I was approached recently by a Japanese company NY-Icons about doing a New York shopping video (at the time of writing this post, it was JUST put on You Tube).
Jesus, I sound so bloody OTT. I’m going to just laugh at myself.
It was held in LF where you know I’ve bought a few bits and pieces (including the Creepers) and yes, I was tempted by those studded wedges by Jeffrey Campbell.
Chic Intuition – I know you guys wanted them after your message on twitter 😉

KLEE says:
and that studded wedges, OMG
Eva Ana says:
your style isnt rly close to me but you look classy on these pics. me love
K. Julien says:
that is so cool. I now must check out LF.
all addict. says:
I love the dress and the shoes !!
Anonymous says:
I just noticed you’r blog thanks to an swedish blogger, and omg you are my new style idol. I love everything in you’r warderob!
Good work, keep it up. (:
thischicksgotstyle says:
So cool!!
And those wedges are the best…
flashingfashionx says:
Love the white shoes so cute!
By the way well done on the video, jelouse!
I would really appreciate if you visit my site http://flashingfashionx.blogspot.com/ and consider becoming a follower.
Jacqueline says:
Congratulations Karen! You look great. I love those studded wedges you are wearing.
Taylor B. says:
The shorts and knee-high socks look great! I couldn’t pull it off but I’d try! I love the sweater you wore with it. It looked cozy.
The lace-sleeve dress was awesome! I hope you got it.
I was hoping you’d try on the thigh-high boots hanging on the dressing-room door!
Sophia and Mary says:
love how you layer your socks. and yes those wedges would be tempting…
cat says:
you are super charming! love all of the clothes you tried on, you look beautiful 🙂
Nika says:
Great video Karen, Congrats! those wedges were awesome and then some
The Barely Tattoo'd Artist says:
I liked the leopard print wedges, which is weird because I don’t really care for animal print…
Anyways, congrats on the video!
InnyVinny says:
=D So cute! What a cool interview.
I saw those studded wedges the last time I was in LF and fell in love, too.
natasha's view says:
You look great, love the J.C. wedges!
Fashion&Such says:
wow, those wedges are stunning!!!
love the creepers you bought too though 🙂
Laura says:
beautiful stuff and beautifull outfits, love it!
sexyinthecity says:
Beautiful pics!!!
Totally in love with the wedges and the creepers!!!
Mila says:
Wow,amazong!!!And those wedges are just…..beautiful….<3
CultureCynic says:
more videos pls!!!!!!!!!!!! u looook great!!!!!
Diana says:
Amazing! 🙂
Rae- Sea of Style says:
Cupcakes and Cashmere says:
i love these shots and think that i need those studded wedges…do they carry them at the LF store?
Karen says:
I had a feeling there would be alot more pple than me that would love those wedges too. They are actually drawing pins pushed into the shoe. Talk about I feel a DIY coming on.
Barely Tatood Artist – yea thats why I picked those up. They are cool and look like a copy of the Topshop Ashish boots.
Cupcakes and Cashmere – answered you on your blog ; )
Cat – hello you. Thanks!
Anonymous says:
i love your accent
Grace says:
Congrats Karen! Lovely work. LF is so bad on my wallet. I’m glad you too the Creepers though, you wore them so well with the layered socks!
Love Grace.
runwayhippie says:
love everything you tried on! so cute! love the creepers and obviously those studded wedges!! you’re so cute!!!
Jessica says:
like the others said you are so cute! your accent and demeanor are just adorable. thanks for posting the video, you guys look like you had a great time!
Chessa! says:
found you via Cupcakes and Cashmere…so glad I did! 🙂
stbartschic says:
looks like it was a lot of fun!
All Women Stalker says:
Got here via Cupcakes and Cashmere, too. Will stalk you from now on, if you don’t mind.
I love LF. It’s my weakness.
Congrats on this video – you did great…and the outfits were cool.
PS: The host is sooo cute, love her! lol
Karen says:
Culturecynic – I’m definitely adding more videos to my blog very very soon!
St barts chic – it was.
All Women Stalker – hello – no problem : )
Jessica – thanks it was fun actually. I’ll add more videos over time. They are fun to do.
Damsels says:
omg love your voice .. so sophisticated
TheGlamorousEccentric says:
this was so fun to watch. i love LF but sometimes i feel like they don’t edit their buys enough. either way the jeffrey campbell boots were to die for!
Anonymous says:
Great video Karen!! Love that sweater you had on over the LBD. Who makes it? It’s gorgeous!!
Trendy Gourmandise says:
nice !