city hippie

Tunic: Forever 21. Denim skirt: A&F. Sandals: Steve Madden. Bag: Thrift & DIY studded.
Custom zip bracelet by Tay Trong. Rest of jewellery: T&V, LF stores, NY street vendors
I love the grey colour of this tunic. A bit less expected than a citrus or crayon coloured version.
These sandals are one of my faves for walking around the city. They’re like a dainty version of a gladiator.
After weeks of staring at my stylist friend Tay’s wrist wearing his DIY zip bracelet, I had him finally make me one. The damn thing has not let a day pass without people asking me where I got it.
Ok so it’s a stretch but, it’s one item Kate Lanphear (Editor of Elle) and me both are seriously loving (she has already emailed Tay to find out what else he’s got since our meet last week).


  1. InnyVinny says:

    I love that bracelet. So much. =D

  2. Rachel says:

    I love your outfit, especially the bracelet.

  3. Dominika says:

    I love hippie style! You look gorgeus <3! ^^
    Love the shirt!

  4. Autour de toi says:

    So beautiful tunic and sandals!

  5. MalΓΉ says:

    I really like your style!U look different in every pic, but always lovely!!!

  6. Nika says:

    that’s a great tunic and yes the brace3let is hot.

  7. Julie says:

    Love the Top and the sandals K! What’s the name of that particular style (sandal)? Thanks!

  8. ~ Everest ~ says:

    amazing dressing!! i love all your outfits! can u share how u do ur studding??

  9. Wendy says:

    You look so great in this outfit!

  10. Damsels says:

    so jealous you met kate
    shes my absolute fave .

  11. lisa @ luxe says:

    wow, i just came across your blog for the first time, and absolutely love it – such inspiration!

    kisses from las vegas

  12. stbartschic says:

    LOL i have the same sandals and have worn them my whole trip to Africa this time…mine are brown though!

  13. tinklestar says:

    can you get a close up shot of that bracelet? it looks amazing from far away, i can’t even imagine how awesome it looks up close!

  14. Antonia says:

    Love your top and sandals!! Oh, could you please tell me what brand and color your nail polish is?? I noticed that right away. Thanks Karen! πŸ™‚

  15. Karen says:

    Stbarts – LOL!! Typical that we’d have the same in these too ; )

    Tinklestar – i’ll take closer shots of it next time I post wearing it.

    Antonia – thanks! Its called Sea Breeze by Essie. Its like a cobalt blue. Get it!!!!

    Damsels – i still can’t believe it either.

    Everest – just get an exactor knife, bag of studs and pliars. That’s it! you cut the material with the knife and bend the stud teeth in place with the pliars.

    lisa @ luxe – welcome ; )

    Thank you for the comments everyone!!!

  16. Domennie says:

    looking the entire outfit;)

  17. Frickys says:

    It is hard not to notice the bracelet!!!!
    She should definitely sell them, I want one πŸ™‚

  18. Dream Sequins says:

    I need one of those bracelets…

    BTW- I saw your cover on Style Sample. Very nice! πŸ™‚

  19. sophie says:

    I came across this website and thought about you and the post you did with the girl and the one-eared earring. Thought you might be interested

  20. Anonymous says:

    i love that tunic…so blousey and feminine…i wonder if they still have it?

  21. Tay says:

    you wear it well!

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