the details

Tunic: H&M. Belt: Borrowed from the boyfriend. Jacket: Thrift. Bag: Vintage. Sandals: Courtesy of Coach <---shown here in black/silver. Shades: Ray Ban
Completely forgot about these pics.
They were taken a while ago when it was mild but I still needed a jacket.
Apart from the bagginess, the thumb holes on this tunic were the main reason I took this. I hardly ever see that sort of detail on (non designer) clothes.


  1. Michelle Elaine says:

    easy and sexy 🙂 simple chic – you always pull it off so well!


  2. Lanni says:

    Love the Native American bag! I was looking at your pics from the 4th and I sawy a funny expression on one of the young lady’s faces in the background. Do people ever say anything to you when your photographer is taking pictures of you? Silly question I know, but her expression made me curious. lol

  3. Chanile says:

    I love black and brown together. You look pretty 🙂

  4. bravegrrl says:

    great tunic 🙂

  5. Coco and Zaahb says:

    I had to scroll down and see when you took these pics because I knew there was no chance in hell that you’ve could of worn that anytime in the past MONTH in New York, lol

  6. Anonymous says:

    There u go again…always looking good!!!! u go work that thang girl…lol!

  7. Vicky Klbr says:

    amazing pictures… great style!!! love the jacket!!


  8. IN3GUE says:

    seems like sandals + fur coats is all we gonna wear here in UK very soon.. too damn cold for summer these past few days.

    and ooh yess, love this tunic! x

  9. Karoline says:

    Fantastic outfit! The bag is a stunner!

  10. The Fashion Cloud says:

    Great tunic and that coat is simply stunning. I like the fact that you mixed brown and black together, so many people don’t and its such a shame


  11. Wrecked Stellar says:

    Love this look- esp. loving your super cute bag!

  12. L. says:

    a coat! my gosh, wish i were there. we’re dealing with 90+ weather. it is a lovely coat, nonetheless.

  13. Fashion-Vanity says:

    Every single detail.. I love it

  14. Clara says:

    That fringed bag is KILLING IT!

  15. Pennerad says:

    great tunic. love the belt and jacket as well.

  16. Modemädchen says:

    omg i love your outfit!!! Awesome!

    xoxo M.

  17. Lizzy says:

    I thought these were from yesterday, when it was about a million degrees outside. PHEW!

    Love that jacket/dress combo.

  18. Shamini says:



  19. kelly frances says:

    im obsessed with that jacket!!


  20. Anna says:

    Love it! Makes yearn for colder days. Warm enough for bare legs but a little chilly to wear a jacket.

  21. Rebekha says:

    yay a brit, you sort of remind of a younger version of my mother with the style too bad she lost her accent though too influenced by nigerians lololol peace

  22. mel says:

    love the belt and tunic. you look gorgeous x


  23. Karen says:

    Blogger is acting weird showing number of comments. Hopefully they’ll fix!

    Coco and Zaab – good thing you read my blog. no way I’d wear this coat right now!!

    Lanni – they just watch/stare : ) Sometimes car drivers stop to watch too but that’s where we put the camera down and look right at them and they drive off. It’s not a show!

    L – re read the post. this wasn’t worn this week 😉 its 100 degrees in NY!

    Thx everyone for the comments!!

    K. x

  24. confessions of a marc addict. says:

    before i read the text in this post i was like WHAT THE HELL, how is she wearing a coat in new york right now!? i’ve been in ny for the past couple of days and almost melted in a t-shirt!

  25. caylee says:

    when i first saw the pics (and before i read the corresponding text), i was like no way karen, how are you wearing this when it’s 100+ degrees out? lol, now i see that they are older.
    i would’ve bought that tunic if it had been at my store…thumbholes = awesome!

  26. Karen says:

    Caylee – no way in hell i’d wear that coat this week!!! lol!! yea you def would’ve got the tunic!

    Looks like I gave some of you a scare before you read the post lol!! ; )

  27. All Women Stalker says:

    Oh I wish my boyfriend has fun belts I can borrow. He doesn’t even own one!

  28. Karen says:

    Geri – thx – did you get the wedges?

    Prutha – even though it’s not season appropriate ; ) at least not for right NOW ; ))

    All Women Stalker – just raid men’s sections of H&M or Gap or vintage shops and get belts. I do that too!

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