Shirt: H&M. Try Religion, Asos has a similar or Boots: All Saints (saw more fringe boots by Swilden, Zadig & Voltaire, or Sam Edelman. Bag: Madewell (strangers keep asking: ‘is that bag by Madewell?’ didn’t know it was that popular). Bracelet: House of Harlow
Here’s the photos from the trip to Brimfield antique flea.
If you can imagine it, this place has it and is apparently on of the largest antiques market in the country. Ironically I didn’t find what I specifically needed for home but there’s enough turnover here to justify a return in July for their next one.
I felt like an ant going through a gigantic dissected mansion and every piece was spread out for people to buy.
I ended up with an Afghan necklace in photo 1 and the long cardi in photo 10.
It was stupid hot so I wore an oversized shirt and the All Saints boots which need new soles again. Really tempted to get these suede versions.

Romantic Tea says:
Whow ! Your necklace is pretty amazing ! Nice and simple outfit 🙂
Jane says:
This dress looks pretty cool <3
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dela belle k says:
Wow this looks like so much fun! I would love to attend one of these!! Love the necklace!
Helena Oops says:
He llo my dear!
Nice shoots!
Lovely outfit!
PinkCheetahVintage says:
That market looks spectacular. Becky
Claudia Finn says:
Lovely pictures, that market looks amazing
Claudia xx
Veronica Bonilla says:
i love the bag!
amourvero says:
I am determined to get to Brimfield in July…looks like way too fabulous an event to miss!
Kate – New Giveaway!
Soul Pretty says:
Thanks for posting these great pics…I love brimfield…so much to see and touch…hopefully I’ll make it to the July show.
Stephanie says:
LOVE it! I need to go Antique hunting 🙂
Bougiehippie says:
I adore your fashion stories. Not only do get good shopping shots but I look forward to the extra scenery captures.
little t says:
Shaie says:
Love this post. So boho/aztec which is my style. i really want that teepee.
feel free to check out my blog:
Ashley says:
I want to shop here! It looks so perfect and inspiring
xo Ashley says:
Karen every time when I open your blog I find something new about NY city, sure I never been there and for me this city is my dream, and I feel like I’m there in city of me dream! Unfortunately we don’t have the same stuff here in NZ (its almost nothing here, just a nature) but I would love just to go there maybe even not to buy , just to breath those air:) Jewelry from first pics is amazing and actually everything!
Karen can you please post pictures from Broadway:) I know I can find this everything in Internet, just I really think as your view I won’t find the same nowhere….
Jual Shawl says:
Wow… you’re really a good hunter
Shannon Willardson says:
Wish I could have gone digging through all that jewelry! Bet there were some good finds!
Opposite lipstick says:
Sade BlackandOlive says:
OMG I need to go there!
Karen says:
thrillofthechaise – wear comfy shoes and an open mind and you’ll find a good time.
Shaie – I want that teepee too! It was the entrance to one of the stalls so you had to pass through it. So clever.
Lavenderloafers – ahhhh now this was a brilliant comment to read. I do hope to make people feel that way and wonder if I really do. There’s so much here that I think people from overseas etc don’t see or know about and I was in that situation too before I moved here. It’s good to have a blog to share what I see and like with you. I should start a touring service ; )
Jenny Ekberg says:
I love Kuchi accessories and how you style them; I have a few Kuchi belts and necklaces and I wear them all the time, they look particularly good with simple denim/chambray, etc..
Jenny Ekberg says:
PS. I wish I lived in NY. It really is my favourite place in the world. I dream of getting a job at Columbia Uni one day (I am a neuroscientist) and move there with my family; I want to live in Brooklyn, in one of those townhouses, like the one Miranda lives in in the later seasons of SATC. Naive dream maybe but who knows… it might happen. No-one thought I would dare travel alone to Australia when I was in my early 20s. Well, that was more than 10 years ago and I am still here :o) so anything is possible.
Sophie Sierra says:
All that jewellery… treasure island on speed! Incredible.
Amazing pics as always.