

Fay is wearing dungarees from Century 21. The jewellery she made herself.  I spotted Fay securing her bike to a tree outside Pret A Manger so dashed out to ask where she found them before she walked away.

I am obsessed with dungarees (like these) and have been taking more and more shots of girls in various versions.  I’m definitely transitioning into Autumn with them.  Tip: Tightly cuff the hem to correct an odd leg shape – plus it makes your look more personal.

Some good ones online:   AG or SLWY in denim and these from ASOS.  Wear now with a Tshirt.  Wear later with knits.  Finish with brogues or ankle boots like these for casual cool.


  1. Semicosmic says:

    I usually don’t like overalls but the way that she wore this is fantastic. I’m tempted to try this out.

  2. Bahiyyah says:

    I like the outfit as well as the models thick natural looking eye brows…

  3. ♥ Cassandra (Backtofive) says:

    Jewellery made herself?! How?! It’s beautiful! Love her outfit toooo! 😀

    Btw Karen, I would like to invite you to this new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network!

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    Check the website out today @ http://bloggersagainstsocialinjustice.blogspot.com

    Bloggers Against Social Injustice

  4. Katya says:


  5. Monique says:

    awesome overalls, i love that their khaki she has really stinking eyes this women great shot.

  6. Unknown says:

    I can’t say that I like what she’s wearing HOWEVER, the image is fantastic and she has a rather striking face.

    The Queen of Hearts

  7. artbecomesyou.com says:

    Wow, i love how effortless this looks. Very chic n smart

  8. Ralph Jens says:

    “FAy” I like the style, innocent look. If anyone have seen Lost Girl he can have idea about FAY :).
    Human Hair Extensions

  9. Sing says:

    Nice accessories.

  10. Jessica Buurman says:

    Nice style. The style in which she stand suite her. The jewellery She wear is good.

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  13. Matthew Burdick says:

    Overalls are indeed cute! I love it when my girlfriend wears this outfit. Actually, she just wears it when writing an essay.

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