Shirt: Forever 21. Lace shorts: LF on clearance (similars here). Boots: B Brian Atwood. Clutch: W store (in their hotel) (l like this python skin one). Watch: ASOS (similar here). Shades: Ray Ban
Animal prints always appear on this blog, like (here) and this clutch has made appearances before. I’m definitely wearing it when it gets colder – remember this miliary coat I wore it with? Clutches aren’t as hard to carry around as they might look if you get an oversized one. Anyone reading this use them during the day?
The boots are a new line for the ‘B Brian Atwood‘ collection launching this Wednesday 14th at SAKS on 5th avenue (5th floor) from 6pm!
Myself and a few bloggers will be there to chat with you guys or we could just fondle/stroke shoes together. I have absolutely no problem with that at all.

Jerrica says:
Great look! I love the lace shorts and that animal print. The mix is clever and looks fantastic. Awesome boots!!!!
Fashion Nostalgia
Maeva Christa Hiag says:
Amazin blog!!! Great look like everytime
mickey Vin says:
I love this look 🙂
Maggie ☮ says:
Aside from you just simply looking flawless I REALLY love the shoes 🙂
blaqbird says:
awesome shoes and great legs!!!!! this sounds creepy, but do you work out a lot? i have similar legs and i’m just trying to get more tone and definition to them. 🙂
augustalolita says:
love the clutch and those boots are amazing!!
Maria Jernov says:
Oh! im almost crying!
i love those shorts! they are amazing
Maria Jernov
letizia says:
perfect outfit ! I can almost speak ;))
love those shorts, and the wedges !
☆ Letizia
Lily says:
LOVE the shorts and wedges !
Camilla says:
Those shorts are perfect, and the shoes- oh the shoes! They’re beautiful
xo Camilla
Into The Fold
please help me win a place in Bloggers Wardrobe by liking this picture Thanks!
Twins says:
This shorts is amazing!! And is not so expansive!! I will take a better look on!!
Im just scare it doesn’t look like you on me, we don’t have the same body 😉 xx
GIAA says:
love this look!
Justinne says:
you look gorgeous! loove this look!
Fashion Agony says:
Awesome look, these shorts are amazing!
Fashion Agony blog
Fashion Dubrovnik says:
Gorgeous look, simple but effective 🙂
Malena says:
Absolutely love these combo!
Serendipity Max says:
Love your clutch and boots. Great look
Laura says:
Love this outfit!!!
Great shoes and the shorts are so cute 🙂
Plami says:
Fabulous! Love the shoes!
the polka leopard says:
the pins on you! so toned! great look, love the short shorts:0 x
Mik says:
Malu Swartjes says:
Amazing look! Love the shoes:D
♥Check out my Stylish Confessions!♥
Paulie* says:
I love your look! You look amazing!! 🙂
K.M. says:
my favourite outfit ♥
vain319 says:
go girl! your outfits are killing it.
the shorts are awesome and the shoes?just give them to me now:)
Hanna says:
Lovely Style, and again so beautiful.
Amazing, gorgeous.
sunny day, hanna.
Hillary says:
I love the clutch. I just did a post about how I was leery of wearing animal prints for awhile, but I’ve seen it done well so much now that I can’t believe I ever hesitated!
Tina says:
you look awesome dear!
kaye says:
Oh gosh, I could never wear those shorts, my legs would look funny. But you look amazing in them! The white on white is lovely on you 🙂
Anonymous says:
love the shorts and the hint of animal print in this outfit.
Lena says:
Killer outfit! I’m soooo into animal prints! <3
Love, Lena!
Style by Lola Jaro says:
this look is right my alley. love ti
Style by Lola Jaro
Parisian ShoeGals says:
I love the combination of the slouchy shirt and the precious crocheted shorts. So cool and chic.
And these booties are delicious. They seem very comfy, and a glamorous pair of shoes which also comfy is a real statement!
kaitlyntru says:
Boots are insane girl! But I’m mostly coveting the dramatic cut in the shorts! Looks great!
Sing says:
Bold lady in those shorts. That clutch is fierce!
All That Sparkles says:
I love those boots!!
weasel says:
Great shorts and boots, you are very stylish!
Krisbliss says:
Look at those legs! Werk! And love Brian Atwood, I’m very excited about his new line as well!
Anista says:
Great boots! 🙂
I love it!
yamina beyondURclothes says:
love ur Brian Atwood !!!
♥ yamina
BeEdgy says:
Love the shoes 🙂 /
Catja says:
Good looking!
ILoveThatShirt says:
I love your outfit!
I have the necklace in gold!
Fashion Pirate says:
Loving those lace shorts and that simple white shirt.
You’re so lucky to be able to still wear summer outfits, it’s too cold for that in the UK now!
www.blahblahbecky.co.uk says:
I just broke my boyfriend’s heart by telling him you got married recently…
Francesca Felix says:
GAH!!!! inlove with this loooK! girl I have to say.. you have one of the most awesome edgy yet chic styles. LOVE the whole look. definitely inspiring
Arabella says:
looks absolutely gorgeous! new follower 🙂
Kiwishopper says:
Your legs are so toned! Love the lace and boot combo!
stylish with a budget says:
love the clutch with all white outfit…the BA are hot. but i don’t think i got the balls to wear shorts that short…
LocalCeleb says:
Love this look, adorable/sassy @ the same time! Love the shoes!
anorexicescapades.com says:
I think this is your best yet and love the hair!
Catherine says:
Just spotted you on page 54 of Sept 11 Ebony magazine!
sharzville says:
Ilove the wedges you have on!!!Amazing blog you got…Sx
short shorts! lovin’ them! and the shoes are amazing I wish I could have been there.
Anonymous says:
Are these wedges coming out this fall. I don’t see them on the Saks website? PLEAAAAASSSEEEEE let me know!!!!
Lovely lovely look!! 🙂
La Petite Marmoset says:
Amazing shorts!
La Petite Marmoset
Sari says:
Amazing outfit, love this one!
annesaneries says:
Wow this is so perfect I could scream. Love the shorts, the shoes, the animal print… Really fab! xx
susie says:
Beautiful shorts! Such a flirty look!
Lisa says:
You have such lovely legs KAren.. Those boots are to die for…. Can’t wait to see what your Winter wardrobe will look like.
Cheers, Lisa 🙂
samantha rae says:
those shorts are gorgeous!
easteuropeanstyle says:
thoes shorts are amazing!http://greatstylesonthestreets.blogspot.com/
Catherine says:
this combo = perfection!!
Mali rêve... says:
just perfect!
Karen says:
Anon – yes the wedges are actually available to get at saks right now!! I saw them at their store ; )
blaqbird – i go through phases where I will for weeks then I”ll stop out of laziness which is right now. I’ll start back up again i’m sure this weekend!
Miss Myrtle says:
Beautiful outfit!
madzia says:
everything is great 🙂
Daria says:
love love love love love
your legs look great and those boots are tdf
She Wears, She Shares says:
Karen! I have these shorts and I LOVE LOVE LOVE! I mean yeah, I bought them at regular price only to find out they are now 70% off at LF, but still worth it. You rock it so well with the white top!
Karen says:
Daria – Still working on the leg thing – you know how we are : -/
She Wears She Shares – great shorts right? I ALMOST bought the black too since they were cheap but stuck to the cream – the first option. I’m sure you are loving yours!
Fashion Means Everything says:
you look beautiful in that outfit, you’re too cute, I love your style
you release something incredible
Neijah Lanae says:
kristina@beancakes ★ says:
love brian atwood and you look positively stunning!
xo ~ ks
Dollsandtea-x says:
Lush outfit! Looks amazing, oh i want those shorts!! Where can i get some?! Anyone know? 🙂 xoxo
Nhu says:
Gorgeous outfit! You make it looks so effortless. X
Petra S says:
Do you have the direct link to the blouse from Forever21? I so badly want it but it’s very difficult for me to find it on the website when I don’t know the article number :/
Please help out? 🙁
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