Shades: Ray Ban. Shirt: UNIF. Skull & bones necklace: Britannia Antiques @ Brooklyn Flea. BFF bracelet (costs $10).
I was asked to join other fashion bloggers in spreading the word about the BFF bracelet program – a camouflage coloured friendship bracelet benefitting the American Freedom Foundation. Each bracelet has a specific number and that matching bracelet is sent to someone in the armed forces.
Makes a change to wear a bracelet this summer that makes a difference in it’s own small way (and of course I’m just wondering who in the military has the bloody match!).
ps. More pics of the outfit in another post.

Taylor B. says:
This is a wonderful idea. It lets our troops know that someone out there cares about them. After working with the Lt. Dan Weekend last year I have become very aware of the needs of our military and the needs of their families. I’m buying my bracelet right now!
Shasie says:
Wow what a great idea
Enter My Niqué Cosmetics Giveaway
Lily says:
What a cool idea ! I love it.
letizia says:
that’s a cool initiative, cool project, congrats, plus this bracelet is so pretty!
(and the ring, I love it 😉
Little Sable says:
What a wonderful idea!!!!
kisses from your follower ♡
With love Little Sable
kesi says:
finally, an affordable cause! thank you, karen! i’m buying mine now.
MELISSA Z. says:
cool tee, can’t wait to see more pics!
Stylised Dialogue says:
A good cause and you look fantastic! brilliant!
xx Daphne
Anonymous says:
Hi…do you know if they ship it also in Italy? I really would like to have one…
Thank you very much,
RedHead says:
Loving all the bling…PS Did you know you appear in this week’s Grazia UK? No credit on the photo though or mention of the the site anywhere though, assumed you were aware…
Megan Abigail Chandler says:
adore it!!! thanks!!!
Raspberry & Rouge says:
LOVE! Such a great style, well done! XO Rebecca
stylorectic under medical treatment says:
hey love, i got em today and ordered a size smaller and they fit perfectly.so thankssss!!and do you know what?i am awaiting the same unif shirt you wear here.true story.like sisters.i love that!
Juella says:
Great idea.
New York Don't Leave Me says:
What a great cause!
Jasmin says:
This is great! Lovely photos by the way 🙂
Camilla says:
I love this bracelet, may take a look at them x
x Camilla
Collections says:
Wow. Love this bracelet idea, it’s great.
Fashionable Collections
Sarah Landisman says:
Nothing better than some guilt-free shopping! Thanks for sharing 🙂
samantha rae says:
LOVING the skull and bones necklace 🙂
Debora says:
You look wonderful as always honey ! I LOVE this look
Sabrina says:
Great blog! Love that ring ♥
La Petite Marmoset says:
I love your ring! Great cause 🙂
La Petite Marmoset
Michelle at Chellbellz says:
I ordered one, and I can’t wait to see who my match is! This is such a great cause, and then you can see who your match is!
I love your hair and hat in these =)