my stuff

Took snapshots of some things I see when getting dressed.
Some I use constantly. Others down the road. Depends how I’m feeling.
It’s a mix of vintage/thrift/street vendors/high street.

ps. Congratulations to Louise from New Zealand who won the Forever 21 connector ring.
Thanks everyone for taking part.
The next give away will be exclusive to my Bloglovin’ followers as a way of saying thank you for them following me there ; – )
K x


  1. Maggie ☮ says:

    oh im truly jealous I really wanted that ring :s lol

  2. Raquel says:

    Love the Fuck Face glass!

  3. Roya + the Machine says:

    You have a ridiculous amount of jewelry, all of which, I covet.

  4. Robyn says:

    I feel like such a creeper saying this, but I just love looking at how people keep their stuff. Your jewelry and hat collections are so fun!


  5. Harry says:

    The topmost fringe+tassel bag is so beautiful. Can you id it please?

  6. Louise says:

    Thank you SOOOOOO much Karen! I will treasure the ring 🙂 Love seeing more of your jewellery collection, you have some amazing pieces! And I’m with Robyn – I love seeing how other people store their stuff and find it quite inspirational – since I can’t wear ALL my accessories at once (trust me, I’ve tried!) I get so much pleasure out of finding new ways to display them around the home.

    Thanks again!!!! xxxxxx

  7. caylee says:

    umm i heart your stuff. the end =)

  8. Studded Hearts says:

    damn. all that just made me speechless!
    btw i’m looking for some great platforms too 🙂


  9. Li says:

    I love your jewelry so much!

  10. B a la Moda says:

    WOW! Your room is really crowded! I have the same elephant pendant!! ;=)

    B* a la Moda

  11. leflassh. says:

    wow lady.
    so much goodness.
    all those hats look amazing.

  12. Sjaar says:

    gorgeous all the items. You are very lucky to have them.

  13. Sheri says:

    Gimme you stuff! You have such good taste in accessories x

  14. Anonymous says:

    Love all your jewelery! so interesting seeing how other people store their things. Also, yay a winner from n.z!

  15. pkjb says:

    your neckalaces brought out the green eyed monster in me – ! teh elephant is so e p i c!

    ck 🙂 x

  16. WildFlower says:

    Holy crap you have some incredible pieces…amazing hats!…and those tassel bags are truely beautiful. I was wondering the same as Gabrielle….my stuff totally takes over our house…so you have the same prob!? Must be great inspiration just looking at it all.

  17. Alma says:

    I would wear that elephant necklace badly!!! love, love, love it!!

  18. Caroline, No. says:

    I love your necklace tree! Wow, I feel like a minimalist compared to you. I WANT IT ALL!!

  19. Gelllz says:

    I wish i owned these piles …
    I’m in love with the bags and rings .)

  20. Jo says:

    Oh my god, am soooo jealous, you have amazing things. I would love to raid your closet accessories.

    Jo x

  21. naomi says:

    I am so jealous of your ring collection.


  22. marie says:

    you have awesome jewelry girl <3

  23. Princess of many sorts says:

    HI ðŸ™‚
    You have a very cool style:)

    Love the hats …

    Have a nice day – SP

  24. MKM FASHION says:

    I would die to get your stuff!! And I want your crossring!!!

    =) LOVE Madeleine

    P.S I´m from Sweden!

  25. Glamour Bbey. says:

    Love the rings and necklaces!

  26. Lori says:

    i could just stare at these pics all day- there is so much to look at!

    your jewelry is insane

  27. Camilla says:

    i adore the bags.


  28. lizzy says:

    Ooo, I love that necklace set up. I may have to craft something similar and post it on my site (copyright Karen of course!)

  29. Anna G says:

    I love all your collections! I want all your rings.

  30. Angela says:

    I hope to build a nice collection like this pretty soon.. Very nice..

  31. Lainey says:

    I’m obsessed with your jewelry. Must have.

  32. Fiamma says:

    You are the first person I meet (in a way at least) 🙂 that has a collection bigger than mine 🙂 love all of it 🙂


  33. All Women Stalker says:

    You have no idea how jealous I am of your ring collection. VERY JEALOUS!

  34. Helen says:

    Girl I would litterally have a fit in front of that JEWELRY!

  35. Anonymous says:

    I love the “Fuck face” mug!

  36. DalenaVintage says:

    I want your jewelry collection! I’m drooling over a few of those rings you’ve got there!

  37. le pearl says:

    What a collection.

    So jealous. Very freakin jealous.

  38. Replica Vertu says:

    I am in love with all the rings you put here and just want to have them.:)

  39. Anonymous says:

    LOVE IT!

    XX Sweden

  40. THEBYBLE says:

    ow luv’ your hat!!

  41. Anonymous says:

    Dee & Ricky Heart. awesome.

  42. Orchid says:

    wow i love your bags…just love the tassels…and your accessories are to die for…cheers!!!

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