Today marks the two year anniversary from when I got laid off from my day job.
Whenever I’m feeling down, not good enough or not successful enough I remind myself that I am doing my genuine hobby for a living now. That I wake up every day without having that dreaded get myself to work feeling to do a job that wasn’t me. I have to remind myself how depressed I used to get when I had that old job and even getting physically ill when I was at my lowest points.
There is a reason why without any calendar reminders required, October 15th automatically stands out to me. I hope some of you reading this find the courage to insist on doing what you love and the strength to hang in there if you cannot yet. I know what that feeling was like.
You can read more about October 15th 2012 here.

Amy says:
I got laid off a job I hated this year n walked straight into a way better one. It always seems to be a good thing!
Karen says:
dang! well done!!
Angela Bowron says:
thank you Karen- a nice reminder to keep my head and that there is a silver lining there somewhere! x
Karen says:
TERRA says:
this is SO inspirational, I read your post from last year and I love it!
thanks for sharing this xx
GirlsAreDolls says:
Love this
Theresa says:
Love this Karen! Happy that things ended up just totally working out for you and thanks for the inspiration! 😉
Olivia Irene says:
I am in THAT position right now….I don’t hate my job, but I don’t love it. I am scared to take the plunge and dive into my blog because of the sense of security…but I am gauging that in a few months I too will stop and drop everything for my passion. Thank you for sharing your story Karen!
Karen says:
Wow – brilliant. Till then save save save!!
You go girl. 🙂
Jewelle says:
Karen, I’m in that space myself…i’m feeling like i’ve sort of put my dreams on hold…but this is yet another reminder of the importance of doing (or making time for) the things that bring you true joy in life…Appreciate you sharing your passion with us…
Valerie says:
Kudos for you to share something so personal! Glad you came out of that fighting and stronger than ever. 🙂
Lily on Fillmore
karmicvintage says:
Love your outlook. This blog is amazing and I’m glad you have time to update as frequently as you do.
Tracy H. says:
This message was a godsend. I’m going through something professionally and you have just put everything in proportion. God bless and no matter what keep blogging! I’ve followed you only a short time and this is the FIRST time I’ve had the courage to post a comment. You’re amazing!
Karen says:
wow well you picked the best post to make your first comment. I’m glad you have perspective now
Lorraine G. K. says:
Thank you for sharing and reminding us that everything is still possible even if its not happening the way we want. I’m sure you will get stronger every year just by remembering what you went through.
Deanne says:
unfortunately, for most people, doing what they love does not pay the bills as well as the old day job. This is especially true if there is no significant other at home who is bringing home a paycheck every week. As an artist, I have tried it, for several years actually, but I got tired of the stress that goes along with low or erratic finances.
Karen says:
You are so very right about this. In my first post in 2012 I recall saying that it may not be feasible for many. It all depends on everyone’s personal situation. I hope you still do what you love as a creative outlet/hobby.
Sinead says:
I saw your post on Instagram at exactly the right moment. I, too, left a full-time job to start my own business, but I would have been laid off, anyway. My whole department was being eliminated one by one and now no longer exists. In any event, I soon discovered that being one’s own boss has its pitfalls, too (although I would never willingly go back to a 9-5 gig) and yesterday was one of those days when I was dealing with all of that self-doubt. So your post was beautifully timed — at least as far as I’m concerned. Thanks for being so open. I would really love it if you’d tell the story of how you came to leave London for NYC, because while I do love New York, Europe remains the dream for me. It’s hard to imagine why anyone would ever leave. But of course the grass always looks greener, right?
I’ve already told you how I feel about your blog, so I’ll simply say that I’m glad that you found work, love, and a life for yourself here. I hope things continue to evolve for you in a way that makes you happy.
Karen says:
Hey Sinead – yea thats how it was for me: the company was laying off so many. I was another number. I hate self-doubt. Such a b*tich we torture ourselves with too much. Everything happens for a reason, especially timing. Sure I’ll note this down and consider a personal post about how I came to NY. Thank you for your support. K x
anisimeoku dago says:
So true! Thanks for sharing this post! xx
This is very inspiring! I got laid off work recently (from a job that was ok, but unfortunately at a workplace I loved) and I really hope to get to where you are now one day.
I have been blogging for 10 months now, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it my day job yet.
But this was truly inspiring, as was the post from 2012 which I also read.
xoxo Iris
Karen says:
Keep doing what you are doing. As long as YOU love doing it that’s all that matters.
the style potato says:
very inspiring 🙂 was sacked from a job around this time last year and because i panicked and freaked out about paying the bills/rent/food/necessities, jumped onto another job that i do not like. i am still in that “oh-i-really-want-to-do-what-i-love-but-too-afraid-to-leave-the-security-blanket-of-a-job” position and will hopefully get to your position one day where i can wake up and be happy to go do something that i love….hopefully i’ll have the courage one day! only time can tell!!!
Karen says:
I know the feeling. I stayed in my job for years from fear of losing the security. Most if not all people (who don’t like their job) must be staying there for the exact same reason.
I hope you find the courage one day too. You’ll know when it’s time.
Yolanda B says:
Very inspiring indeed!!!!! You are a wonderful person and such a soldier!!!! love
Jakina says:
Wow, I can’t believe its been a whole year since that post. I remember starting to read it and not making it very far before I had to start trying to hold back tears. Its like you were putting MY situation out there for the world to know! I felt so so happy for you and felt like when is it going to be my turn?! I have been working the same bs job since I graduated from college and every time I got on the escalator down to my job thats what happened to my mood and outlook on life. I couldn’t believe after all the hard work I had done to graduate and start finally living the life I always imagined that this is where I was, for years. I was used to hearing people tell me about my potential and how Im going to make it and being excited about all my big ideas and then I realized I no longer heard those things. I was so embarrassed when I ran into old friends and I hated when people asked me where I worked and what’s been going on that I just kind of stopped being social. Anyway last year I finally started my magazine ( and trying to just focus on building that up but of course I didn’t really have any money to put into it and it showed. Fast forward to reading this post the other day and I had to laugh like actually out loud with joy because the day before this post I interviewed and was offered a position at an amazing company I never even though I’d have a chance at! To be clear my dream is to work for myself, but now I’ll actually be able to afford to save up and put myself in the position to quit when the time comes. Its funny in my new position I now have to take the elevator up.
Fraka Irizarry says:
After 3 years of starting my blog, believing that nobody was paying attention to what I was doing, I received an invitation to be part of a fashion stylists page in the USA. I remember starting watching your blog and Chriselle Lim’s videos. You both are my 2 most important inspirations in this journey. Keeping an eye to your blog has helped me to do not be afraid of trying new styles. I’m a very different person now.
I wish you the best always : )
Fraka Irizarry says:
I wish you the best always. You have no idea of who I am but know that you were an inspiration for me to starting a blog. After 3 years, a fashion stylist page finally ask me to join them. I was posting with that hope.
Keep on running because you don’t know who can be watching you. Many ladies out there are being inspired by you day by day. : )