The staples

Sometimes it’s good to keep it simple.

Jumper: H&M men (this is similar).  Online knits I wouldn’t mind having: here & here Bag: Alexander Wang Donna (found it here on sale).  (ps. The AWang Diego is on sale too).
This is my uniform when out running errands:  Slouchy jumper. Warm leggings. Shoulder bag. Check. Check and check. 
You already saw me in the cream jumper last month
My girlfriend and I swapped our same Wang bags. She has my beige one and I’m wearing her black. We swapped last summer and we haven’t swapped back yet.   I kinda like the black more I think. Not sure. What do you think?
Keep the black or get back the beige???

PS.  For more style inspo don’t forget to check out the WDUGT street style blog!


  1. JennyLoveBCN says:

    I like the beige one more!! :-))

  2. shannon says:

    Both are good but I just choose black over everything. What do I know!

    shameless self promotion:

  3. Dodo says:

    I actually like the black. But that could also be because they seem a little dark greyish on the photos. Love the colour of the jumper btw!

  4. Weston Jaeger says:

    I really like the color of that jumper! I have to get myself one of those! Looks really warm. I say you keep both bags ahaha. πŸ™‚

  5. Camneet says:

    Keep the black


  6. White List says:

    Keep the beige! I think the beige one looks better. Plus, it’s more like likely to still look good even when it’s worn out.

  7. Style Croissant says:

    definately keep the black ehe πŸ˜‰ i think it’s much more versatile and it really goes well with everything! Love that wine color jumper and your hair is FABULOUS πŸ™‚

  8. Rocquelle P. says:

    Loving your hair in these photos!! I’m thinking it’s time to get your beige one back :-).

    • Karen says:

      I prefer the leather on the black. Its softer although maybe my beige has softened since she’s used it all the time! decisions decisions.

  9. David Diaz says:

    I always seem to love your sweaters! πŸ˜€


  10. Style Drive says:

    Love the burgundy jumper!

  11. Dylana Suarez says:

    That sweater is amazing!


  12. Kathrina says:

    Nice outfit!!!

  13. Serendipity Max says:

    I love that H&M mens jumper but I got a similar one from Monki instead.

    Definitely the black but then I have a serious thing for black bags!


  14. thenauticalwheeler says:

    Loving your hair curly! Also liking the bag in black, I say keep it. From Brooklyn with love ~jen

  15. Whitney Soup says:

    the hair is gorgeous!

  16. Princess Angeles says:

    I love your blog! Great content & inspiring posts!

  17. Laura says:

    Love the jumper, looks so warm and cosy! Need to buy myself one definitely!

    Check out my blog if you like!:

  18. Katherine says:

    The black is okay but not as nice as the brown. The brown looked richer, that goes with an instant comment: oooh that’s nice, where did u get that!

  19. PopG says:

    I think in that kind of fabric, the beige is better as that black looks washed out in comparison. I love aviator sunglasses– where did you get yours?

    • Karen says:

      got them months ago. Link is below.

  20. Paula says:

    This outfit looks so cozy! I just love the look of oversize jumpers!
    I went out thrifting today and had the mindset of “what would Karen pick out?”. Usually I get overwhelmed and end up with nothing but today I found some really cute things thinking out of the box! I love love your blog and all the pictures!! πŸ™‚

  21. Ria says:

    I think I like the black. Seems more practical too. Love the red sweater.

  22. Melissa says:

    why do you always looks so amazing ugh!

    • Karen says:

      If you could see me right now as I type this you’d retract that line.

  23. Sia says:

    Lovely relaxed look x

  24. Katarina says:

    Definitely the black, especially in NY πŸ™‚

    • Karen says:

      hmmmm. Ugh so hard to decide. maybe we’ll just keep rotating?

  25. Katarina says:

    Definitely the black one… especially in NY πŸ™‚

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