Topshop Socials Event

I’m at Topshop on Broadway this Monday!!!!!!!!!
Read on for details 

Boots: Topshop.  Fridge contents: From the British section of US supermarkets
This Monday 12th at 6pm, I am hosting a Topshop Style Socials event!  
Soooooo chuffed to go back for seconds and work with Topshop again (remember this workshop event where I looked like an 8 foot tall giant?).  If you are free, come for a chin wag over drinks and enjoy the evening (includes styling sessions). 
My mouth fell open when I saw these Topshop velvet boots which I’ll be wearing on the night with…… (actually you lot are stylists too so you tell me: What would YOU wear them with?  A dress (sheer maxi/short)? Skinnies? Shorts?    
See you there hopefully – would love to meet some of you finally πŸ™‚

 Monday September 12
 478 Broadway 
6.00 – 8.00pm


  1. Heart on a Shoe String says:

    I would probably wear them with a mullet-like flowing dress or skirt… I’m sure whatever you choose will look amazing! Can’t wait to see what you do pick :):):)

    BTW.. the boots are gorgeous.. in the frig for safe keeping??? LOL

  2. Huda says:

    oooh, too bad won’t be able to be there. Hopefully next year.

    ps. I love these topshop velvet boots.

  3. HaidΓ©e says:

    Love the shoes in the fridge πŸ™‚
    Love your blog and you are really pretty


  4. augustalolita says:

    really love those boots <3

  5. Ieva UkanytΔ— says:

    Haha, shoes in a fridge πŸ˜€
    Nice shoes, I think I would were it with some short lose dress. Vintage maybe.
    You’re a great stylist, I’m sure you’ll make a perfect choice!


  6. Serendipity Max says:

    Would definitely love to go.

    I love those boots (also the fact their in the fridge!). Topshop have been on to a definite winner with their boots & shoes this season


  7. Kayta says:

    Gorgeous boots! The colour on the images on the Topshop website do them no justice!

  8. Parisian ShoeGals says:

    Ah ah ah! Cool shoes are hot! You have to cool them down in the fridge! (these photos make laugh out loud)

    I would definitely wear them with skinnies, long dresses for sure and depending on the way it looks on the ankles with short skirts. These booties seem quite a catch <3

  9. K.M. says:

    love the shoes

  10. ANGUILLAGRL says:

    LUV THEM!!! How bout the new beaded jacket over the lace shorts with those boots??????? Fab!!
    Hey where r u spending FNO???????

  11. Ms. Givens says:

    I want some velvet boots!!!!

  12. amy says:

    read your blog all the time. shop at topshop on broadway all the time.

    see you there! yay!

  13. msjaneistrouble says:

    oh I love them! I would wear them with shorts and a lace top.

    you have the best shoes!

  14. Daria says:

    cool ass boots

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