Mixed Metals

acne velocite jacket

I can’t stand the promotion of sequins during Christmas and New Years.  Doesn’t it make wearing them a cliche?

Yea it’s still freezing out but nothing thick leggings can’t fix. 

acne shearling jacket

acne biker jacket
womens frye boots
sequin top
gold sequin jacket

Jacket: ACNE. Try here on this inexpensive site I found. Sequin top and skirt: Clock this cropped top to wear with skirts or jeans. Vintage. Boots: Thrifted. Bag: Chanel. Shades: Ray-Ban
….which is one of the reasons why I love wearing anything year round.  I wore this to do a couple of things in the city yesterday.  I ended up at City Bakery on 18th street per my Instagram (errrm the best hot chocolate fyi). 
You’ve seen the skirt more recently here in London with the navy knit jumper but by God did I like the combination of silver and gold sequins together – especially with the oldest and DIY hacked beat up boots.

You’ve seen the jacket before in this post with heels but went with the flat boots to get around.


    • Karen says:

      I can only imagine how it’d look in really bright direct sunlight!

    • Karen says:


  1. Elle @ (Eat.Style.Play) says:

    ooooh I like this, so in love with those boots! I’m still obsessing over your hair!

    • Karen says:

      LOL!!! What does yours look like at the moment?

  2. Eleanor says:

    that coat… that disco ball aesthetic. i only wish i had your ability to pull off all this spectacularness!! amazing!! 🙂

    • Karen says:

      LOL! nothing old shoes and a ‘sensible’ jacket or coat can’t make wearable ; )

    • Karen says:

      ah thank you lovey : )

    • Karen says:

      I feel they almost feel better during the day since it’s more cliche to wear them at night (at least for me).

    • Karen says:

      Thx! I’m STILL loving this jacket. Best buy for this winter (and the next)

  3. beautifuldisaster says:

    i remember when you hacked up those boots!! i voted yes!! hahah btw i’m heading up to nyc tomorrow and wanted to check out a few vintage/thrift stores, what are your faves in the city?? i’m thinking about buffalo exchange, shareen’s, and what goes around comes around….

    • Karen says:

      Good ones! Try Village Style on 7th street!! and No Relation on 1st ave and like 13th street.

  4. beautifuldisaster says:

    i love the combo! im heading up to nyc tomorrow was curious what your fave vintage/thrift stores are? i’m thinking about heading to shareen’s, buffalo exchange, and what goes around comes around..

  5. Tunisia Harris says:

    Currently setting the second image as all of my lock screens! Who knew gold and silver sequins could look SO fabulous together? Seriously in love.

    • Karen says:

      Ha ha! I like the idea of mixing two normal opposites!

    • Karen says:

      Me too. You need to be to wear them : )

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