Blazer & Boots: Zara. Leggings: Ebay.co.uk Black top: American Apparel. Tshirt: Express. Bag: Thrifted (DIY studded). Fedora: Trash and Vaudeville
I could NOT resist these union jack leggings from ebay.co.uk. The original way I intended to wear them hasn’t been finished yet (more to come on that), but I love them just like this with a pair of tall boots and an oversized top.
The boots I got from Zara during their summer 70% off sale. They are lined throughout with fleece so they feel like Uggs (from the inside). The pointy shoulder blazer is Zara too.
ps. Thank you American Apparel for showing me on your website here and here (scroll down to Seen On Bloggers).

Jessica says:
those tights are rad on you! love the boots too. 😉
Pennerad says:
effin incredible shots. this outfit is just…damn. i love every. single. piece.
good job on the boots.
K says:
great shots. very nice!
Jacqueline says:
I love the reflection shot, beautiful! You look so good in those leggings. I don’t think they would look good on everyone =) The boots seem like a great find too. I like all the studding you do on purses and bags. You should sell some DIY stuff on etsy!
Cassandra says:
How did you DIY stud your converse if you don’t mind me asking? And what kind of studs did you use? I LOVE them! TIA!
KLEE says:
cool leggings!
Phyllis says:
i LOVE everything about this outfit/post. so cool!!
miss a. says:
I’m convinced that the Zara near me doesn’t stock the right items. Love the blazer & the union jack tights are fab.
Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! says:
I love the pics with the reflection in the puddle! Great boots!
bonjouritsjinah says:
I loooove the power bitch shoulders on that jacket! I might have to snag one of those for myself.
Dream Sequins says:
The leggings are really lovely on you! And how appropriate 🙂
Dylana says:
I love the leggings. So amazing!
Annabel says:
i love the blazer and the leggings! shame there isn’t any zara in san diego. not used to this when there used to be a zara right in whiteleys when i was in london.
Sophia and Mary says:
those leggings are fresh2def!!
Laura says:
Love all that black with the awesome leggings.
Boots are gorgeous!
Ara says:
Such a cool outfit!!
PUNKIE says:
this boots!! OMG! and the pics are so beautiful!
Sweet Things says:
amazing photos
Yuka says:
sooo awesome! i love this look on you!
jane says:
ha ha ha your outfit is perfect!!!
Dominika says:
wow! those tights are amazing! ^^
FashionJazz says:
Luv this!!! xx
all addict. says:
I love your leggins !
Stunning look! <3
Anika says:
Insanely jealous. About that wicked Zara purchase. Damn Australia for not being cool enough to have Zara.
The blaazzzzzeeerrrrrrrrrrrr. I die. The end.
Looking fantastic, as always.
Have a great one 🙂
LaurenSchoon says:
Ohh those tights are amazing!
Ashleigh says:
Your blog is pretty freakin crazzzy and I mean that in a good way 😉
love that bag..need to order my studs..plan on doing it soon …
p.s. Let me know if you want to trade links!
Fashion&Such says:
such a fun outfit!!!
beautiful photos 🙂
Taylor Sterling says:
Amazing I love them!!
Ashley says:
Awesome blazer!! I love the photo of the puddle reflection.
Her name was Lola says:
I adore those snazzy tights {makes me miss living in the UK! though NYC isn’t half bad, is it?} – as I adore this blog!
b.entrance says:
This jacket is stunning, and the boots are really great! I admire you for wearing those UK tights, it reminds me how free you are when you live in NYC or London.
noirohio vintage says:
the reflection photos are stunning!! amazing..
cupcake.trash says:
Love the bag.
Friend in Fashion says:
Love how you’ve worked the tights – you look fabulous! 🙂
Antonia says:
OMG, these pics are great!!! You look fab in your leggings. Great reflection photo too!
Diana says:
holy crap karen. you are effing amazing! 😉
Daria says:
Something about this look just makes me SO happy!!! love it. i’m so getting that blazer!!!! me and the kittens will be on a mission this week!
Karen says:
Thanks guys. I love that reflection shot too. We took loads of them and they all came out interesting.
Cassandra – for the Converse I used the pyramid studs. You need an exactor knife (ultra sharp so watch it) and pliars to bend back the prongs.
Daria – definitely go get the blazer before it’s gone and you regret it. Remember the All Saints??
Eternally Fixated says:
girl, you are too cute!! Lovee the blog! Amazing shots!!
in love with this outfit!!
Frickys says:
Ah, can’t believe you scored these boots on sale!!!
You paired those rad leggings so well that you make me get a pair 🙂 oh, the power of blogging
Eliana Masgalos says:
Love this one 🙂
Karen says:
Frickys – did you order a pair too? cool!!!!!!!
Eternally Fixated – thanks for liking the blog and shots.
Flashy Stylista and Eliana – this is one of my fave outfits for sure.
Anonymous says:
this outfit is awesome, like usual!
jackets says:
Nice Blog! Those tights, jackets and leggings are so cute! Something about this look just makes me so happy! Really love your outfits!
tank tops says:
Before throwing away your old, ill-fitting tank tops, put them to good use in a creative way. Reusing old tank tops to create a new fashion accessory not only saves money on expensive hand-bags, but it also reduces waste, which is good for the environment.