my week – 8.21.11

What did you get up to?

My Rodarte carpet boots.  Our 10 year old wedding cake maker and the cake. High waisted floral shorts.   At the beach.  Oliver hiding from lightening & thunder.  Random look.  September Vogue Covergirl (still an OMG). Michael snapping.  Wearing the Chloes earlier today.  


  1. Sia says:

    I would love to spend a week in your shoes! XOXO

  2. Sharla says:

    digging those floral shorts and the chloe boots, fab style as usual
    also, congratulations on your marriage!
    love is such a beautiful thing πŸ™‚

    dressed yet?

  3. Jessika xo says:

    love your blog girl!

  4. Al says:

    Great pics. Oliver is adorable! Your shoes are fab of course.

  5. 401 says:

    congrats again on the covergirl shoot! love that grey blouse.

  6. Sharla says:


  7. ediot says:

    such lovely photos. i adore the shoes in the first picture, they look fantastic

  8. Zweiteiler says:

    I love the look with the grey dress!…and your Rodarte carpet boots in the first picture!


  9. K.M. says:

    nice Boots !

  10. ASH says:

    ahhh you look amazing!

  11. Mcmaris says:

    Those Rodarte’s are SICK. I am in love with them!

  12. Glam`ourFever says:

    O M G ! what a pretty flower shorts! πŸ˜‰

  13. Dree says:

    Love the floral boots! Such an original post!

    Dree xx

  14. Olivia says:

    The red boots were such a great choice- I visited my grandma over the weekend and she has the same Coach bag, hers is from the 80’s and it has held up so well. I really wanted to slip it under my jacket, but my grandma’s too sweet to swindle.

    Liv @

  15. Ms. Givens says:

    The photo with the doggy is so cute!

  16. amenfashion17 says:

    Wow those shoes are deffinately a big statemnet piece!! Love it loads

  17. Catherine says:

    Vogue!! Congrats on your shoot! And to have it be in the September issue too, that’s amazing!

    Ellie Wolfe jewelry giveaway on blog!

  18. LorenaO says:

    I saw you walking down 2nd ave this evening! I did a double take at your AllSaints boots and then realized who you were. Love your blog!

  19. Karen says:

    Justpatience – yep ; ) she’s one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met and she wanted to make one for us. It was a complete surprise to us. Her parents said she spent the entire day making it. Very special indeed.

    LorenaO – ha ha!! should’ve said hello?!! thx : )

    Olivia – go on eBay for one then : ))

    Tx – which ones?

  20. feesha says:

    I really like that cake. Can’t believe it was made by a 10 year old!

  21. The Fashion Hawksℒ​ says:

    those floral shorts are amazing! Where are they from? i can’t quite make out the label on the pocket.

    That cake is amazing, so sweet she spent the whole day on it!

    πŸ™‚ xo

  22. Karen says:

    Please tell me WHERE did you get that lovely gray vintage-style dress in the Vogue aftershot??

    and congrats to a beautiful woman & a beautiful opportunity- your Vogue spread looked fabulous!
    You are my blogging hero!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Gawd I love those boots, I think you got the last pair as these were too big for moi when I visited OE in that upstairs section. Love them on you

    Ash xx

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