Dress: Forever 21 <-- bought last year. Shoes: Chuck Taylors (DIY studded). Shades: Ray Ban. White leather bag: Buffalo Exchange. Silver nail pendant: Courtesy of Fashionology. Large hammer ring: Fashionology. Turquoise bracelet: Gift. African bracelet: African shop in Union Square
On Monday, Michael and I ended up getting our feet wet in the sea at Long Beach. First time for me this summer (sad – I know). The original plan was to just eat lobster and go home!
The dress got soaked from the waist down but dried in seconds from the heat (I swear it seemed like it was).
Summer is here.
How’s everyone’s summer so far? I need to find a concert to go to before everything’s sold out. I’m so late and have a stack of Time Out’s to highlight for stuff to try. I’m starting to panic.
ps. Did you see the size of that lobster I posted on my twitter from Monday? Still can’t get over the size.

madwears says:
i love this studded converse *-* and the dress is amazing! i wish here in brazil were summer too! haha :*
Steph says:
Okay but WHY is the lady in the first picture looking at you like that?!?! cute dress.
Lemondrop Marie says:
That is the prettiest floral- great photos as always.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
I am in love with your studded converse shoes! I would love a pair just like them. They look so cute with the dress. x
Anonymous says:
the lady is just jealous haha. love the dress/the necklace/the ring/your hair! 🙂
Mia Delessi says:
Hi Karen, you look fantastic. I love your studded sneakers
FashionHippieLoves says:
your dress is amazing!
And really adore the combination with chucks
Roya says:
So in love with the studded converse. Considering doing this to mine…
Coco and Zaahb says:
Summer so far is awesome! Loving your studded converse btw
Sarah Dee says:
you look fabulous!! love the ring
Injury Lawyer says:
love your floral dress really pretty
bravegrrl says:
what a lovely dress 🙂
Niika says:
i love how u paired the dress with the converse..looks great
Ms-gg says:
lol@ that lady!!! She a star now lol
lauren baluyo says:
You make studded converses look unbelievably sexy!
Well done, pretty lady!
Please come visit my blog when you get a minute.
xx Lauren
feli says:
love the last pic
Gon says:
You look lovely, love your converse! Up until now my vacations have been pretty sweet thanks!
Dimogonda blog
J E N E E N + N I C O L E says:
George Clinton is performing on the 12th and it’s Free!! The MLK Summer Series
check it out
Fashion Butter says:
So pretty. One of my favorite looks.
hezron says:
SheWearSheShares says:
love that you chose converses with this printed dress, and love even more you’re not afraid to get a little wet all glammed up!
Glamour Bbey. says:
I like your dress!
Camilla says:
Lovely dress 🙂
hezron says:
it’s look like the old Woman that passed by got angry with your outfit and she said!.. “gosh she overcome my beauty” LOL..
MELISSA Z. says:
adorable dress and cool sneakers! Love the last pic so much!
rouli says:
u look amazin!!!!!!
lovely dress!!!!!!
cool post!
pls come visit and join:))
Flybynight says:
Hi karen u look amazing, i love how everything compliments each other. By the way i see alot of people love when you wear your hair curly asking how to achieve it,Why dont u make a youtube video on it (like ur smokey eye makeup/belts/bag ones) that way when they ask u, u can direct them straight to your you tube video, instead of having to keep repeating your self.(just a suggestion hun!!)
Maria says:
How’s that lady’s face in the first photo, classic.
jamie-lee says:
that’s the thing about summer, it seems to be over as soon as it has begun! it’s the middle of winter here, and i’m trying to make sure i won’t miss out on shows for the internatinal film festival
Tima says:
LOVE it!!! Looks like you had a great time!!
Katy says:
Really like the dress! And I have to laugh when I look at the woman in the first photo. She is so ugly!!!
Anna says:
I love this! I love your look!
Sjaar says:
Hahaha in the first shot the woman behind you looks like she´s so mad haha.
Cute dress.
SWAY says:
i loved that you paired a cute dress with converse shoes! its like the battle of the “girlie girl” vs the “tom boy” 😀
i have a very similar silver hammered knuckle ring♥
http://www.sway925.blogspot.com 🙂
Paula says:
i love the drees!
it is so beautifull!
yeaaah the summer come heree!!=)
Tory says:
Ha! That woman in the background is hilarious!
mrs. halimah. says:
love the studded chux.
Alice says:
love your dress, it´s super-dress 😀
Shamini says:
love your dress!
kelly frances says:
sea, lobster, floral dress.. perfect
Laura. says:
that dress looks so nice on you!
the chucks are cute with studs on
Chiara says:
My last fixation are long necklaces..
The rosary one, I love!
DWJ says:
Go to the Alice Smith concert tonight at BB Kings. She’s phenomenal. I had the pleasure of sitting next to and chatting with her Dad at a concert in MD.
The Original Swedish Blonde! says:
What an ensemble! I especially like the studded Converse. 🙂
ediot says:
W O W! what an perfect summer outfit. love the combo converse and floral dress. you look so stunning!
"L" says:
Love your dress!
playwithfashion says:
Dress is so amazing!!! Wow, and the way it looks with sneakers!
Emma at Daily Clothes Fix says:
I love the dress with the converse. Those DIY studs make it even cooler.
In The Eve says:
loving your style!
All Women Stalker says:
Haha love the first photo. Very funny.
J.S. says:
I see that a few ppl have also commented about this but I love the look on that lady’s face in the first pic…..classic!! Love the outfit!
lizzy says:
your pictures are getting better and better! (they were already awesome)
Song of Style says:
u rock chucks like no other.
freakin hot lady <3
Karen says:
OMG you lot had me cracking up about the 1st pic!! Yes I know that woman’s expression was funny and I didn’t notice it until I downloaded the pics (since my back was turned to her).
Jenneen and Nicole – thx!
Flybynight – good idea. I’m still thinking of doing a blog post here though some time about my hair when I’ve figured out what to do.
Jamie Lee – your right. Soon as it’s here it’s over!
Lizzy – I’ll tell Michael you said that
Song of Style – hello you! Thx chucks are like slippers but for outdoors.
Thx to EVERYONE who comments. I said it before but it’s nice to get to talk and ‘see’ some of you who visit.
Style Porn says:
Ahaha, the woman in the top picture giving you side-eye is *almost stealing the show. I say almost because nothing could completely steal the spotlight away from that dress. I can hardly believe it’s F21!!
Tinja says:
i love how you combined the floral dress with the studded converses! i love your confidence. you are a really awesome girl. haha why are people so “what on earth is she doing” when they see someone posing for the camera? it’s kinda funny!
LUU H. says:
love the way u style with converse ; )
megan says:
you are rockin this outfit! and i love your hair, gives the look a bit of a rock n roll attitude.
megan http://mallratcouture.blogspot.com
Blackswan says:
so happy i stumbled upon your blog! you have such a great style, something new yet accessible! love how you paired that girly dress with THOSE chucks! and DIY studs? i must give that a go!
definitely a new follower!
Come by for a visit or follow too?!
x Your Only Blackswan
Connie says:
Love the woman’s expression in the first pic! You look gorgeous as always.
The Heartbreak
MeggW says:
I L-O-V-E LOVE this, its so perfect in every way possible…
Shasie says:
ahaha her face is classic!
Live Life in Style
jack lance says:
Thanks GOD!
scent of change in the air.
Happpy winter.