Converse Chuck Taylors – To Stud or Not To Stud


I’ve been looking at these Gienchi’s that come in different colours like these black/silvers (on sale).

I partially studded the grey ones in this post.  But for spring/summer I’m toying with an orange/silver combination.

My question:

Stud my orange pair in the same way all over or leave untouched?


  1. Lisa Ann Karst says:

    Go for it! You’ve worn them already without studs, and I am sure you have other colors… The great thing about Chucks is they are so affordable.

    ☮ Lisa Ann

  2. Taylor B. says:

    You searched all over for those orange shoes. I say, no. The style of studding will fade but All Stars will always be in style!

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Kate says:

    Stay pure!

  5. Natalie says:

    Leave them.

    Can’t go wrong with classic All Stars

  6. Twins says:

    If you can, do it!!! But it is not so easy to stud shoes! And after you have to cover the inside otherwise it hurt to much!! Good luck xx

    Love from Mc xx

  7. Leanne says:


  8. style-xyz says:

    hard question πŸ™‚ I love this color, so I would rather leave them untouched, but on the other hand stud convers looks so cool…

  9. The White List says:

    Stud it! I was so close to doing the same in Camden Market the other day…

  10. Anonymous says:

    step away from the Chucks… put that stud gun down! πŸ™‚

  11. Anonymous says:


  12. Lola says:

    I have the same dilemma!! Ir eally wanna stud mine, in fact I bought a brand new pair for this specific reason but now I’m too chicken :/

  13. Caroline, No. says:

    Are the studs comfortable on the inside? Now I want to stud…. x (I say leave your oranges.)

  14. lbelle says:


  15. bonnie thunderstorms says:

    don’t! or not completely at least. these ones are cooler just the way they are πŸ™‚

  16. Cleo says:

    leave them untouched!

  17. Lisa says:

    I think in this case, less is more – so I would leave them unstudded. The orange poppy color already does it for me and putting extra bling on them would be a bit overkill in my opinion.

  18. Serendipity Max says:

    I say unstudded because I think ankle Converse look better studded than the short style.


  19. Derrar says:

    hum… Not to stud πŸ™‚

  20. Alexandria says:

    Please don’t stud them. Sometimes less is way more.

  21. Mimi Fresh! says:

    Stud them! You have nothing to lose…Converse are forever shoes, new or old, studded or not studded…so accessible. I say stud…

  22. Vanja says:

    Try to find the exact color and buy an extra orange pair and stud them – problem solved πŸ™‚

    btw I have a original GIENCHI Converse sneakers for sale HERE

  23. Anonymous says:

    Leave them!


    I think stud from half of corner of the shoe to the other half. The all over look will completely take away from the classic-ness of shoe.


    I think stud from corner of the shoe to the other corner. The all over look completely takes away from classic-ness of the shoe.

  26. Goody says:

    i say stud the bejeebus out of them!!! πŸ˜‰

  27. Julie D. says:

    It might be tough on the low-top converse… but I think partially studded would work.

    By the way- I’ve seen you before on the N train in Astoria! Maybe next time I’ll say hi.

  28. Antonia says:


  29. Teresia says:

    I’m always up to stud out anything…but these lovelies should stay the way they are πŸ™‚

  30. Anonymous says:

    Stud them….

  31. Anonymous says:

    Go 50/50. Stud one side and leave the other side untouched.

  32. Maria Kristina says:

    i think you should leave it the way it is. I feel like everyone and their mother is putting studs in their converse.

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  34. dianna says:

    Please leave them untouched. They are so cute as is! πŸ™‚

  35. DelbaMΓ© says:

    Leave em! Love em.

  36. Nadette says:

    I’m way late, but I say no to the studs, these dreamsicle colored chucks are perfect as they are πŸ™‚

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