  33. Charlene says:

    I would absolutely love to win this ring! No hard times, no sob stories…. well…just the fact that there isn’t a Forever21 in London as you know… *wipes away tear*

  34. megan.tme says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!! That ring is fabulous, just my size 🙂

    ~ megan
    transmission me

  35. Jenn says:

    oh my goodness! i’ve been searching up and down for that ring, but to no avail… i’d love to win!

    PS-love your blog for so many reasons, but mostly lately because it gives me a taste of the city, i miss it there.

  36. An Dukes. says:

    i would really love to win the ring! please and thank you!

  37. Anh says:

    Yes, please!

  38. Emm says:

    oh please me! We don’t have forever 21 here!!!!

    And i love it so much!!!!

    love emma
    from spindizzyfall

    [email protected]

  39. Anonymous says:

    that ring is so frickin’ fly it’s disgusting. lolz
    seriously though. a girl’s gotta have it. plz grant me the chance to rock this cross!
    sincerely, arica nicole’
    [email protected]

  40. itsV-MONEY! says:

    $90? Seriously? That’s crazy! I would LOOOVE to win this ring.

  41. Anonymous says:

    hand it over. i seriously love this. 🙂

    [email protected]

  42. Anonymous says:

    I just want to say it’s very nice of you for giving the ring to your reader and not trying to sell it at high price on ebay. I have that ring already. No need to pick me. Love your blog.

  43. Steph says:

    I love the ring as well and have been looking for it at forever.

    [email protected]

  44. Derek says:

    Please enter me!


  45. J'aime says:

    I’ve been searching everywhere for this ring!! I would love to flaunt this around 🙂

    [email protected] 😀

  46. Malin says:

    I love this ring! All the other cross-rings just ain’t close enough…

  47. katthroatworld says:

    that ring is fantastic! great giveaway! please enter me!

    – kat

  48. b.b. says:

    Awww, I saw that ring when it first came out on their website and thought it was cute, then I saw it everywhere all over the internet-so funny it’s causing such a ruckus…but i love it too 😉
    great giveaway!
    [email protected]

  49. Ane Johannessen says:

    LOVE the ring so much 🙂
    been looking for a two fingered ring for a while now, too the point i was so desperate i splurged on a 50$ ring only to find it was terribly ugly..

    [email protected]

  50. Anonymous says:

    this ring is amazing! it would go so well with everything I wear! I definitely love how you can wear it with everything too. Love your blog. Hope I get a chance to win it!
    [email protected]

  51. Esther says:

    I WANT it! we don’t have f21 in germany so i’d love to win this!

  52. Anonymous says:

    Please make my wish come true by winning this cross ring. Im unemployed and I don’t shop anymore only once every 6 months and thats super hard and depress. The ring is to die for. By the way I collect crosses and have a cross tattoo.I would cherish it foreva and enjoy it.
    Your my friend in my head.Love u and ur style.
    From Emelia. [email protected]

  53. Anonymous says:

    love love love it, I’m on a religious jesuit school so my teachers will go nuts 🙂
    xxx charlotte

    [email protected]

  54. Anonymous says:

    So beautiful. I saw the ebay prices too… sooo ridiculous. Anyway good luck to everyone else 🙂

    [email protected]

  55. Ashley says:

    i tried searching for that ring months ago but found no luck at the f21 stores near me and gave up 🙁

    and then i saw this post and jumped for joy!

    [email protected]

    p.s. keep up with the great posts!

  56. kellisa says:

    that ring is AMAZING! I can’t believe its Forever21… Also I lovelovelove your lace top. Gorgeous.

  57. ari says:

    I want this ring soooo badly, and I am so mad at myself for not getting it while in stock! ;( thanks for making it a givaway 🙂

  58. Anonymous says:

    It is full out just hot. It would be so awesome with a punkish/gothish outfit. [email protected]

  59. Anonymous says:

    Things I would not do for this ring: pay $90+ dollars, fight a bear, wrestle an anaconda.

    Things I would do for this ring: leave this comment, watch a bear/anaconda fight.

    [email protected]

  60. Chahana says:

    this ring would go fabulously with the DIY chain blazer im going to begin making tonight. I think you should pick me because you’ll see how damn fabulous ill make it look through my blog pictures and i know i will. thanks for giving us this chance by the way. hope you make the right decision x

  61. Anonymous says:

    I would LOVE to win this ring!!!! I hope you pick me, it would be a great addition to any girls wardrobe especially mine. I am a college student and buying the ring off ebay for $75 bucks is not an option.

    thanks so much,

    [email protected]

  62. Mary Grace says:

    OOOoooh! I definitely want to win this ring. My collection of rings are not of abundance. So this would be a great add. Thanks!

  63. WhoKnows says:

    I’m in love with this ring! would love to win! 🙂

  64. Tinja says:

    Omg!! I love that ring… Wish I had it 🙂

  65. Diana says:

    Such an amazing ring…What would we do without Forever 21? I love how they sell the coolest things for such affordable prices! I’ve been looking all over for this ring.
    [email protected]

  66. Madame Crimp says:

    I would love to win the ring! we don’t have any forever 21 stores!

  67. Imogen says:

    What can i say apart from I would absolutely love that ring! It’s amazing!
    Thanks 🙂

  68. Anonymous says:

    i am completely in love in this this ring!! can´t stop dreaming about it!
    and i love you, you are so beautiful!

    [email protected]

  69. Carolina Engman says:

    woooohaa! keeping my fingers crossed 😉

  70. Fuglen says:


  71. bestbymarch20 says:

    best. give-away. ever?!? hells yesss! 🙂

  72. BestbyMarch20 says:

    best. give-away. ever?!?! hells yessss 🙂

  73. Anonymous says:

    I love that ring! It would be the best birthday presant ever.
    – Norwegian girl
    [email protected]

  74. Phoebe Rose says:

    I am in love with that ring! It is amaazing! One major plus to living in the US…easy access to F21, we so need one in the UK! Would love to win this 🙂

    [email protected]

  75. Ivy says:

    Hm, love it!

  76. Anonymous says:

    i am pretty sure that you are my style twin 🙂

    e-mail: [email protected]

  77. Anonymous says:

    omg the ring is soooo cool!!!! i’d really like to have it because we don’t have forever 21 here in austria 😉

    [email protected]

  78. Niika says:

    i would love to win this ring..i was lookin for it on the site as well and it was gone =[

    [email protected]

  79. Rubi Ortiz says:

    i love your bloggg and this ring!
    your amazing<3

  80. Vanja Loncar says:

    I’m glad crosses are so in this year. I armed myself with few cross pieces lately and loving it.
    You do look great with that ring but as you posted before I would so go with that RLM ring, that one is so cool, maybe you should too 😉

  81. Illusion says:

    I want this ring, cauz in Lithuania there is no place to buy smtg like this 🙁 [email protected]

  82. Emelie says:

    I love that ring and been looking for it forever. Pick me, pick me!

  83. Anonymous says:

    something keeps telling me that this ring is for me
    [email protected]

  84. Sinziana says:


    Great ring!! I wanted to order it but they didnt’t deliver it to Romania. It would be great to win it 🙂

    [email protected]

  85. Jennifer says:

    I’d love to win that ring since forever 21 is not available where i live!!

    tryme.imtoxic (at) gmail (dot) com


  86. McKenna says:

    jesus christ (no pun intended, haha) PLEASE pick me.
    I’ve been looking for this everywhere.
    I promise to rock it all day, errday, with pride.
    contact: [email protected]

  87. Sabina says:

    Its ridiculous how extremly hot this ring is!
    Didn’t think i could fall in love in jewelry, but i was wrong..

    [email protected]

  88. Rocka Rolla says:

    Once again something I’ve been looking for soooo long!!!

    Something I could…”lose my religion” for.

    Congrats for your page, you kick ass baby!!!!!

    Thanks a lot for the giveaway, good luck to everyone. See yaaa around girls!

    [email protected]

  89. Clara says:

    Would also really love the ring.

  90. linerm says:

    Love your blog, and hope I win the ring 🙂
    BTW have you been to Leeds? I´ll probably move there in a few years to study and I know like…nothing about Leeds. 🙂

  91. Jasmine says:

    such a pretty ring! 🙂 jvtuck (at) gmail (dot) com

  92. Anonymous says:

    for the love of GOD, we all must have this ring!

    [email protected]

  93. Myriam says:

    oh girl i looooooooooooove this ring…and more it’s my size!!!!!!! in italy we don’t have forever21 neither we can buy online from its site (it’s a pity)
    hope to win soooo much!!!

    [email protected]

  94. Allie says:

    Yeah, I think I found the last one in my store. And….I put it back in the bowl. What was I thinking??!


  95. Malene says:

    I want to win this ring! 😀

  96. Marie says:

    I’ve been searching for that ring so long, would be so happy if I´d be the lucky one! I´m in!

    e-mail: [email protected]

  97. ivana says:

    me me me!!!…i was looking for one but they didn’t have it on their home page anymore!!! i’d love to win =)))
    peace,Ivana =)

  98. Lilly says:

    What a lovely ring!
    Thanks a lot for the chance.
    eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

  99. Susu Paris Chic says:

    Cross has a special meaning to me. Deeper than fashion. Preciuos indeed.

  100. Hege says:

    Ahh, I want that ring sooo much! I absolutely love it. I’ve been looking for a ring like that ever since I saw it the first time at your blog. Love from Norway <3
    [email protected]

  101. Betty says:

    oh, love the ring, thanks u!!!

    [email protected]

    I´m from Spain there´s some problem?


  102. Anonymous says:

    I love this ring and your style as well!!
    [email protected]
    xxx from Canary Islands!!!

  103. AnetteGreen says:

    Emmm, the ring is really beautiful…lately Im quite obsessed with double finger rings, and they actually are hard to find…
    Best wishes:)

  104. The Petite Blogger says:

    that cross ring is amazing and honestly ive always wanted one but we have no f21 in my country and no ebay either! 🙁 hope u ship all the way to sunny mauritius!


  105. Danielle Sands says:

    I looove this!! Reminds me of the sideways cross necklace! thank you!

  106. Amy says:

    Go on I’ll give this a go 🙂 Plus its harder for me to get coz I’m in the UK 😉

    I’ll pay postage!

    [email protected]

  107. Anonymous says:

    That ring is amazing. I dont know if I can be a part of this competition, when im not from US but..what the hell…ill give it a try 🙂

    [email protected]

  108. Sarah Anne says:

    wow this ring really caught my eye, i was about to bid for it on ebay but then i saw your post!
    thanks for the opportunity love 🙂

    [email protected]

  109. Nia says:

    super haute!!! love your style! thanks for a giveaway 🙂

    [email protected]

  110. Phyllis says:

    ah ive been looking for this ring everywhere! i cant believe it used to be like, $4.50 or something. i’d loooove to win it! =)

  111. Anonymous says:

    PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! j’adore big time.

    [email protected]

  112. Jony says:

    The ring is gorgeous, can’t believe they sell it for 90dollars on ebay, must be very popular ;)!!!
    My name is Jony: [email protected]

  113. Anonymous says:

    It’s AMAZING! I’ve been looking for a ring like this everywhere. I’m from London, we don’t have forever 21 here 🙁

    [email protected]

  114. Hamtaro says:

    I love love love this ring – it never made it to Canada ! 🙁

    I read your blog all the time – it’s a favourite on my Google reader.

    I’m also a member of Purse Forum – love love love bags ! 😉

  115. thao. says:

    i love that ring, it catches my eye when you wear it in your past posts. Too bad i live in Australia & there’s no forever 21 stores.

    [email protected]

  116. L. says:

    wow that price is so high! but I LOVE to have it! xxxx

  117. Alice Cassidy says:

    Been looking for ages, i NEED thins ring. How dumb is this, i went into the store-couldnt find it. Didnt bother to ook online!!! Pretty please!

  118. FOURinchHEELS says:

    Such great luck! I remember seeing this ringon everyone and I was definitely loving it, but by the time I found out it was from forever21 (of course!) it was sold out! Anyhow, thanks for the inspiration and the great giveaways!


    [email protected]

  119. Nina says:

    I havent been able to find it, and no way I’d pay $90…great giveaway 🙂
    [email protected]

  120. Pamela says:

    I love this ring! I saw it in the site too but I can’t order it because I live in Italy :/ I can’t find this ring here and I’d really really love it. XOXO

  121. graciously says:

    Love it! I’ve started amassing rings and am having a crazy fun time mixing them around. Thanks!

  122. Anonymous says:

    I too would love that ring! It is divine… pick me!! 🙂 samatherton2000 at

  123. Pauline says:

    i want it. i even think i need it. is that bad? so i am definetely in!

    [email protected]

  124. Crystal says:

    Love the ring! Thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

  125. fadetoblack says:

    over here over here!!! PICK ME PICK ME!!!!

  126. Posey says:

    PLEASE PICK ME KAREN! I’ll rock this bad boy around the streets of London!

    Much love x

  127. Harry says:

    people are willing to pay $90 for a forever 21 ring? amazing. thanks for the giveaway!


  128. mkmfashion says:

    Oh my god! I was going to ask you if you where going to sell the ring cause I just LOVE the ring. I’ve search for it everywhere but I have never found it! Thanks for letting us get this chance to win the ring! Myself would died to get the ring!

    Love Madeleine .

  129. linnea says:

    the ring is awesome! i think you should give it to a swedish reader hehe!! [email protected]

  130. Lucian says:

    My precious…
    I’m a guy and I want to give it to my silly, loud, annoying and adorable girlfriend so she would shut up about it. Yeah, it’s because I care 🙂
    [email protected]

  131. Maggie ☮ says:

    oh my lol the comments are overwhelming I can’t image how you would go through this lol

    *this is my comment entry btw* 🙂

    -*ps I love connecting rings lol

  132. Brandi says:

    Me, I would love to win it 🙂

  133. Shalilac says:

    This ring would look so awesome as I’m holding the mic (sing on the choir), so I’m definitely down LOL.

  134. Anonymous says:

    the ring is lovely 🙂 i would love to win it!

    [email protected]

  135. Lena says:

    Oh very pretty 😀 Kind of you to have this giveaway.

  136. Mod Human says:

    I cannot believe that this ring is now selling for 90 bucks! wow!
    I would love to win it… I adore crosses and this ring would fit easily into my everyday. wardrobe.

    On another note: I love reading your blog, you take the most beautiful pictures ever.

    Mod Human

  137. xoxotara says:

    That’s a lovely ring! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  138. Anonymous says:

    I havn’t seen this ring in sweden. LOVELOVELOVE it.

    [email protected]

  139. Sara says:

    Świetny pierścionek! To bardzo miło z Twojej strony, że chcesz go oddać! Bardzo chciałabym go dostać 🙂

    If You wanna know what it means, please pick me! 😉 ♥

    Take care! 🙂

    my e-mail :
    [email protected]

  140. Denise says:

    I love this ring! I’m already thinking of ways to combine it with my clothes.I would love to win it!

  141. tina_mbc says:

    I ‘d love to be considered for this giveaway, it’s such a stunning ring!!!


  142. Alecto says:

    It’s pretty nifty (especially since it was only $5) buuut $90?! WHAT?! Anyway, its very generous of you to hold this giveaway 🙂

  143. Anonymous says:

    why me and my dog both would like to have that ring

    [email protected]

  144. Giulia says:

    I LOVE your ring and i can’t seem to find anything like that in italy!!! pick me, pick me!!;))

  145. DarlingV says:

    Thats so cool! I’ve been looking for a place to by that exact ring and your giving one away for free! LOL Awesome giveaway girl!

  146. Chiara says:

    If you look at my blog, you can notice I love rings! And I’m just searching a double ring like this, so, I would really like to win it!


    [email protected]


    Oh god! I think I would actually cry if I won it (yeah, my life is that exciting).
    If I had the money I would seriously pay that $90 for it on eBay, but alas I do not. I so hope you pick me, even though you probably wont. If I just lived in America then I could of bought it for myself, siigh.

  148. Jenny Cindy says:

    I looove this ring!! I’ve been looking everywhere for one like it.

    My contact email:

    PS: I adore your lace top!

  149. Tiffany says:

    I’ve been dying for this hugely coveted ring!! Thank you so much for this giveaway and for being such a great fashion inspiration 🙂

  150. Karolina says:

    love it, love it, love it. I could give him so much love !

  151. JoJo says:

    fingers crossed (a ha ha) i win! love this ring!

  152. Frida says:

    I love that ring and I have been looking for someone like this in Sweden but I just can’t find a ring like that!! I would be so very happy to win the ring!
    [email protected]

  153. Ale says:

    AHHH! I have called so many store including 3 out of state! I need, I want!

  154. Kitty says:

    I have no clue if I’m even qualified to win this thing (I live in Europe)- I just wanted to say that the ebay price is CRAZY! Are you kidding me – the retail price is only about five percent of that! Incredible. I do like the ring, even if I complain about the insane pricing on ebay. Supply and demand in all of its glory, yeah?

  155. Lindsay says:

    OH! I’ve been looking everywhere for this ring! Everyone has snatched it up! Crossing my fingers (pun! haha!)

  156. Dolce Vita says:

    I’ve been looking everywhere for this ring!! Everyone has snatched it up!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed! (pun!! haha)

  157. Danielle says:

    What a pretty ring! Thanks for doing this giveaway!


  158. Jennifer says:

    that ring is craaaazy .. !

  159. Amanda Moritz says:

    I really LOVE this ring, have been searching for it forever(21)

  160. SnakeCharmer says:

    Oh that ring must be mine hahaha. Seriously, it was love at first sight when I saw you wearing it.

  161. Viv says:

    love the ring! surprised you found it online at all….

  162. Mofoluwake Onamusi says:

    This is lovely…bless you for giving it away…..for some reason I cant imagone it being gold…silver is perfect…Love it!!

    [email protected]

  163. Ale says:

    Ahh! Ive been looking for that ring everywhereeee! I even called stores in 3 other states!!!Must have!

    [email protected]


  164. Becky says:

    Great giveaway, thank you!

  165. Nerissa The Dreamer says:

    I would love to win this ring, it is beautiful and im religous so i’d wear it with pride and every time i look down at it i can be reminded of my hope and faith that i have.

    [email protected]

  166. enna_x_x says:

    I would love to win that ring! I’ve seen it around on lots of blogs/pictures and desperately want it but cant get it here in the UK! Forever21 needs to open here!!!

    [email protected]

  167. cy says:

    you are much too sweet to do this for your readers. my fingers will love you for this if i win.

    [email protected]

  168. e. jay says:

    Want it! IDK why, but I can never get my hands on a bleedin’ kickass 2-finger ring. I live in MS so it’s a wash to find a good one in a store, and all my attempts online are thwarted by ridic designer prices/sold-outed-ness.

  169. Grace says:

    Thanks so much for setting up this giveaway! I hope I win it!

  170. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been looking for that ring everywhere! How nice of you to have a giveaway for it! (:

    [email protected]

  171. emilypanda says:

    I can never find good rings when I go to the F21 store. Always sold out for me. This is a great giveaway Karen!

  172. Ylva says:

    Im a huge fan from sweden 🙂 I really hope I win this perfect ring!

    Anyway thank you for your creativity and your gourgeous outfits that inspires me everyday!

    Love Ylva

    ([email protected])

  173. Kim Barbie says:

    So Amazing, I would love to win this ring. Is your contest open international?

  174. Sjaar says:

    THAT RING i want it on my finger.

  175. Angela says:

    Ooh! Pick me, Karen! I love it!

  176. tinatre says:

    I’ve been scouring F21 stores and website for this ring. I would love to own it.

  177. Helen says:

    As another Englih rose who loves NY and street fashion, I added your blog to my favourites after my first visit. You are an inspiration, babe.
    Anyways, pick mee to win that ring & thanks for giving it away (wouldn’t come off my finger if it were me) x

  178. Alicia says:

    oh i love this ring and i can not believe it has been selling for $90!!

  179. Sophitia.Kaze says:

    Everyone loves the ring.
    I’m not different.
    (Too bad we don’t have any Forever21 here in Portugal =.=)

  180. Blah Blah Becky says:

    Is this open to the UK? I’d love it if it is, and would be happy to pay postage! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂 [email protected]

  181. Lorena says:

    I would be the happiest girl in the world if I won, Love love that ring!=)
    keeping my fingers crossed!

    /Lorena Svensson

  182. J says:

    Hey Karen! Love your blog! Pick me! 😀

  183. Eleanor says:

    wow. i’d absolutly love this. so cute. and im a christian 🙂 loving the blog… that white lace top is SO nice!! I dont know what I have to say to win – so i’ll tell you a bad joke – everyone loves bad jokes! Why so penguins hold fish in their mouths? Because they don’t have pockets!! Bonus points because it’s extra bad. xxx

  184. Anonymous says:

    Im a huge ring fanatic. Always have 2, 3 or 4 on every day!! The cross ring is fab. Would luv to add it to my collection 🙂
    [email protected]

  185. faith says:

    that ring is gorgeous!!!. i love wearing rings, i wear one on each finger, i’d love to add this ring to my collection. i’m so glad it’s a size 7, i usually only find size 6 rings.

    [email protected]

  186. Anna says:

    I love that ring ! 🙂 I really think that shoes & jewelry is one of the mane things in a outfit. 😀

    xoxo // Anna

  187. Mari says:

    Hi! So cool of you to have this giveaway. You rock!!!

  188. haute.teapot says:

    I would love to win, just as all the others would. It’s very generous of you to have this and just give it away.

  189. Ashley says:

    Fabulous ring… A rocker edge to a simple silver cross. Lovely!

  190. Anonymous says:

    OMG I love it *_* !!

    Sadly in Switzerland we don’t have the Forever 21 stores ç_ç !

    Hope I can win ^^


    my e-mail : [email protected]

  191. Anonymous says:

    We don’t even have Forever 21 stores in my country 😀 Oh God I want it soo bad 😀
    [email protected]

  192. Olivia says:

    Such a lovely ring, would be honored if I won it 🙂

  193. Martha says:

    Oh my oh my god! literally just left a comment on if you seek style/caylee’s blog saying how much i wished i had this ring but couldn’t because we don’t have F21 in England (we so should though) and then this popped up! coincidence? no. Fate? Hell yes anyways enough rambling here’s my entry

    [email protected]

  194. Deborah says:

    I love this ring! I’ve been looking for it everywhere!

  195. Jamie says:

    awesome – love giveaways 🙂

  196. Ang says:

    omg i love it! i went to like 4 forevers and looked online and couldnt find it!! i would absolutely LOVE to win it! 🙂 i even featured it on my blog!

    [email protected]

  197. SANDRA says:

    HI honey… VOFF I really would love to win the ring! I have been in love with it for a long time but not been able to get it over here in london… I wish we had f21 over here… well maybe you know the feeling as a fellow london girl by heart..

    thanks for the chance, you are cool.

    xx sandra

  198. The Blendeds says:

    Hey! It’s your fellow curly haired girl. I hope your tried some of the products I recommended. I adore the ring and I have been stalking it on ebay . . .please please give it to me!! 🙂

  199. Anonymous says:

    Why do people want to look at those photos of pretentious-looking girls wearing important shoes with fur coats and enormous handbags? Who gives a shit! I’ve only looked at The Satorialist once and that was enough. Forget about his images; his text is nauseating!

    I don’t care about him or his French girlfriend or any of those blogs that feature smug anorexics wrapped in leather or whatever is supposed to be fierce and covetable. No matter how often they’re praised as “effortlessly chic,” they look like they’ve spent half of their lives in front of a mirror.

    I can’t even understand what I’m supposed to feel when I look at those pictures. Am I supposed to feel inspired, like maybe I can appropriate the Look for myself? Am I supposed to be envious? I just feel vaguely soiled from looking at them. It’s like porn for the post-sexual consumer. And to me, they all look the same, they’re are the same cliche, all lauded for being original and “getting it right.” Getting it Right is my new linguistic complaint. desde She gets it

  200. Natalia says:

    Cross ring… I want it for me… ;b

  201. SarahStreetNZ says:

    I live in New Zealand. So you should give it to me so I can rep it here. Pretty much the coolest ring I have ever seen. Yes Please x

  202. Anonymous says:

    I forgot to add my email. NZ NEEDS THIS RING!
    [email protected]

  203. dougak23 says:

    This ring is amazing! I have been looking for it for a while but it’s sold out! Awesome giveaway, thank you!

  204. Carolyn says:

    Love that ring! Crazy that it’s going for so much on ebay. Would love to win it 🙂

  205. Anonymous says:

    pretty pretty please with a cherry on the top! I would love to add this to my collection x

    [email protected]

  206. Anonymous says:

    it escaped from my basket sadly- pick me!
    jenniexoxo at

  207. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the giveaway! Love your F21 lace top as well. [email protected]

  208. jennifer b. says:

    that ring looks awesome! 😀

  209. Steph says:

    ooh enter me.
    my email is my profile but just in case
    lovelyone80 (at)

  210. Anonymous says:

    That ring is gorgeous and would definitely cause a stir at school…which suits me perfectly! Thank you for having this giveaway!
    [email protected]

  211. Anonymous says:

    Don”t give it away! Keep it for you self, it’s not your fault everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and wants what they cant have!! Its too late, don’t be a fool KEEP IT!

  212. Phuong says:

    Loves it! Thanks for giving us readers the chance to snag one of these!

  213. Erica says:

    I would LOVE to win this ring! Been looking everywhere for it!

  214. Ms. Chyme says:

    I love that ring. I wish to have that!

  215. MsK says:

    Love this ring. I had seen it a while back, and regretted not buying it. It looks awesome on you! I’d love to win it!

  216. Rachel Lynne says:

    I have been looking for this baby forever. I’m obviously super interested, like every other girl! Basically, it would have an amazing home and get worn everyday.

    Heres to hoping!!

    rachel lynne

  217. Skinnyintern says:

    I love this ring. Give-away is easy… just give it to me! haha >_<
    love ya!


  218. May says:

    fabulous accessory!

  219. Anonymous says:

    enter me!! thanks :))) i love your blog!
    [email protected]

  220. Anonymous says:

    I would love to win this 🙂

    Your blog is great, I love looking at your outfit posts. 🙂

    [email protected]

  221. Ariel says:

    This ring is awesome!!

  222. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely adore! Would wear to lunch with my religious grandmother then out to club!
    [email protected]

  223. RAL says:

    Ohhhhhhh I want one sooo bad! I’m from the Caribbean and I actually went to town and the malls here to see if I found myself one, but no luck! I would LOVE to win that ring, please please please!

  224. Anonymous says:

    I love rings, and this one is absolutely fabulous! (as are many of F21s 🙂 ) [email protected] 🙂 it’s sweet that you are giving it away!
    -Maddie 😀

  225. Jenny says:

    Cross ring obsession! I would love to have it!

    I am loving your most recent blog posts, your style always evolves.

    [email protected]

  226. rOckberry says:

    Pick me please.. 🙂 I would love to have one but they don’t sell it over here in Malaysia. I hope you do international shipping. 🙂 Thank you! And i love your style!

    Bethel from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    ([email protected])

  227. Sofie L says:

    There’s no Forever21 where I live and it sucks, so because of that I would love to win this pretty ring.

  228. Anonymous says:

    oh i adore this ring! i would love and treasure it – [email protected]
    please and thank you!!!

  229. E says:

    -Remember, the Ring is trying to get back to it’s master. It wants to be found.

    My pressssssiouuzzzzzzzzzz !

    xx E

  230. Madeleine Milo says:

    Such a pretty ring! Agree with Lena, very nice of you to have a giveaway:) If I win the ring has to travel all the way to Norway 🙂

  231. Marine says:

    oh my god… I’ve been obsessed by this ring (I’m such a fucking crazy fashionista) since 6 month but I can’t find anything near it in any thrift stores… which is crazy actualy, considering the number of cross jewels I found, but most of them are pendants.
    Anyways, it’s so great to have this giveaway!

    Marine (aka “Another fucking fashionista”)

  232. Anonymous says:

    i’m in love 🙂 i want it!
    we can be best friends? hahaha

    [email protected]

  233. Annadeevi says:

    It’s awesome;)

    Greetings from Estonia:)

  234. Gabriella says:

    This is crazy, Im from sweden and I found your blog… I cant even remember how. Its a great inspiration and Im jealous of the clothes and shoes you find that I cant buy from here! Well, I just love that ring and its up to you to choose someone, a kind thing to do. good luck!

  235. Anonymous says:

    [email protected]
    i live in birmingham and they don’t do f21 in the UK, so it be amazing if you chose me.

    Great blog btw, love your maxi dresses and jumpers 😀

  236. pearlsandcream says:

    i’ve been looking for this everywhere!
    went to all the forever21 and couldn’t find it 🙁

    please pick meeeee!!!

  237. Marian says:

    HI Karen! I really would like to win the’s beautiful and very original as your looks.

  238. Iida says:

    Wow that ring is amazing. I would love to have that. The ring looks so unique, at least here in finland no one would have the same ring in their fingers 🙂

    take care,
    xx Iida

  239. Treasure Island says:

    “We dance around the ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows”- Robert Frost.

    Hey K, girl from Ireland moving to NY here…that FINGER CANDY is whopper! In it to ring it!

    ([email protected])

  240. Backwaan says:

    Oh lordy, i love this ring and it would be perfect with all my other rings! i dont have one that goes over two fingers, but I do have a scorpion ring:)

    [email protected]

  241. Shopping says:

    love the ring karen! would love to win this ring, especially since it would be awesome for me to look at as i am typing away the last pages of my thesis dissertation. *grunt grunt* i visit your blog religiously as it’s a nice escape from dissertation work. 🙂 keep up the wonderful posts and thanks for holding this contest!

  242. Jonelle M♥ says:

    I was just blogging about how badly I wanted this ring earlier today:

    I googled the ring and came across your blog

    I’m not sure how you’re deciding the winner but if it helps, I’m from New York and I recently moved to the UK last September. I was reading the things you miss about London and it made me think about the things I miss about New York 🙂

    [email protected]

  243. Anonymous says:

    love this ring and have wanted it since i’ve seen it. im currently travelling europe and taking classes and since there is no forvever21 and the website is sold out. i havent been able to locate the ring until now.


    [email protected]

  244. Anonymous says:

    I love the ring <3
    You are beautiful!
    I love your blog.. I follow it religiously! hehe

    [email protected]

  245. Anonymous says:

    better late than never… so I pray I’ll still have a shot. cause there’s not a f21 store in sight around here if you don’t get on a flight somewhere, which is impossible now anyway in sweden

    [email protected]

  246. Akiiki says:

    it would be the first Forever 21 item I own and u absolutely inspire me….i would love to win it…thanks Akiiki
    ([email protected])

  247. Anonymous says:

    I would LOVE to “win” this ring. I live in sweden, and im really having hard time finding a ring that is perfect. i think this is…. 🙂 btw, your style is GREAT.
    Thank you 🙂 [email protected]

  248. The New Look says:

    That ring is fantastic! Your blog was the first place I heard about forever 21 and I love all the stuff you’ve posted from them! This giveaway is such a great idea and i would love to be considered for the ring!
    this is the first time i’ve posted a comment on your blog but i’ve followed you for a few months and love all the pictures you post, your wardrobe is incredible!

    [email protected]

  249. Beth says:

    So crazy it’s been selling for that much!

    It’s too bad I didn’t find one sooner.

    [email protected]

  250. Nadette says:

    I usually don’t care for big jewelry, but i just adore this ring! i can see it now, black sparly finger nails, cross ring, drink in hand.

  251. happyiltis says:

    Wow I like!

    happyiltis (at)

  252. Anonymous says:

    if you make it this far down the list lol… love the ring!

    [email protected]

  253. Belinda says:


    Hi beautiful. I deserve the ring more than anyone else! haha, no, probably not. But my point is, that I have been a faithful blog reader in the last 7 months, and how many daily readers do you have from Denmark? I’m Danish and despite my poor English, I have tried to read and understand everything you write. You have the wildest style, so courageous, so inspiring and innovative – you’re truly a trendsetter.
    If I don’t win the ring, I will, of course, continue as a regular reader. But the ring will definitely make my day 😉
    I suck to express myself in English, and there are probably a lot of mistakes in this text. But hey, then you’ve got today’s joke!

    A thousand thoughts
    ([email protected])

  254. Stacy says:

    i would LOVE to have that ring!!

    and it’s so nice of you to do this giveaway

  255. Anonymous says:

    Love the ring! I’m from NZ and our stores have yet to latch on to the two-finger ring craze 🙁

    [email protected]

  256. Sarah says:

    i can’t believe this ring has been going for $90+ on ebay! crazy!

    [email protected]

  257. Erin says:

    ohh my god! i feel as though i NEED that ring, it would go SOO good with the WWJD bracelet i found in the road when i was walkingg home one day.
    I would seriously wear that everyday.
    i’m soo glad i was able to see this in time for the contest becausee my computer was broken for a while and i always feel guilty if i dont read your blog everyday and then my computer is fixed and i get to see this amazingness
    pleaseee pickk mee<3

  258. Khalisha meekins says:

    I’m probably not the lucky winner, I see Soooooooo many people have commented on this beautiful ring 🙂 Anyway, just like everyone else I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would definitely ROCK IT OUT 🙂

    Peace & Love

  259. Simone says:

    I’m from Australia and my only hope of getting this ring has been on ebay (I’ve been outbid that many times!)… until now!!!

    I love love love this ring -I know if it was mine, everyone would ask “Where Did U Get That”!

    Hoping. Dreaming. Wishing.

    Your fan in Oz – Simone x
    [email protected]

  260. Anonymous says:

    can i please have that ring? i would be so happy to actually have it after almost breaking down and dropping $75 for it on etsy.

    [email protected]

    much love xoxo

  261. Louise says:

    Wow what an amazing giveaway! I nearly DIED of envy when I saw you wearing this ring. I live in New Zealand where we happen to be about um …. 20 years behind the rest of the world (no disrespect to NZ designers) – so I would LOVE the chance to wear this ring!!


    [email protected]

  262. albeart625 says:

    I’ve been stalking this ring for ages!

    [email protected]

  263. birdandholly says:

    Jeeze Louise! People are going craazy for this ring!
    I would rock it like no other. Spread the love to Australia!
    Love x

  264. Anonymous says:

    oooh! i would love to have this ring so much!

    [email protected]

  265. Ana G says:

    I would be sooo happy to win this ring it’s so gorgeous I love it!!!!!
    I’m a young actress and I’m going to cannes festival because my movie is in the competition. I promess I would wear it on the red carpet and would give the source of where did I get it 🙂

    Ana G.
    [email protected]

  266. Treasure Island says:

    “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows”- Robert Frost

    hey K, it’s the girl from Ireland moving to NY! I hope you do this ring justice and make it my baby! I’m in love with this finger candy! Cuz if you ain’t in it, you can’t ring it! 🙂


    [email protected]

  267. Anonymous says:

    babeeee that is one beautiful ring!
    i might just love you right now 🙂

    [email protected]


  268. Patricija says:

    i see i’m early now! good stuff, i really think london could use a forever21 shop, i envy you for getting those pretty little gems over there!

    [email protected]

  269. Brownsugar... says:

    *does cutesy cat face*

    May I have it? I won’t regard myself as a winner or anything! lol… 🙂


  270. Ying says:

    CHOOSE ME! I love the body chain in your previous post!

  271. Tereza says:

    Oh my…so many commets…well, I´ll try my luck anyway 🙂
    It´s really cool

    [email protected]

  272. Nadine says:

    ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  273. Rosa says:

    love it!!!!!!!

  274. Anonymous says:

    This a beautiful ring. I’ve never been able to find a ring that fits from forever 21. They normally only have rings sizes 5 or 6. This ring would make a fab addition to my new costume jewelery collection! You were def the inspiration behind my new collection/hobby. Bananas over the body chain in today post. Thanks Karen!!!

    [email protected]

  275. christine says:

    love it! thats really cool of you to give it away and not sell it overpriced on ebay. fashion should be for everybody 🙂

  276. ElinErkers says:

    How nice!? I would love this ring ! 😀

  277. fiona says:

    omg, i looooove that ring! it’s just…amazing. i would like to win it :—-)

    [email protected]

  278. Kim says:

    i want it!

  279. Anonymous says:

    Feel free to send some ring-love my way 🙂
    [email protected]

  280. Mo says:

    oh my gosh i need this and i love your blog and style!! pick me <3


  281. Anonymous says:

    Hi karen, I’ve been reading your blog ever since I discovered it from purseforum! I’m a fellow bbag lover as well! (: I really like your style alot and you have been a great inspiration to me. 😀 It’s so nice of you to give away this TDF ring. I totally regretted not getting it when I could and now it’s selling on ebay for way more than it’s worth. ):

    [email protected]

  282. mywhitelies says:

    been searching high&low for this ring! OMG, i die for it. also, love the leggings. i wish i could pull them off!

    [email protected]

  283. Marissa says:

    Love this ring…always enjoy seeing your take on how to wear the hottest trends!

  284. Anonymous says:

    OK, what the hell! I’d love the ring too. =-)

    BTW, I think we have the same couch and red painted walls! Kind of funny actually since you live on the east coast and I live on the west coast.

    best wishes!
    [email protected]

  285. striped9. says:

    ahh! i’ve been wanting this ring for forever! hoping i win, that way i don’t have to fork over $90 for it. 🙂

    [email protected]

  286. Anonymous says:

    Ive never won anything in my life so this could possibly be it!!
    i live in new zealand so its pretty much impossible to get amazingly cool rings..
    and im christain! its meant to be..
    gorgeous top!
    [email protected]

  287. alicia says:

    Love silver……love rings……love crosses……what more can i say?? mmmmmmm……maybe ‘please’ would be good??

  288. Jeanne-Ange says:

    reading this post I was like THANK GOD SHE IS SO KIND! haha you have like 0 chances finding a similar ring where I live.

    [email protected]

  289. Nicolina says:

    oh, my bad! I forgot to post my e-mail.
    [email protected]

  290. lrk says:

    OMGEEEEEEE! the sins I would commit to win that ring are real! j/k I’m a good Christian girl, but I reaaaaaly want it 🙂 Love the blog btw.

  291. justfashionshopaholic says:

    Hey! That ring is totally bfhkjhsa.. I just don’t know how to say cause it’s such a huge thing for me. I’ve seen it on like three fashion blogs and I can’t get it out of my head.. I hope lady luck keeps her fingers crossed for me 😀
    Ahem, did I tell you I worship your blog? You’re an icon to me [I love your post with the hair curls]. My email is [email protected]. Byeee!:)

  292. Christanna says:

    I waited a day too long and missed this ring – it sold out on the website 🙁

    I’m graduating college in next month and it would make my YEAR if I’d win

    xx Christanna

  293. GJ says:

    Shouldn’t be reading your blog considering my exam on monday, however, I can’t help but imagine the way that ring would look with my black lace dress.

    [email protected]

  294. Adri says:

    That is really a wicked ring…i love that its worn long ways

  295. thischicksgotstyle says:

    AAAH I have JUST been on ebay for that very ring! I loved it ever since I saw it on their website and even emailed one of my friends that on an exchange program to hunt it down but it was already sold out 🙁 There’s almost no point in entering with 400 + comments but welll 😀

  296. Hillary says:

    Would absolutely lovveeee to own this ring!!!

  297. Anonymous says:

    What a great giveaway! I’ve been looking for an awesome double finger ring, and this one would be perfect!

    [email protected]

  298. Anonymous says:

    I have to have that ring, it is just amazing. I have been to 3 forever 21’s looking for it and no luck…. I would love to win it. PLEASE PICK MEEEEE!!!!!!
    [email protected]

  299. Vivienne says:

    Tattooed London librarian needs magical ring to complete the superhero circle and make bats calls to Karen across the ocean when style crisis is impending


    [email protected]

  300. Fashionzen says:

    Oh I love this ring! If been searching for a long time for it but I found it ridiculous to pay 90 euros on ebay for it. Hope you pick me!


    [email protected]

  301. Sam says:

    Love, love, love that ring! I would be so happy to win it! Thank you so much Karen for actually doing this! It’s so very thoughtful of you having your followers in mind when you go shopping! Thank you!!


    [email protected]

  302. Bridget says:

    Loving the ring and also the colour of your nail polish!!!

  303. Angela says:

    Argh I saw this ring when it first came out, asked a ‘friend’ in the US to get it for me and i would pay them, and they didn’t so i missed out!
    I would love to win it- good luck everyone

    [email protected]

  304. Cajsa says:

    Okey, I don’t know what to write. I really love THE ring (all forever21’s rings actually – have u seen the ring which is like a wing? it was so beautiful. But i live in Sweden so I couldn’t just buy a single ring all the way from the us).

    Hope u pick me.

  305. Ritta says:

    OMG if i would own that ring I would wear it all the time, seriously!! And by the way… you blog!!

  306. Ritta says:

    OMG if I would own that ring it would be my alltime favourite, I would wear it all the time! And by the way…….love your blog!

    [email protected]

  307. Anonymous says:

    whoa, seriously $90? still cute tho 🙂 <3rings

  308. shlee says:

    <3 it. super cute.

  309. rachiex10 says:

    one of the many obsessed with the ring and would love it!

  310. Colleen says:

    great! thanks for sharing 🙂

  311. sabine says:

    i would love to have that ring. its very hard for me to find cool looking religious looking accessories without looking like a nun lol.


    [email protected]

  312. Briana Martinez says:

    i feel that i would bring as much class to this ring as you do my dear.

    [email protected]

  313. Kristen says:

    Oh I love this ring! I have since I saw it on another blog about a month ago, I would love to add this to my daily jumble of jewels I wear!!

    (I just stumbled on your blog tonight & I am hooked!)

  314. Anonymous says:

    The ring is absolutely drool-worthy 🙂
    [email protected]

  315. Deborah Adi-Ghebre says:

    OOH please please I have been lokking for just that ring every were and I would LOVE to win it!
    love your blog 😉

    [email protected] is my e-mail adress

  316. Anonymous says:


    LOVE that ring! 🙂 and lovin your outfit on this post btw!

    [email protected]

  317. linz says:

    Plzzz pick me!!! This ring is hotness (and holy lol)! Would be a great start to my journey of MORE accessorizing……

  318. Anonymous says:

    Ah this ring is really amazing! I don’t usually wear that much jewellery but recently I’ve wanted to find some interesting pieces particularly rings. It seems that some of the best pieces of jewellery are found really inexpensively like this one and winning it would be a great start to perhaps collecting some more found pieces! It’s a great unisex ring too. Would be really happy if I won this!
    [email protected]

  319. Anonymous says:

    what a beautiful ring! Greetings from Finland 🙂

    [email protected]

  320. sk says:


    skootsy [at]

  321. Anonymous says:

    I love this ring! I went to four different F21’s in LA and they said they never received it! I need it in my life!

    [email protected]


  322. Daria says:

    i’m soooo glad you took a pic of this outfit.

    its fabulous.

  323. STYLEEZTA says:

    pick me pick me
    that ring is FAB!

  324. Anonymous says:

    Love this blog, love the ring, love the way you wore it in your last entry !
    You’re a better person than I am for giving it away haha, even if I had two I’d probably keep both 😛

    [email protected]
    xo, kiks

  325. Jade Antoinette says:

    The Goth in me is dying for this.
    Please love me and let me win it!

  326. in3gue says:

    I am the girl who stays up at night in London because I know you are posting around that time in US, I came across your blog Summer last year and since then you’ve totally changed my style, taste in clothes and outlook on fashion, I would simply feel very much honored to have such a beautiful gift from you, it would be my good-luck charm 🙂 besides it’s so symbolic…..purrfect..

    inx/fellow londoner

  327. Karen says:






    Karen x

  328. Ellery says:

    I’ve been dreaming of this ring!

  329. Anonymous says:

    Wow!!! Amazing ring, but where is the turqoise ring from? I want it so bad, but from the UK!! xxx
    [email protected]

  330. Alicya says:

    Hellooooo beauties 🙂 I found the DOUBLE FINGER CROSS RINGS in silver, gold, and gunmetal really cheap here:
    I have been wearing the gunmetal and silver one’s end to end, have gotten heaps of compliments and LOVEing them 🙂

  331. Capt Barry Johnson says:

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    contact details below

    Successful applicants will be contacted directly.

    Recruiting Department of Cunard Cruises Lines
    Email : [email protected]
    Capt Barry Johnson

  332. Capt Barry Johnson says:

    Cunard River Cruise Line Job Offer….

    Cunard River Cruise Line
    Carnival House,
    100 Harbour Parade,
    Southampton SO15 1ST
    United Kingdom.

    Cunard River Cruise Line want to use this medium to announce to
    general public that vacancies is now on for all applicants.We are
    seeking qualified candidates with the knowledge, skills and attitude,
    passion for excellence and quality service,who will fill the following
    vacant position below:

    *Mate Engineer
    *First Mate
    *2nd Engineer
    *2nd/3rd Officer
    *Customer Care Representatives
    *Guest Room Attendants

    *Head Housekeepers


    Company Remuneration range from 5,000.00
    Great British Pounds to 10,000.00 Great British Pounds Monthly.

    If you are qualified with experience as crew on Sailing yachts,
    fluent in English, another language is a plus. Please reply with your
    updated CV,passport photograph and current remunerations to the
    contact details below

    Successful applicants will be contacted directly.

    Recruiting Department of Cunard Cruises Lines
    Email : [email protected]
    Capt Barry Johnson

Comments are closed.

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