the closet

The tour coming v. soon.
Time to show you more…
K x


  1. lisa @ luxe says:

    such a great inspirational blog!
    love it!

    kisses from vegas

  2. Dylana says:

    I cannot wait! This looks like it is going to be amazing!

  3. Nerdic.. says:

    Wow! You have a lot!
    X, fashion-nerdic.

  4. klee says:

    really neat and tidy, not like mine which is literally a pile 😡

  5. Thu Hien Nguyen says:

    Wow, it looks amazing. i´m jealous!

  6. Lion-ess says:

    i’m really inspired!

  7. joannapple says:

    the closet to die for!

  8. Jenny Cindy says:

    Love it! can’t wait for the tour.

  9. Cindy Khor says:

    woah, i think its also time for me to revamp my wardrobe and purchase more stuff too.. After looking at yours, i think mine looks rather pathetic. well, at least i have to update on accessories..

  10. Bub says:

    heyyy ive been following ur blog for quite some time now and ur wardrobe is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G, mine is no where near that.
    keep up the amazing blogs!

  11. b.entrance says:

    Looking forward to it! Amazing, x

  12. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think it could possibly fit all your stuff, it’s too small? You need a walk-in closet for your big collection 🙂 Naaahh..

  13. Fashion&Such says:

    I LOVE how organized you are.
    gorgeous hats!!!

  14. Oly says:

    great hats!! 🙂

  15. Anika says:

    Me likey. I’m such a perve, I love looking through peoples closets. Cannot wait for the tour 😀

  16. Nika says:

    so organized, the bins are those for your shoes?

  17. YAIYA says:


  18. The Barely Tattoo'd Artist says:

    I want to attack your shoes and wear them everywhere!!!

    Just seeing this tells me I need to get on the band wagon and re-organize my closet…

  19. Antonia says:

    ^^ I agree with The Barely Tattoo’d Artist, your shoe collection is TDF and I cannot wait to see more of your closet!! So exciting!! 🙂

  20. Sarah K. says:

    I want to raid your closet!!

  21. Grace says:

    Can’t wait!

    Love Grace.

  22. Karen says:

    Nika – yep!

    I’ve been going through a massive overhaul of my stuff so I figured this was a good time to get a tour ready : )

    K x

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