
We took these pics after lunch and heading to the park. I found this psychedelic crochet cardi about a month ago-ish. The stretchy yarn and circular pattern reminds me of a spider’s web. I had to take it.
The wide flare jeans are a couple of sizes big on me (last size from a boutique closing down sale).
Here’s the wedges I posted last week. They run TTS and are so worth it for a 70’s style vibe.

Crochet cardigan: Strawberry. Jeans: Seven. Also available here. Shoes: Joe’s Jeans. Bikini & blue pendant: H&M. Large nail pendant: Courtesy of Fashionology. Fringe bag: Foley & Corinna vintage. Pink stone ring: YSL


  1. Desert Flower says:

    This is SOOOO 70’s! Very cool.

  2. Ashley says:

    Loving that sweater, very cool shape to it! And mannn check out your abs! I’m having serious ab envy! I definitely need to step it up on the crunches, LoL! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Alice says:

    love your jeans and long necklace ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Anne Sophie Vermehren says:

    .. if only I had your abs.. ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Aimee says:

    The cardigan is beautiful! The colours are amazing!

  6. pea says:

    coolest cardi! you look great…

    p.s. I’m wearing the same necklace in my latest post! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Martwa Marta says:

    you look so fierce! gorgeous!

  8. Emma at Daily Clothes Fix says:

    I love the 70s styling on this. You’ve inspired me to think about other ways to wear my flares. Dress down Friday this week is calling (that will be my first opportunity). You look great.

  9. Diana says:

    Sexy!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Ummm, dude those jeans are just lovely! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. *rachelwears says:

    this look is sooo cute, i have only just discovered this blog & i adore it x

  11. thehautepursuit says:

    hi HOTNESS! i love that colorful crochet cardigan….so eternally summer.

  12. JIN says:

    you’re taking me back in time with this outfit – I love it!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Why for the love of life would you walk around town wearing a bikini top?

  14. Clara says:

    Seriously you find the BEST crochet pieces!

    and can’t believe that pendant is from h&m. Must get.

  15. Lady says:

    you are very 70’s today!!!!


  16. Anonymous says:

    You’re cute, but you wore a bikini on the street…?

    I don’t get it.

  17. bravegrrl says:

    summer perfection ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. heart charlie says:

    Amazing photos! Amazing body, Amazing colors! Love that necklace ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Tinja says:

    That crochet cardigan looks so cool! love the colors and combined with the jeans, this look has a lovely, cool 70’s feeling.

  20. The Style Strutter says:

    Gorgeous colours:)!!


  21. Debbie says:

    Oh-my-God. GIRL-CRUSH-ALERT!

    This outfit looks amaaaazing on you! Love it!


  22. cici says:

    This is so 70s! Love you for wearing this out! ahh amazing.

  23. Fashion Butter says:

    Love this. Kind of an Eryka Badu vibe I dig.

  24. Anonymous says:

    When u gonna do the hair post!!!

  25. Malena says:

    Croched cardigan is beautiful!

  26. unstoppablestyle says:

    you got that from strawberry? awesome! and i love your new style. you said before that you wanted to emulate erykah badu’s style. you definitely do. it’s hippie/bohemian chic and i love it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Steph says:

    you look so hippie and 70ish…I like bell bottoms on taller women. On me, they swallow me all up.

  28. Amy says:

    LOVE the whole outfit. It’s so seventies, so effortlessly perfect. The whole ensemble looks great on you, especially with your hair!

    I need a new pair of flared jeans badly. It’s been too long.

  29. Ife' says:

    well hot daaaamn! don’t you look fabulous… Is it possible to hate someone and love them at the same time?? Just kidding, just kidding…but you have inspired me to take my ass to the gym ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love it, love, love it!

    Eboni Ife’
    The Fashionista Next Door

  30. Maria says:

    You’re gorgeous!! And I simply adore the look ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Sophia says:

    fabulous necklace..what a great set! you always have excellent pictures

  32. Dylana Suarez says:

    Amazing jeans and love the sweater!

  33. Studded Hearts says:

    yay! you’re wearing your joe’s jeans platforms!
    looks freaking awesome.


  34. Silvia says:

    you should buy some john lennon glasses hippie girl! ๐Ÿ˜€ perfect summer style!

  35. kirstyb says:

    wow love love loving this look x

  36. Sissy รก la Mode says:

    Karen…amzing as always!!! are we back in the 70’s????? ; )LOVE

  37. LUU H. says:

    gosh, i want your stomach ! i mean, i want to be thin as you ๐Ÿ˜›

  38. Lipstick Diva says:

    Great abs girl! work it ;0)

  39. delina says:

    great look!! love your cardigan awesome x

  40. camorrowj says:

    You make me want to do 5,000 sit-ups and eat only carrot sticks!

  41. Louise says:

    Wow serious ab envy going on right now. You are seriously in amazing shape!! Love, love, love the whole look – the necklace is to die for and I love (using that word a lot, sorry!) the 5th photo – it has so much attitude! xxxx

  42. Signhild says:

    May I ask you how you edit your pictures? You got this beautiful colors, looks kind of old fashion if u know what i mean. For example the second last photo. ๐Ÿ™‚ you’re so pretty. Love from norway

  43. Karen says:

    Pea – necklace twins

    Thehautepursuit – eternally is such a good description for the cardi. I nodded when I read that.

    Amy – def get a pair. It makes a welcome change to wearing the same old boring straights.

    Camaorrowj – omg lololol!!! eating carrots would last about 20 mins for either of us. GOT to eat a bit more than that lol!!!

    Yvonne – welcome : )

    Louise – awwww thanks and I overuse loads of words. I have to catch myself when I speak sometimes.

    Signhild – Photoshop! Just taking down the saturation and playing around really.

    Diana – hello you! Thx : ))

    Anon – I know I know. THe hair post. I can’t say when since I don’t want to make promises with a date. It’s on my mind though to do one and I will.

    Other Anon – Because it’s bloody hot out and more importantly, because I felt like it.

    Thx for the comments pple. I can’t remember when I DIDN”T like crochet for summer. It’s a staple every year.

  44. Style Porn says:

    I actually kind of like the way the pants “hang” on you. Its sort of in keeping with the relaxed, hippie vibe.

    As a San Franciscan, I am insanely jealous of anyone who has warm enough weather to walk around in a bikini top. It’s currently 58 degrees outside.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Sweetie, ur cute and everything. But if it’s “so bloody hot out” you might want to consider NOT wearing thick denim jeans?
    That bikini top around town looks just ridiculous, I am sorry. Other than that, the pics are nice, if this was a magazine photo shoot. Only, you know, err, it’s not.

  46. kelly frances says:

    okay, id die for that crochet cardigan!!


  47. Karen says:

    Style Porn – until I wash it and it shrinks lol!!

    Kelly Frances – I wonder if other places have it still? thx!!

    Anon – I got nothing but love for ya. Sweetie.

  48. Anna says:

    Bad-ass outfit! You look amazing!

  49. Flybynight says:

    Thats right K, fight fire with LOVE!!!!

  50. Anonymous says:

    K if you want to wear a bikini top in all that hot and humid NYC weather go for it! Love love love the laidback relaxed look.

  51. Shamini says:

    love this cardi!!

  52. caylee says:

    you just look so damn cool. like you were born to rock this look!

  53. Oana R says:

    We think you’re cool.

  54. kiwaczek2 says:

    i actually love everything about this outfit. weird;) I never like all;) the shoes are fab, I wonder if they send to Poland, have to check.

  55. Kookie B. says:

    this is so hot, hot, hot! i envy you for living in a city where it’s not considered a taboo to wear bikini tops on a normal day. if i wore this outfit in Manila, i’d either get “the eye” of worse, i’ll be dubbed as hooker (not that you look like one, k?).

    if only Filipinos were a bit more open-minded with fashion, i would’ve worn this outfit in a heartbeat!

    do send me some crazy lovin’ over at ๐Ÿ™‚

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