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Topshop arson flame boots

Topshop flame boots
Coach classics
Coach Classics

Topshop arson flame boots

Denim jumpsuit: H&M (similar). Other faves: This short one, an oversized white one, or this tweed. Fedora: Asos (similar on sale). Here’s a basic black. Boots: Topshop (try these or these a cowboy shop can add tips )/ Shades: Beacons Closet (similar). Bag: Coach (similars here <— I have the blue/brown or here). Lipstick: Sephora in Forever Fuchsia (current fave lipstick)

I met up with my friend for a very late lunch (around 4) and wore a denim jumpsuit with ankle boots and a fedora.   Jumpsuits are the next best thing to dungarees I tell you.  No need to fuss about what to put with it.

It’s still warm in New York but not that OMG I can’t breathe hot anymore.  To be honest I’m looking forward to wearing jackets again.


  1. Haine Online says:

    Love the jumpsuit. Looks nice.

  2. Eleanor says:

    loove those boots! really need/want new boots for winter and topshop is looking great!!
    such a nice outfit! that jumpsuit makes you legs look 10 miles long! πŸ™‚

    • Karen says:

      There’s sooo many good boots out right now….!!

  3. Watch says:

    Exclusive style, I’m delighted

  4. Angela Howell says:

    awesome, awesome, bloody awesome! I am sure you can tell I’m really in love with this outfit….

    • Karen says:

      LOL yes : )

  5. Michelle Jailine says:

    you rock the hell outta that denim jumpsuit!

  6. Theresa says:

    There aren’t too many people that could pull off that jumpsuit. You’re wearing it so freaking well. Love it.


    The Habit

  7. playwithfashion says:

    Denim jumpsiut is really sth, but those shoes are so cool! Love them!

  8. Claire says:

    this jumpsuit is so cool!

  9. Ria says:

    It was way too warm when I was in nyc for nyfw at least until the end. Of course the weather would get better now. I’ve got a while here in Miami, but I too can’t wait to wear jackets again.

  10. Live TV says:

    Fabulous πŸ™‚

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