Hitchcock: The Birds

black fedora

I found this dress a couple of years ago and the print on it sold me.  Now nicknamed “The Birds,” I usually wear it layered under jackets, coats or cardis.  

black wool coat
white leather bag
black wool cocoon coat
black suede ankle boots
underground blitz boots
maxi dress
kurt geiger deuce
printed maxi dress

Coat:H&M. Try Topshop Unique or T by Alexander Wang (on sale). Dress: Vintage. Best versions are from Free People.  Boots: Underground Originals ‘Blitz boots.’ Try Michael Kors or F-Troupe. Hat: H&M. Bag: Kurt Geiger (love the pony hair version).
You know what? Out of all the coats you’ve seen me in I didn’t have a plain single breasted one till I saw this on sale a few weeks ago.  Didn’t think the whole ovoid/sloped shoulder thing would work for me but this one’s good enough.  
You can see the red versions of these black suede winkle pickers here.  As you can tell I love ’em.  Pointy flat and rock and roll – perfect. 
Surplus pic on my Instagram and Facebook.


    • Karen says:

      Thx it was the main reason I took it!

  1. Jane says:

    Super cool !

    • Karen says:

      Ugh I am obssessed with this bloody hat!!!

    • Karen says:

      Thx I love a great little white bag and the snakeskin texture sold it. I do love the black one I linked to above too. Very rock and roll

  2. Kristi says:

    Fantastic hat! Love the whole outfit!

  3. Mlle W says:

    Excellent mix-n-matching: love that these birds are actually quite eerie like the film instead of your typical cute-teadress fluttery bunch…

    • Karen says:

      I know what you mean. It makes a change to see a more sinister ish print

    • Karen says:

      I need to watch it again its been forever! I do remember seeing hundreds of birds sitting quietly outdoors made me think WTF!!!

    • Karen says:

      And yes I am pleased to hear you have creepers now!

  4. Ada Ahyaudin says:

    The print is amazing!

    • Karen says:

      Thx I love shooting around the city. Its so photogenic really

  5. Lindsey says:

    That print is so great, definitely a lucky find!

    • Karen says:

      It was I’ve not really seen a print quite like it since

  6. Fashion Musings Diary says:

    Everything about this dress is to die for! The print, the cut, the length… You look gorgeous. Total crush for your hat too!

    • Karen says:

      Ah thx thats how I feel about this dress too! Everything seemed to work when I saw it.

  7. Jouni says:

    I already seen a lot of fashion style and i can say this one is really look simple but fit for many women out their.I been a real estate agent in Finland country for several years and i learn a lot of fashion style and i am impress with this.

  8. Hollywood Hot Photo says:

    Lovely photos, like your hat, looking so cute 😉

    • Karen says:

      Thank you I think when anyone flings on a floor length dress it does change the way you look to a bit more dressy.

  9. Sasha says:

    The print on your dress is definitely eye-catching. It’s brilliant, especially the way you’ve styled it!

  10. LesPrecieusesEtMoi says:

    Total in love / j’adore ta robe 🙂

  11. Anja Skrba says:

    Damn this is a good combination! Love it, Karen!


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