I remember going to see Prince in Wembley stadium in England years ago well before I moved to the United States.
I had listened to his albums for years. Easy to say because his music is the kind that you can do that with. I remember taking my place in the stadium and noticing that the stage was round and set in the middle so that the audience would surround him. When he came out I almost lost it. Already a massive fan, my expectations were high but to say that he surpassed them is a joke. He smashed them to little f*cking pieces.
To this day that concert stands as the best one that I have ever attended.
What I loved most about Prince was that he was not a category nor did he want to be placed into one. He was who he was. Like his song Controversy said: ” Am I black or white. Am I straight or gay”? His music, his style, his thinking spanned over everything and everyone and he was the single biggest influence in my life.
To the legend that could rock a pair of heels like no man or woman ever could, I say rest in peace my friend.
May you continue to jam with the man upstairs like nobody’s business.
“Life is death without taking chances” (Prince 1984)

Mariel says:
Dominique says:
So sad..
Karen Blanchard says:
Extremely. Shocking…
Guerline Bethel says:
I am pretty sure he was my first ever crush while watching him on MTV. Man I thought he was the jam to my jelly. RIP beautiful one. I loved how he can sing in that low key and when he spoke it was so masculine. Ooooh Chile..
Guerline Bethel says:
I am pretty sure he was my first ever crush while watching him on MTV. Man I thought he was the jam to my jelly. RIP beautiful one. I loved how he can sing in that low key and when he spoke it was so masculine. Ooooh Chile..
Karen Blanchard says:
love that: jam to my jelly!!
Alexandra Bowman says:
He was a musical genius and will be missed sorely. You’re so lucky that you got to see him in concert, Karen! I’m sure it was spectacular.
Karen Blanchard says:
Yes it was!!! I forgot to add in the post but I saw him again for the Versace for H&M collaboration about 4 years ago. He was at the show and also at the after party where he performed on stage and I was about 10 feet away from him or less. I was in such awe.
keepinitretro says:
Prince was a true musical icon and fashion icon. I’ve been a fan since the early 80’s. He defied labels, charted his own path and played the BEST Superbowl half-time show ever. I cried like a baby when I found out today. I’ve seen hundreds of concerts but never once got to see Prince. This will forever haunt me. Go put on any one of his albums and bliss out. Peace.
Karen Blanchard says:
I still can’t believe that he’s gone so early. I feel like a massive rug got pulled out from underneath my feet. His music will be bittersweet now.
Lizbeth says:
Loved his insolence and bravado to be exactly and only as he wanted to be in life. He sure lived life in his terms and made beautiful music in the process. What a unique and inspiring individual. Rock on baby.
Karen Blanchard says:
Precisely. He walked the walk of being yourself.
Cacau Cruz says:
Beautiful words for such an amazing musician, performer, artist, singer and shiny star.
Karen Blanchard says:
Extreme shining star. I can’t believe it still
Katie says:
Karen Blanchard says:
Yes he is
Tina- Lynn says:
I’ve seen “The Prince” influence in the fashion and music world throughout the years. Prince lived his life by his terms only. I will remember Prince by taking on “Living the life you want to live”
Karen Blanchard says:
So true.
Lisa says:
It still seems like a dream that he is no longer of this world. My favorite track of his is ‘Adore’. Such a great ballad.
Karen Blanchard says:
I still can’t believe he’s gone. This will take a really long time to get used to. None of it makes sense
ChainsawKitten says:
I don’t remember how I got into Prince but it was before he was “cool” – before the whole Purple Rain thing. I have Controversy on my iPhone music list, and every time it plays, people around me are like “who the hell is THAT??”