Gypsy Nation: 70 North 7th Street (bet Kent Wythe). 2 blocks from Bedford Avenue.
On the weekend I visited Gypsy Nation Vintage, a stall at the Artists & Flea market in Williamsburg Brooklyn. I’ve been before, but this time I returned to take pictures (and erm…try on more pieces).
The Navajo/gypsy feel of everything is (to me) brilliant. I didn’t want to leave and I think the two owners, Jacqueline and Martha noticed (but they were so nice). Thank God they don’t mind having a good old natter. I imagined sitting cross legged on the floor, swapping thrift/vintage find stories and discussing the merits of high street/designer vs vintage but thought that might be pushing it (maybe next time).
Jacqueline (has a custom leather label called Queen of Hearts) and makes clothes and accessories including leather fringe bags, hip grazing leather fringe necklaces and lariats (she told me she was finishing up custom skinny leather trousers with detailing down the side of each leg).
A free spirits Aladdin’s cave.
ps. Yes, I did get something. Can you guess what it was?

Amandamarie says:
i LOVE the white fringe bag in the last picture. to die for! that place looks like heaven.
Ms_SyllyBee says:
wow. everything looks so incredible. wish i could have been there to score some of those great beaded and fringe pieces. 🙂 thanks for sharing!
i wander, i wonder
Ernest B. says:
Amazing pics!!! Gypsy Nation sounds so awesome! Gotta love all of those amazing fur pieces too! Did you score anything?
Ernest B.
Stefany says:
Everything looks so lovely! I might just have to venture out to Williamsburg to see this place in person. From your pictures, I can tell it’s amazing. =]
Sara C says:
omg I WANT that gold bib necklace with the red stones and the giant turquoise claw necklace!!
Nancie Mwai says:
this shop is filled with so many goodies!!! I’d never want to leave too
Taylor B. says:
So what did you buy?!
The doll on fashion says:
What an amazing stall! The accessories look brilliant, I do love fringe!
The doll on fashion
Christina of Profresh Style says:
I would die to be a part of that. I mean, really, dying over all the suede fringe and indian prints. Must get to NY again. Maybe during NYFW. YESSS.
vogueish says:
the shop looks like a small clutter of gorgeous stuffs…i spotted a sequinned jacket…..and i love it…wish it was nearer to me…!!
amy. says:
Wow, if only I lived in NY..
I love the whole gypsie/african vibe, it’s soo gorge,
amy xoxo
Glamour Bbey. says:
Wow it looks amazing!
Oracle Fox says:
Heheh I am in love with the little stall and I think that it might have been you or another blogger that posted about it once before. They have a little blog that they don’t update very often 🙁 , I think they need an online store! I am coming over so we can hit the town and shop up a storm, I just have to clear some credit card debt, heheheh! xx
Dodo says:
This shop looks AMAZING!! I’m quite jealous now that you can visit it while im so far away! 😛
fashion clocked says:
wow so incredible- love the feather and fringe neck pieces, the photos- wow I can see why you would struggle to leave. I wonder if you treated yourself? Katie.x
So beautiful!!
Please Visit & Join
ediot says:
that place looks amaze! when can i go?! wow.
Shamini says:
beautiful pictures
beautiful jewellery
Nita -Karoliina says:
thanks for the tip!
Twins says:
All this clothes looks amazing!!! What did you buy finaly? Show us in pictures!!!
Seriously I think if I was there I will kill all my christmas budget!!! 😉
Have nice christmas hollidays xx
Sia says:
Death By Shoe says:
This place looks amazing! Wish I was in NYC!!
Tiffany says:
I want to live in this place. Must get back to NY asap.
Sing says:
Wow so many goodies there.
stylecrasher says:
those are some great pics karen 😀
Nish Gibson says:
My type of stuff! AMAZING!
anguillagrl says:
What a gorg place to shop!! Totally down with my aesthetic!!!!
Hmmmmmmmm…………I think the white fringe neckpiece or bag went home with you………am I right???!!!!!
Looks great indeed! Im guessing you bought the fur coat.. Curious to find out if im right! 😀
Sjanna from wehavebeenexpectingyou
Feel free to swing by sometime <3
Nickie Frye says:
Let me guess- you got the copper colored maxi dress on the mannequin that you shot like a million photos of?? 😉 I’m really hoping you got that turquoise tooth necklace & a fringe necklace too. I’m totally going to make a necklace like that. Brilliant. Their booth looks really cool. Hopefully I’ll have a booth at the Alameda Antiques & Collectibles flea market in February. I just need to rope my husband into helping me heave the loot down there. Setting up for these shows is NO JOKE.
amazinggg stuff!
Gorete Sousa says:
Love everything!!!!
serenissima says:
everything is so beautiful! how i want my entire house to look (when i own a house lol)
ASOS Necklace Giveaway:
dede says:
i think you got that white fringe bag, bc i love it, the copper dress and a jewelry not sure which though. i remember when we met at steve madden, u helped me buckle the shoe…thnx..
soul says:
white fringe bag!
Emma at Daily Clothes Fix says:
Wow, you’d look amazing in any and all of this. I particularly love the sequin jacket. Looking forward to seeing what you got.
Iulia Romana says:
Great event ♥ I think you got the sequin blazer and the white fringe bag – sounds like you 🙂
Lizzy says:
love the clothes and the photos! Great vintagey feel/effect.
Veronica says:
looks like a great place to rack up on some unique pieces!
Hey K. OMG we have to go thrift-ing together one of these days. Brilliant post=do more like this!! 🙂
Karen says:
Christina – yea you must carve out like an afternoon or half an afternoon to hit Williamsburg. Better than standing around outside Lincoln Center for hours!
Oracle Fox – yea it was Gemma at FTB : ) Ughhh this place is so me and you too. Damn, anything with fringe, old leather and trinkets and I’m there!
Fashion Chalet – I will and yes we do.
Glad you lot liked this place too. It’s even more amazing in person.
Diana Hunter says:
I gasped when I saw the first necklace pictured (a sort of Afgani collar with coins dangling from it) You see, I bought the exact same thing at a flea market this fall. Well – now that I have seen it on your site I KNOW that I had a good find! Curious now though how much they have deemed it’s worth……?
Shakiya"StyleGasim"Green says:
OMG!!! Everything looks uber amazing!!!! I sooo wish I dnt live in Philly or we had cool places like that! We have great vintgae hide-a-ways but nothing like this!!! My gues is you either purcased one of those cool fringed bags(that you love so much :)), a fur jacket, or that really hot sequin jacket, or maybe some kick ass rings!! Those are my guesses and I feel like Im right on at least 2!!! Tres Chic Karen!!!!
Sleepy Darlings says:
I know this was posted a long time ago, but Oh man i need to get to this place! thought you might be interested… i make leather jewelry pieces if you would like to check them out: christijay.etsy.com
Derrar says:
when I will go in NYC, the first store I’ll visit, would be this one! 😀
scientistmum says:
Why, WHY, do I live in the Australian bush and not NY?