Shirt: American Apparel. Harems: Topshop (in London). Bag: Vintage Coach (thrift find). Leather jacket: Zara. Shades: American Apparel (vintage collection). Fedora: T &V. Boots: Nine West (2 yrs ago). All jewellery (except small flat ring): Courtesy of Fashionology <--thanks Rachel! Lips: MAC 'So Chaud'
We took these pics just before dinner at a local restaurant.
Like leopard print, sheer shirts have been around for ages but (to me) looked a bit naff before (I’m sure I rented out Shaft or some 70’s pimp flick where someone had one on). It’s a different story now though.
The red hair ends (thanks to coloured hair spray) are still visible but fading out which I kinda like. Enough to actually consider a semi permanent rinse/dye. For now, I’m too chicken to go for it. Spray will satisfy the crave.
I’ll still ask the question: Anyone had success with semi permanents? worth it?

I really like the sheer shirt and how you left it unbuttoned at the top. You look great! x
WildFlower says:
Your a total babe! The leather jacket is a nice one, and Im liking that tusk necklace you have on. The lipstick shade really suits you and is a great touch to this outfit.
Semi permanent dye….well when I have used it a couple of times I find it fades out a considerable amount only after the first wash so I guess its best for someone who doesn’t wash their hair everyday. Always worth a try tho and can wash out to some interesting shades!…and it is just hair!
ShoesForDessert says:
Love this look!! I love the sheer blouse and those leopard print pants! You always look like such a bad ass – I wish I could rock that look. Colored hair spray?? I need some!
polobandit says:
Sebastian Cellophanes has pretty awesome semi-permanents, but they wash out a little with each shampoo. Top notch stuff though. The RedRed color is killer, but it will NEVER fully rinse out, so be prepared.
jemina says:
you look so cool, and im using semi permanent, it’s great cos it’s not damaging the hair, and you can change the hair colour should you get bored, and i get bored easily with my hair colour, so it’s perfect. love, j, xoxo
Diana says:
ahh the nitty gritty dirty of nyc. love the backgrounds!
kelly frances says:
the pants are fabulous! and what a great thrift find, i can never find such gems when i go browsing
Elena S. says:
i just got that same vintage coach bag in tan brown! also a thrift find haha
Coco and Zaahb says:
I love the harem pants, The print makes them really cool
Beth says:
You look awesome. i love the pants with the boots.
I only do semi-permanants – I like to change my mind- but wallow in my mistakes for a while. Self torture is in this year.
The Original Swedish Blonde! says:
I wish I could wear harem pants. “green of envy” You look hot! I bet you’d even look fab. in a garbagebag. “lol”
ronelmarin.net says:
you so gorgeous
iamronel says:
pretty much awesome
FashionHippieLoves says:
awesome pics!
Glamour Bbey. says:
Your pants are hot! Great look as usual!
Donna Li says:
Amazing!!! I love the leopard print pants.
Wini says:
nice bag 🙂
Contempo Ingenue says:
seriously, only you get away with these, they look like they were made for you! very cute
the contemporary ingenue
xoxo E&L
marie says:
lovelyyy…great leather jacket <3
ari says:
love those amazing pants worn with the boots and leather jacket!
and the red purse finishes it of to perfection!!
f says:
love your pants
CeCeSoChic says:
These printed harems are awesome – love! As far as hair dyes – negative. I only did it once, it was permanent and I grew it out never to revisit color again. Maybe one day…the red looks great on you though 🙂
Toni says:
I used to do semi-permanents. Just be careful with the dye and the mix of the perm. I used Garnier box dyes and my color lasted about a month or so.
pkjb says:
love that bag – and the hareems are ledge! ck 🙂 x
Mysterious G. says:
Gosh, I love this look. All the transparency! <3 I watched a video with you on stylelikeu.com. You seem a very sympathetic character.
Mysterious G.,
Check out my blog sometime.
Debraland says:
amazing outfits!
Dodo says:
I don’t know if you can get it but I use Lariche Directions. It comes in a small pot (so reusable) and in many colours! Most fade to a nice colour (I’ve had pink that just went lighter and turquoise that’s now a light blue).
There are also brands as ManicPanic or Stargazer but Directions is more a favourite amongst people.
And I love your leather jacket!
Stef says:
I love this outfit 😀
I used a semi permanent purple(!) hair dye last summer when I got bored of my style and it worked really well, I didn’t bleach it and I have really dark hair too. It’s worth a try because it’s not exactly a huge commitment and if you really hate it just wash the shit out of it and it’ll be back to normal soon.
ShouldaWouldaCoulda says:
beautiful outfit!
MELISSA Z. says:
I’m in love with your pants! <3
Great photos as usual! My fav is the first one!
Karoline says:
Great outfit! Your pants rocks!
Kelly says:
One of my favorite outfits!! :)) And I don’t have the guts to go semi-perm with the dyes either. Sprays seem like a good option that I might try.
<3 Kelly
Malena says:
Pants and shirt are incredible!
All Women Stalker says:
I have never been brave enough to change the color of my hair. Love the bag!
Eleanor says:
the light in thoses pictures is beautiful! you’re photographer/boyfriend? is amazing! im too scared to try a see through shirt but i think you’ve def pulled it off.. and where can you get wash out spray dye? i’d love to try it!! thanks a mil. loving the site! xxxx http://improcrastinate.blogspot.com
Camilla says:
I saw that shirt, I wish I had bought it! It looks amazing x
RedHead says:
So you DID get those harems! They look much better on you than they did on me (story of my life). I have to say I agree about the faded red hair, I didn’t think the red ends suited you.
Fashion Du Jour says:
I’m so inspired each time I see your posts. Keep it up!
Anonymous says:
Love the fit… I have a permanent red in my hair – Ive had it for over 5 years I love it… I will never go back to one color – mines is at the top though – The color looks good on u
SheWearSheShares says:
need a moto jacket too. I ‘ll hit up Zara soon!
zgoo says:
I want your clothes. All! You look amazing 🙂
Anonymous says:
I say just go for permanant hair colour every time, ive been usin permanant since i was 14, and if i dont like whatever shade i try, i just do it again in another colour!
carling says:
you look amazing! &love the bag
Elle Sees says:
too fierce! dayum!
I’ve used semi-perm but only to hide greys, no crazy cool colors.
unstoppablestyle says:
karen, you are badass. 😀
caylee says:
you know i love this. all of it. you look so good in harems!
PUNKIE says:
this is totally amazing! love the pants so mucha and the way you combined it it’s just perfect!
Margarita's Blog Spot says:
Love the look…I have permanent hair color currently. If you take care of your hair it doesn’t break off, however I am tired of the color and it take forever to grow out, so I’ve been experimenting with rinses over the dye.
nathalie says:
I have checked your blog for a while now and I love your style! 🙂
Posey says:
I have rinses put in. My hair is blonde but I get a golden brown rinse done in between highlights and I love what it does to my hair. It’s constantly fading so it always changes colour so if you love change like me then it’s a great move. I would get a rinse because they just wash out and aren’t as harsh as semi-perminant. Semi perminant colours always end up changing your hair.
Posey x
Karen says:
Thx guys for the hair color recs and experiences.
Def food for thought!!
As for the pants, I think they’re one of my favourites : )
K x
peggy says:
Vio says:
I love that pants!!!!
your look rocks