sometimes i wish i was a kid again

Leggings: American Apparel. Lace top: Forever21. Shoes: Bebe. Jacket: Zara. Hat: Free People. Shades: Ray Ban. Lips: Schiap by NARS. Blue stone ring: Macys. Crucifix ring: Forever21
Couldn’t resist the odd ride when I was growing up. I’m sure back then I wore a little dress with round toe shoes and ankle socks (still love the shoe/sock thing).
Everything’s different now, but still nothing has really changed.
It’s still about being a girl. The flowers. Some lace. Your fave pair of shoes.


  1. Cupcakes and Cashmere says:

    this might be my favorite outfit of yours to date. and that’s not just because you’re on those rides (which do look irresistibly fun). love the pairing of the floral and lace with those edgy shoes.

  2. Josephine says:

    Lovely Karen lovely !

  3. Amber's Notebook says:

    WOW you rock those pants. I LOVe those shoes!

  4. brandi says:

    love those shoes with the leggings!

  5. Taylor B. @ Auburn Not Red says:

    So beautiful! Love the bubble-gum shades of lips and nails that mimic the leggings. Only you could pull off lace and florals!

    Being a kid is always fun no matter the age.

  6. princesspolitico says:

    you are after my HEART with those floral leggings that so adroitly combine my favorite print with my favorite style of pants. LOVELY SPRINGTIME LOOK. you look so carefree πŸ™‚


  7. Joyce says:

    so cute! I don’t think I could ever pull that off.

  8. caylee says:

    hello perfect spring mix! and um, can i say that your bottom half looks spectacular in those leggings =)

  9. hiyaluv says:

    love the leggings and lace combo! so chic:)

  10. Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! says:

    These photos are so cute, love the pony and toy store in the background! The floral pants are lovely with that lace top! xoxo

  11. Tasha says:

    I used to love those rides as a kid! It sooooooo brings me back to childhood.

    …and yes, floral leggings are a MUST!!!

  12. Britt says:

    i love your hair, how do you achieve that perfect tousled look?

  13. Nikki Ashley says:

    I would have never thought to pair those things together. Love this look!

  14. Esque. says:

    your absolutely brilliant

  15. Phyllis says:

    so in love with these photos!

  16. Ashley says:

    I love those leggings, they’re so fun! And I love that you’re wearing that F21 ring – it’s so great that not everything has to cost a fortune to be amazing! Only $3.80, and the one I bought hasn’t left my fingers since I got it!


  17. Harry says:

    Lace and floral leggings shouldn’t work, cannot work really- but you’ve managed to rock them together in a way I cannot fathom. Love the lipcolour.

  18. Angela says:

    these pics are awesome and I am really in love with those floral tights xoxo

  19. The Queen of Hearts says:

    For me, my favorite: the lipstick. If only my lips were normal sized…

  20. Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! says:

    ps, I got my Forever 21 fringe bag on sale last year. I am sure they will have more this year πŸ˜‰ xoxo

  21. thehautepursuit says:

    this is hot lady!! i love the photography. really really great concept–I love busy photos!
    I think this lip color looks epic on you…..mebbe it’s time I pick up a tube of pink myself….btw what color is that?? Nars right?

  22. Swank Heights says:

    It’s going to be dangerous with both of us in New Orleans!

  23. Gelllz says:

    Wow, I looove that outfit and the photos are amazing.

  24. PUNKIE says:


  25. All Women Stalker says:

    Lace top and floral leggings? That is definitely new and FUN πŸ™‚

  26. The Fashion Cloud says:

    Fantastic outfit, I think I can’t count anymore the number of times I have tried on floral leggings and never been convinced, but this just makes me regre never getting a pair πŸ™‚


  27. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels says:

    I love how you can make things work that one anyone else would look odd. Some of your looks definitely qualify as “not everyone can pull that off” – like this one: I don’t like flowery prints, and those leggings could even bee too much with a lace top, but you really make it work. The blazer, the wedges, the blue nail polish… you manage to accessorize so that the outfit looks fun and playful but far from cutesy. Awesome.

  28. DISTRIKMODE says:

    Such a fun post! Yeah I love those rides when I was younger too (and still do! LOL)… and yeah I totally rocked the sock + sandal bit. I have to bow down to you though chica, cause you donned the cropped top + leggings combo fearlessly! Well, you totally have the bod for it, so I’m not surprised… I would look sooo bad wearing leggings with cropped tops.. booty will be all OUT! πŸ˜›

    Farrah @ DISTRIKMODE

  29. SheWearSheShares says:

    White lace is looking real hot right now. Just bought a lace tank from AA. Thinking of wearing a navy blue or black striped tank under it. We’ll see how that goes…

  30. h says:

    those leggings are <3

  31. Karoline says:

    Really love it, and honestly the woman in the last photo looks a little jealous or something:P

  32. Sjaar says:

    i´m still dying for those shoes.

  33. Hanna says:

    I adore your look!

  34. Tegan says:

    omg this is amazing!!!
    i love those shoes! i never would of thought to match the lace top with those leggins but it looks so good! and you are so brave walking down the street all dolled up. i do NOT have the balls to do that!!! hahaha


  35. Tinja says:

    I find the combination with floral and lace interesting, i should try on it! πŸ˜€ I love your topic, sometimes i wish that too…

  36. Jamie says:

    Love that forever21 top!! I love how you paired it with the floral bottom and edged it out with those wedges. Fantastic!

  37. Nathalie says:

    I simply love this post. The message is so great. And these leggings look fantastic on you

  38. Princess of many sorts says:

    I am a European girl myself, and after following you for a while,.
    Seeing the people in the background, you can clearly see that you are not American…

    But British, personally i like your UK way of dressing:)

    Have a nice day – SP

  39. Anette says:

    great hat! leggings rock.


  40. La Lionne says:

    What is the lipstick name?!

  41. sexyinthecity says:

    Great style!
    love that combination, flowers + lace top!! It’s a great mix!!

  42. Karen says:

    Cupcakes and Cashmere – thanks. I know we both have this top so def try the floral thing?

    Britt – errr. I just undid a braid i had slept in over night.

    Sjaaar – get thhhhem…..

    Swank Heights – I know!! I have to email you to talk.

    Disrikmode – i can see this look easily with harem pants too which work on nearly every size.

    Haute Pursuit/La Lionne – its written above. Its Schiap by NARS : )

    Neekoh – you’ll love them. Works great with oversized tops too. Like any normal legging.

    thx guys – I’m reading everyone’s comments.!!

  43. CMA says:

    i love this look
    super fun, dress-up inspired
    you have a lovely blog, keep it up
    thanks for sharing as always, darling!


  44. Farah says:

    love the top, cant believe its from forever21, can never find stuff that good here at the canada stores!

    D e g a i n e

  45. MinΓ©a says:

    Wow, love the pictures!

  46. Marie says:

    Those leggings are absolutely lovely. You totally rock them.
    I can’t help sitting on large plastic ducks either… who can resist!?

  47. fai says:

    awsome, loe ure wardrobe, love ure photshoot. cool

  48. The Fancier says:

    You look deliciously sweet! Love the lace top and fierce wedges.

  49. BRUUN by BRUUN says:

    LOVE love LOVE the tights !


  50. Violet says:

    i love the leggings and those shoes are perfect!… i really need to go out and get a pair that i saw

    Vi from Cali

  51. Luxe. says:

    Oh my gaaad I want that lipstick! Your legs go on forever!.x

  52. Soooali says:

    You look so sweet, love the lace.

  53. handmade jewelry says:

    love it! Love your post. It reminds me of my childhood – I used to ride on every single animal I could spot! handmade jewelry

  54. The Fashion Connection says:

    Its crazy how much I anticipate your blog posts. I’m in love with every single outfit you come up with!

  55. Karen says:

    Farah – keep looking. It’s not there often but once in a while you get gems.

    Handmade Jewellery – thx. It’s something we can all relate to.

    Violet – do! They are so worth it.

    Thx guys for all your comments !!

  56. Caroline, No. says:

    OH dude, this made me laugh so much! Like, you’re pretending not to go on the ride, then you do.

  57. Li says:

    I love your outfit, and what you wrote “Everything’s different now, but still nothing has really changed” I’m so stealing this quote while linking it back to you! (:

  58. Kara says:

    Everything about this outfit is so awesomely springtime… you wouldn’t thinks that putting all those things together would work, but you did it.

  59. Kittynail says:

    I love your outfit photos! amazing!

    Check out my blog too if you want πŸ™‚

  60. Karen says:

    Li – I kinda like that too lol!! use away : )

    Kittynail – thx its a collaborative effort.

    Caroline – ha! didn’t realize it looked like that.

  61. bravegrrl says:

    i love these shoes with these tights… you are amazing!!!


  62. RAL says:

    Your nail polish is my new LUST ITEM!!! Your outfit is on point…lovely!

  63. Angela Wipf says:

    kinda obsessed with this now karen

  64. Angela Wipf says:

    kinda obsessed with this now karen

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