MNG by MANGO Mission

Guess what? I am going to Barcelona Spain in October and one of you will come with me. Read on for how.

Yep – my mouth is still open. 

Launched today, myself and a few bloggers were picked for a campaign for the MNG by MANGO line.  Starting September 19th, we each have a challenge, styling a different look each week inspired by specific European countries. It culminates in Barcelona for the final photo shoot! 
Best bit though? one of you lot comes with us and visit the MNG studio in Spain.  Enter on for the chance – let me know below if you join.

Reminder: make sure you have a valid passport.  This is the first time I’ve done a fun campaign that actually brings one of YOU with me overseas – absolutely brilliant.

This campaign is produced by Style Coalition/Sponsored by jcpenney.


  1. Let's Take Two says:

    Congrats Karen with this campaign!!

  2. Maria Diana says:


  3. Julie Khuu says:

    I’m sooooo winning this! Thx for the heads up and CONGRATS on the campaign!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  4. Asia says:

    Congrats on the campaign I really loved the promo!!

  5. Jameil says:


  6. Jai says:

    Congratulations!!! I’m entering now!!

  7. studiobokeh says:

    oooh how exciting! i entered, thanks!

  8. Mikki says:

    Congratulations Karen!! Barcelona is just awesome!!

  9. Haidée says:

    Wow that is amzing 🙂


  10. Anonymous says:

    Fun contest! But is this contest only for americans?

  11. Viv says:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO only US residents can enter. Sob and wail.
    Have an awesome time chick. Every time I stop someone in the street in London and ask the where did you get that question (which isn’t that often) they so often say Barcelona that I imagine it as a vintage/bohemian style haven! xx

  12. anopenending says:

    Do you have to be an american to enter the competition? That’s my impression when I try to sign up, asks what state I live in…
    And congratulation on this fabulous campaign!

  13. Anonymous says:

    AMAZING but super sad Canadians can’t enter =(

  14. Parisian ShoeGals says:

    Congratulation with the campaign! I seems like you had a lot of fun.

    Barcelona is such a great place to visit. Have a great journey! 😀

  15. Kinky Delicacy says:

    I have a MNG shirt on RIGHT NOW! Love the line in JCPenny!!!

  16. Sing says:

    So friggin cool. Hoping to win.

  17. Jennifer says:

    Congrats on the campaign! I’ve seen the collection in JC Penney & was amazed from everything I saw.
    I just joined, crossing my fingers & praying to the fashion God’s I get the opportunity to join such influential fashionista’s on this journey!

  18. Julia says:


  19. Julia says:


  20. Blair says:

    entered! such an awesome idea!

  21. VANESSA says:

    I live in Barcelona i wanna see you!!!!!!!

  22. Soul Pretty says:

    You know I entered…Love.

  23. Lisa Ann says:

    Such a rad campaign to be a part of… Congrats! My fingers could not type fast enough when I read that what was an opportunity to join. I will keep my fingers crossed.

    ☮ Lisa Ann

  24. Antonia says:

    One word: fabulous! 🙂

    And I really like your blog…wanna follow each other?;)
