I had to ask Bernard in St. Lucia



Bernard talked to me for a while about why most in St. Lucia don’t like to be photographed and I understood.  From his experience and from those I’ve spoken to, they have experienced many tourists taking pictures of them without their permission with no idea where their image will end up.

If I was him I’d probably feel the same way.

When I asked what does he do here, he pulled out a worn in book from his backpack.  It was filled with thank you letters from previous tourists who he took for tours on the island.  When he asked me the same question I waffled awkwardly about blogging/working for myself/photography.  Blogging is growing but relatively unknown to many.

Everything he wears is local.

Thank you Bernard for the talk about life, people, spirituality.


  1. Lolitta says:

    Gorgeous brotha and i love his dreads.

  2. leesicam says:

    His locs are amazing. Wish mine could have grown that nicely.

  3. Eat.Style.Play says:

    Lawd Bernard is fine, tell him he has fans in the US that say Heyyyyyyyyyy! he looks great!

    • Karen says:


  4. Catherine says:

    What a handsome man.

  5. Lizzie Montoya says:

    St. Lucia is a gorgeous place.

  6. amalie says:

    this is aweesome x

  7. Alexa Strautmanis says:

    oof i cant even imagine how heavy those dreds get when wet!

  8. Anonymous says:

    He’s beautiful and it emanates from him.

    • Karen says:

      wow he’d love to hear that. Hopefully he’s reading this

  9. Daria says:

    he is beautiful. i agree with Anon at 3:31, the beauty emanates from within.

  10. Janique says:

    Wow! I will be in St Luica in a little over a month to visit my family. Hope I get to chat with Bernard about life and spirituality too Karen!

    So exciting to see your Carribean posts, makes me long so much for the upcoming jaunt to the island! Cannot wait for the sun and the sand 😉

  11. MishSmash says:

    his dreads are something SERIOUS. absolutely gorgeous!

  12. M.Maria Rhoden says:

    WOAH! LAWDY!LOVE Mİ RASTAMAN. ONE LOVE FORM JAMAİCA Karen by way of Turkey right now(studying) but check your blog once a week.

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