Definition: The Full Monty:
A British slang phrase. It is generally used to mean “everything which is necessary, appropriate, or possible; ‘the works’”
. . .
I first met Hannah in 2013 outside Pastis restaurant and to this day I remember exactly what she was wearing and by who. You can see that meeting (here!) and then a year later I met her at the Zana Bayne fashion show. I have always liked her relaxed androgynous style. Hannah works as a colomnist at Bloomberg Luxury and shares my obsession with the above jacket by The Arrivals (as well as hats and all things menswear). She was the perfect candidate to get the full monty on.
Jumpsuit: Second Layer Minimal Chicano
“My friends made this. It’s two brothers and their friend Anthony. This is their fourth season. They make very minimal androgynous clothing. This jumpsuit is probably for a man. The hat is from PorkPie hatters in Williamsburg.”
“This is out of character since I wear black a lot. This coat was given to me by Ryan. I like it and it makes me think of him. He’s a genuine friend.”
“These boots are my grandmother’s from the seventies. She rode horses in these. I wear them all the time and they are so comfortable. They are by Baxter”
“I do really love coats. I feel like in New York coats are a really a big thing because no one has cars.”
Mens shirt: Ann Demeulemeester. Coat: Gift
“I wear a lot of black and feel most comfortable in the black pallet. I do like wearing all white too especially in the winter because it’s unexpected.
This is what I wear if I’m going to the office. This coat is a gift from Sydney. You can unzip certain parts and it has a convertible hood. It’s really narrow and thin but it’s good for layering. I feel like I can just handle things when wearing this outfit because it’s black. It’s very empowering”
Shoes: Zara in Paris
“I haven’t seen these anywhere else. I’ve actually worn them quite a bit including in the snow. “
“I went to Dover Street Market the other day and they got in these amazing new vintage style books from around the world. Like Steven Meisel shooting early Kate Moss. 1970’s Rio in Brazil. Early Madonna. Just amazing.”
Leather Jacket: The Arrivals
“I got this jacket the same week that I ordered it and I have absolutely nothing bad to say about it. The brand could easily charge more for it. When I saw this I thought: ‘I’m getting this now.’ It’s warm too. I’ve been wearing it all zipped up. I wear it all the time. If they made one in oxblood I would totally get it.”
Vintage coat: Old pop up flea market inside The Standard beer garden
“I got this coat from a vintage market. It was like $60. With vintage pieces you cannot try to find them, they have to come to you. It’s long and kind of dramatic. I have a really long frame anyway so I like wearing long coats that move in and out. The seller used to pull for Ralph Lauren and she has a really good eye. She’s just such a lone wolf but I think she moved to New Orleans.”CLICK THE BELOW LINK TO SEE MORE ON HANNAH!
“I’ve been to Paris a couple of times a year for the past few years because of my work.”
“I am a jewelry person but only very minimal. This is from my grandmother. I wear this a lot and you can double it. Also I just wear tiny rings. “
Suede coat: Hannah’s grandmother
“This was also my grandmother’s. It’s suede and really soft. I was like sixteen and told her I really liked it and she took it off and gave it to me.”
“I feel like this is so messy but it’s a life saver.”
“Most of my shoes are half a size too small. I’m vain with my feet and want them to be a size smaller I guess? I don’t really care if they hurt if the shoes look cool.”
Mens coat
“This is sooooo long and you can just swoop around in it because it swings really well. I wear this quite a bit. I was watching old Friends episodes and I saw Joey on the show in one of these coats.”
“This is my niece Kimberly.”
“….and this is my other niece Clementine. I want to get another of my brother. I went to this place on Broome Street and saw a guy who does Rihanna, Cara Delevinge etc. He’s expensive but I figured if you’re getting tattooed you need to get what you paid for.”
Boots: ACNE (left). Harley Davidson (right)
“The ACNE’s I wear a lot. The Harley Davidson’s I do wear a lot and I do wear them when actually riding motorcycles so I feel like they are fulfilling their purpose. They are only now getting to a point where they don’t hurt because they are a size too small. Don’t you feel that sometimes? Like you’re somewhere and they only have a size too small, you still buy them? I have taken shoes to cobblers and have had them expanded.”
Hat: Turkey
“I was in Istanbul with friends and this guy said that it’s 1960’s Turkish military.”
Cape: Vintage
“This is amazing. I used to wear it and will again at some point in my life but right now this isn’t my style. I wore it once with a long silk jumpsuit and would go out wearing it with heels.”
Animal skin clutch: Austin.
“The truth is, if I can get away with it, I don’t carry bags. I basically try to carry a money clip, a lipstick and my phone. This bag was $50 from a store in Austin. So when I do carry a bag I carry this one.
What are you favorite places to shop?
“Well it’s more dangerous for me to shop online because I’ll just start buying stuff. I shop on my friend’s websites and random sites like The Arrivals or Second Layer. I’m a big instagram follower so if I see something there and the stylist and photographer are tagged I’ll find it that way.
Net-a-Porter of course.
I don’t really shop that much to be honest. I feel like I acquire things but I don’t actually shop that much. I never really just go out just to shop. I’m always doing something else and I find something.”

Celebrity Suits says:
The outfits exactly suits the girl. She is adorable.
Celebrity Suits
PinkCheetahVintage says:
I wish I could say the same about not shopping too much! I love that she wears so many things from her grandmother. I could never purposely buy shoes too small, tho. Not saying I never squeezed into a pair—just not on purpose. I’m such a wimp with sore toes!
Karen says:
Ugh you and me both. I can certainly understand what she means about buying shoes too small that aren’t available in your size. I’ve come across that situation way too often but agree, it’s hard work to consider buying and wearing. says:
I feel much better about buying shoes that don’t fit me properly. Sometimes you just got to especially when they don’t have your size and if you want them bad enough!!!
Karen says:
Hannah would completely agree with this comment.
Lucille Chetty says:
I’m loving this masculine take on these outfits! its works so well for you xx
Karen says:
Yes she has a unisex aesthetic that I love
Love that long vintage coat!
Karen says:
The grey one? I know stunning isn’t it?? I love the length.
DEBBY says:
I really enjoyed Hannah! She had such a killer style. Please keep doing more of these. I just did a post about androgynous outfits over on my blog.
xxoo, Debby
Herlucidsky says:
I heart her boots collection!!
Karen says:
Yes the two that I shot are perfect.
Linn The girl in oslo says:
Lovely post 🙂
Linn The girl in oslo says:
Lovely post 🙂
lily of the valley says:
I love this post!! Top of my wish list: vintage moto jacket…..
Karen says:
Yea it’s the ultimate must have for someone’s wardrobe.
junglesiren says:
I like everything she’s wearing. She knows what looks right on her and it’s original without looking too fashioney. I think fashion can really kill style.
Karen says:
You just hit on something. I agree and it happens to many of us, myself included. Fashion DOES kill style if you are not careful. VERY well said.
Nicoletta De Luca says:
Such an amazing style, love this post!
Valentine’s day: outfits+shopping ideas on
lb-lc fashion blog
B. E. B. says:
Love her style! Especially all her vintage coats. I can never find vintage coats small enough for my narrow shoulders or vintage shoes big enough for my feet (maybe I should consider buying the ones that are too small!) xx
Karen says:
Keep looking I promise you that they are there! Vintage and second hand is so hit or miss but when you hit it makes all the miss trips worth it.
nuixen marketing says:
very nice
bane coat
leather jackets
Ugh. Dig how she how such a seamless look and doesn’t put in much effort in shopping. Love this feature.
Bisous, xx