I came across this brilliant video which got me thinking.
Can anyone with a unique voice and a blog create as much attention and influence as a fashion magazine? (Think of the top fashion bloggers out there currently).
Has the fashion industry reached a tipping point?
Beyond the clothes and the shoes, what’s driving YOUR interest in fashion blogs anyway?
Talk to me

I think I get attached to seeing what you and my other favorite bloggers are up to every day. Your life is interesting! xo
Taylor B. says:
Personality. Fashion is all fun and good but I like to see what the person behind the clothes is like, too. If it is just someone who is all about fashion and no brain I lose interest quickly. If you’re all about sponsorship, I lose interest as well.
Sing says:
I visit fashion blogs for realistic inspiration. I think fashion blogs provide an opportunity to be stylish on a budget especially since most of aren’t rich or famous. Most fashion blog styles are attainable and realistic, especially for the working woman or college student. That is the main difference for me vs. fashion magazines who usually feature celebrities and models the average person can’t relate to.
jessica says:
fashion bloggers definitely have as much influence as a magazine, but i don’t think that we are at a tipping point yet. because bloggers tend to speak to a different audience than mainstream magazines.
i do enjoy seeing what my favorite bloggers are up to. it is inspiring to me.
i also choose to read fashion blogs and have online magazine subscriptions for two reasons: one – blogs and online mags are MUCH faster at delivering the news than a print magazine, and second – is sustainability. i try to keep a nearly paper-free home, and there is no room for magazines.
huong says:
i read fashion blogs due to it making me feel like i’m a part of your fashionable lives. nice to see REAL people. Every blogger has their own style. magazines are pretty monotone.
Diya says:
as opposed to jessica, I think fashion bloggers have a DIFFERENT type of influence as a magazine. Neither is better/worse. Blogs offer a wide range of price pts, an immediacy of information, and a huge variety of interpretations of a trend. However, they don’t reach a lot of people who are “internet-illiterate” or might not have access to the internet frequently (out in some countrysides). In addition to a wider scope of influence, mags also provide a more curated version of trends and etc that the mass can grasp on to…
I like fashion blogs more mostly because it’s more affordable and accessible. I don’t have to pay to subscribe to 200 different takes on trends in fashion blog form…but that’ll take a huge fortune if it was in magazine form…
in her stilettos-an austin fashion blog
Dree says:
I must say that in the past 5 years I’ve moved more to blogs from magazines (except Elle UK!) due to the immediacy and styling inspiration, rather than branding. I love that fashion is moving more towards a realistic POV and that stylish people now have a voice. Even the influential people at magazines are featured in blogs or a have one of their own and I’m embracing this change!
Dree xx
bravegrrl says:
that video really was thought provoking, thanks for sharing it!
Veshoevius says:
Very interesting video! I read fashion blogs because I like seeing the creativity of real women from all ethnic backgrounds and all walks of life, with real bodies and on realistic budgets work their own magic with fashion and make it relevant to their lives. Being dictated to by fashion editorials who are out of touch with all that just gets annoying pretty quickly.
--Sanam-- says:
Amazing video, and i really love seeing different peoples styles and tastes in fashion. Where i live no one dresses ‘out of the ordinary’, so to see bloggers from around the world that can offer different ways of looking at style is what i want. Its that which has drawn me to blogging and reading other peoples blogs. they are just amazing! 😀
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
Sarah says:
That’s an inspirational video right there, and that’s the effect i get from some blogs out there. Some make me want to be the most creative person i can be, and some… well some just lift my 05.00 am shitty mood up.
Eleanor says:
yes. fashion blogs definatly have a huge influence – almost more then magazines because they can post daily and people from all over the world can relate to the images. being online helps too because if people have questions an email is handier then contacting a faceless writer at a magazine.
My interest in fashion blogs started off as boredom. now i have my own and my own followers – and its become much more of a hobby. its like any online community. any you can get fashion inspiration at the click of a button!
i am such a fan of your blog! 🙂 keep up the great work! 🙂 xxxx http://improcrastinate.blogspot.com
Iulia Romana says:
I don’t think fashion industry will ever reach a tipping point.We witnessed some many trends in the past so we can ben sure that new trends will come.
In my opinion,fashion bloggers are keeping the fashion industry in a ballance because usually , magazines tend to feature celebrities or rich people with a huge buget , but fashion bloggers keep everything realistic . Therefore, the blogosphere is my biggest inspiration source.
I am looking forward to seeing what fashion is up to 🙂
this video was amazing and so true
Kandice says:
Great video, thanks for posting it.
What drives my interest in fashion blogs is the rawness and unseen creativity of unknown people. The fact that they are people that I wouldn’t get a chance to see walking on the streets in my small midwestern neighborhood is very intersting to me.
Victoria says:
Great video!
I read fashion blogs for the same reason I read biographies or memoirs.
For the quick glimpse. The glimpse into someone else’s live, creativity, or ideas. For that reason I consider most blogs that I read, including my own, lifestyle blogs. A glimpse into everyone’s lifestyle.
Karen you are an influencer in your own way, I find your champers post inspiring.
Vanessa says:
I began blogging to express my own love of fashion well over a year ago and that’s when I noticed that so many others did it and did it well. I looove seeing how there are so many people out there with superb style and no stylist to thank for it. I believe that we serve as inspiration for stylists, designers, and magazines to find what the new trends are and what they think will be hot and what will transcend over to a new season. I think that most fashion bloggers are fearless and have their own unique style and that is why they become the influencer’s. Sometimes I think fashion has become a little washed up because it seems as if everyone is doing the same thing but I believe it’s the people who are always staying true to themselves and shocking the masses with their style that is going to keep it alive.
Karen says:
You are all writing interests points. Keep them coming.
Veshoevius – I too find a lot of magazines (not all) annoying too in that respect.
Diana says:
As a non-fashion blogger, I absolutely love going to fashion blogs just to be inspired. I like to see how you wear things or how you interpret certain pieces. Even if I could never pull off anything in your closet, it’s still so cool just to see it ‘in action’!
fashionrevel says:
Personally, I read fashion blogs to try sth new, know other definitions of ‘fashion’. This way I find new interests, meet some amazing people who think in a similar way to me or in a totally different, so I can understand them and look from their perspective.
Bloggers are really inspiring, they’re so down on earth. They’re normal people, by reading their blogs I can know their history, their life. Their life can influence on mine and that’s amazing.
They try some new things not only for their readers, but also for themselves. They develop themselves and that’s why so many people follow them and create their own blogs. I’m one of these people, so for me it’s the biggest prove bloggers are influencers.
joy says:
I like the dialogue that occurs between blogger and reader. I also like to be on both sides of that dialogue, that is why I have a blog. While fashion is fleeting and frivolous I am not sure I mind that.
Fashion magazines will always have a place even if they move to a digital format. I hope they don’t, I love the feel of magazines. Thank you for posting such a weighted question on your blog.
Anna G says:
hello, Karen, if you are truly interested in furthering exploring the sudden explosion of trendy fashion bloggers and what their influence bring, try reading the Tipping Point. It’s such an easy read. I had to read for a social class, and it only took me two days. It explores into depth, why people are drawn to other people and our need to consume. From my own opinion, bloggers are so dominate because of the ability to instantly push something out into the public. It’s basically an addiction to find the latest and be able to day they were the first to find it.
I also find fashion bloggers to be so relative. Most of them don’t live in the biggest cities but still find ways of showing their unique qualities. I found this by a complete accident. They spoke about vintage, thrifting and high-end fashion. It changed my life and view on fashion. Literally, everyday I can find a unique opinion. Granted many do seem to fade fast but we are constantly searching for the next big thing.
Nish Gibson says:
I think fashion blogging is fabulous. It makes for a more accepting society rather than only having to look to the mass media or magazines for inspiration or compatibility when it comes to art and or fashion. It gives everyone their own voice and if the readers do enjoy, why not take the time to create your own utopia of style and blog about what you like :). I don’t think the fashion world is tipping, we will always have our McQueens and Chanels yet I see that the world around it is inevitably becoming more accepting to self expression and new voices.
Nish Gibson says:
I so agree with Anna G!
Brittney says:
Thanks for posting this video, it really has me thinking.
I have to agree with a statement made in the video that the more you “make it” the greater the distance is between what you are, and what made you. I know I have seen this happening more and more with the “top fashion bloggers.” What made me love these bloggers is more or less gone. Most of them have become so successful that their blogs are too glossy. They are posting now with their sponsors or the “Fashion” community in the back of their minds instead of what makes them unique.
I go to blogs more so than any other outlet because I feel a connection with these “regular” people. The things they are doing are much more accessible in my eyes than a writer in Vogue magazine. They are real people with real people views. I get to see how people all over the world are expressing themselves.
forefrontfash says:
i can’t afford what i see in vogue or elle – though i adore reading magazines. i can however be inspired by the vintage duds and forever 21 styled ensembles that you brill bloggers produce!
Shamini says:
this video is just wow!
i think i will go through it again and again in the coming days…
thanks for sharing!
Camilla says:
I think it’s the fact that there is a whole community of people who share a passion, really whether it’s food or any other type of blogging. These people are all doing something they love, and it’s just admirable.
Lady J says:
I believe that we have definitely reached a tipping point. Blogs have now given the readers their own choice. Not only do we get to have a glimpse into REAL peoples lives and cultures but now we get to choose who we want to adore, and for a black woman that is HUGE. We can now choose to see our own fabulous faces just by a click and have REAL women as inspiration instead of who ever the magazines choose to show us. That alone causes an evolution.
Then add to that the fact that it’s free and instantaneous. It gives people that were once not exposed to fashion the opportunity to view and try what ever looks they want. Yes, I’d say things have changed drastically.
Ms_SyllyBee says:
i love this video. i watched it last week and it really got me thinking about creativity and creation.
I just started my blog about a month ago because I had been reading blogs for the past year and have found them really inspirational. I agree with most of the others who say that they are much more realistic and accessible than magazines. Most of us can’t afford the things put up in editorials or don’t have model bodies but we still love the creativity of fashion. Being a part of a blogging community where different backgrounds and visions all collide from all over the world is really inspiring for the future of fashion, creativity, and in a greater sense, a global culture. I’m excited to see what the blogging world will look like, 5, 10, 25 years from now and in effect, how the global society will look too.
i wander, i wonder
Monroe Steele says:
BLOGS ARE THE NEW MAGAZINE! yeah mags come out once a month but blogs are updated almost daily. its where i get my inspiration and its great to see real normal girls..without all that extra touching up. i love reading blogs and having my own. its instant gratification verses waiting 3 weeks for the next mag to come out!
xoxo Monroe
Fashion Steele NYC
Lizzy says:
I saw this video maybe a week ago, and I loved it. Thanks for sharing on this site!
Jewels says:
I love this video! I think, as the video tittle suggests, that it’s truly inspiring ! i also made a post about it on my blog ! 🙂
Btw I really love your blog so I’m your new follower from now on ! 😀
Kiah says:
This video was absolutely brilliant! Thanks for posting it. As a blogger, I love watching how readers take your ideas and styles and make them your own. My main audience is the high school I attended. It was awesome to see how I could post a styling tip and see how people used it the next day as they passed me in the hallway. There is something truely unique about the relationship between bloggers and thier readers. This is something that magazines will never quite be able to emulate.
In the video they quoted the book “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell. For anyone who liked this video, I highly reccommend reading it.
gucci watches ladies says:
these styles on your post are totally my favorite,xoxo
jessie says:
I adore the good writing that’s out there in the fashion blog realm.
One favorite example is Rumi of Fashiontoast. Bloggers like her show in what way eloquence can be present in both what is worn and what words are said.
Karen says:
I am reading everyone’s comments.
Thank you for sharing your opinion on this. It’s something I wanted to ask you lot what you really thought on what’s happening right now.
Dirty Hair Halo says:
what attracts me to fashion blogs?
– point of view mixed with how much one can do on a budget.
plain and simple.
sandhyaa says:
i dont like just-pictures fashion blogs…i like fashion bloggers who also talk to their readers…i like to read some witty fun or a random incident to keep the blog more lively.
Anonymous says:
hullo!! i have to agree with lots of the posts here already. the blogosphere hasn’t reached the tipping point yet. blogging developed as an entity outside of the mainstream fashion world as a commentary on fashion and style as it related to individuals, but has become consumed in the bigger realm of fashion now with all of the collaborations and with the fashion world incorporating blogging and bloggers in fashion shows and editorials. have bloggers lost their objective voices and critiques of fashion/style? or has the publicity allowed them to reach new and wider audiences?
blogs are enjoyable to me because i like the voice that each fashionista or fashionisto has. each outfit, each piece, each post expresses who they are and distinguishes them from everyone else. blogs are people’s unique points of view on life, love, style, and trends and thats whats so much more refreshing than picking up a magazine that, i love but have to admit, is about consumption. magazines try to make money, that’s their main objective and creativity is second to revenue. blogs for the most part are not.
Jennie says:
I visit fashion blogs because the photos are fun and the clothes featured are actually affordable as opposed to magazines that tease deals under $100, only to feature an $99 belt or hat.
Diana says:
i think just a peak into other people’s lives from different cities and their perspective.
Karen says:
anon @ 12.27 – very well said. i do feel a lot of US mags esp are so full of ads now that i often struggle to find the actual mag content. i swear it’s majority of ad pages over actual mag content. i do hope bloggers haven’t lost their objectivity as they grow…
Jennie – so true! it’s so wrong to save a dollar. wow now THERE’s a real bargain…
Flower Drug says:
I love your blog. I want to start a fashion blog aswell. But I am too scared over what others will think. That is also why I like fashion blogs. Fashion bloggers are people that DARE. And that is what I find so fascinating and inspiring.
Shakiya(StyleGasim)Green says:
I must say that I loved this video an I am wanting badly to see the second part that may or maynot come out. But I do feel that there is definately influence BEYOND the shoes and clothes on a blog. There is also a sense of “trust” so to speak. A trust that the follower instils in the blogger that what he/she is wearing is “cool” or “in” when in all actuallity they are wearing thier version of what is cool or in. I must say that I do HATE trends but I have to keep up with them in my line of work. I think that If I influence someones style then that is a great thing but there should also be a message as to tell them that you should definately wear what YOU are comfy in and if I play a part in that then bravo for me but in the same light you must always keep in mind that fashion dictates everyone and everything around us….always. Karen YOU do a fantastic job of wearing what YOU think is cool and you dont take it so seriousley!fashion is NOT meant to be that serious….you wear what you feel and I am the same way when getting dressed and thats the way it should be….carefree chic!! But I must confess that I mimic your style quite a bit…like you I too am obsessed with vintage and shopping!! cant get enough…In my eyes you are someone that I LOVE to say influences ME!! Great job!!!
Brittanee says:
I recently saw this video, and just came across your blog (which I’m loving so far!)
The whole hype about blogs, fashion blogs, and influences still boggles my mind. Blogs have a much more personal touch than magazines do (to me) because they are coming from real people. Not only are people today trying harder than ever to be individuals, but we are all deep down trying to be accepted. That’s all anyone wants. The people who are making a change and difference in the fashion/blog worlds are the ones that stick to who they are throughout the whole process. It’s easy to get lost in trends or scenes – as well as hard to stay away from them. It’s those individuals that can be themselves though, that really stand out to me. It has gone to a sort of branding world, whether big or small…large companies or labels or stores…want you to represent them, while at the same time, you are trying to represent yourself to those around you. The whole idea is fascinating to me!
Influences are everywhere and always changing. From the top fashion blogs to someone wearing a kick ass outfit at the store, I am being influenced everyday all around me. It shapes me into the individual I am, and also inspires me to get my ideas, thoughts, passions, and interests out to others. It’s a circle that is constantly rotating. If I can make an impact on someone to go out of their comfort zone and try something new, fashion related or not…I will be happy 🙂
I thought this was a wonderfully done video, and it got me thinking. It’s go time!
Karen says:
Flower Drug – what others will think?? Just start. If you worry about others you’ll not do what you really want to.
Shakiya – I’m glad to meet a fellow vintage lover and yes, stay true to yourself. Key point….
Britantanee – Wow. It boggles my mind too. I loved your words on wanting to represent companies or labels while at the same time trying to be yourself. THis is so true… And yes, I feel that what influences you is all around you but is also inspiring. A real circle indeed. Very good comments from you : ))
La Petite Marmoset says:
Love that video! Made me feel even better about what we do 🙂
La Petite Marmoset
Ayanna says:
I would say relate-ability? I like blogs, such as yours, where I feel as though I can relate to the blogger. There’s stories behind each outfit and picture and many bloggers don’t get that, they just post an outfit and list what they are wearing. Its like in that case, you might as well just stick to lookbook. I like knowing a blogger’s thought process, what thoughts went into that certain outfit, what emotions were felt when that great thrift find was found! Sometimes I feel like I know you lol. Some bloggers get so big headed, its nice to have bloggers who are humble and friendly. I like to read blogs to get inspiration that I can transform into my style. I, most importantly, like to read blogs that feature items that are in my price-range. That is why I love your blog Ms. Karen 🙂