new york fashion week – bits and pieces

Having a good laugh at the Nicholas Kirkwood party hosted by Susie Bubble.
At the V magazine party celebration. Wall to wall models understandably. (Bryan Boy blogger was here too which I posted before). Some of my faves:
This woman was stunning and perfectly dressed with ripped denim and boots
Philip Lim and my friend Tay also at the party. Note to self: Always give the camera to someone else and take a picture WITH the subject instead. Attended his 2010 show the following week.
KILLER over the knee boots
With Kelly Cutrone from People’s Revolution (and The City) – backstage. LOVE her Alexander McQueen leather jacket:
With Fern Mallis – Senior Vice President of IMG Fashion
Backstage at the tent (W lounge). I had to try on this mortgaged-size Hermes
Still at the W lounge. For some reason I loved how this shot came out (there was a purple glow in the lounge). I had the ACNE wedges on.

I took this shot of The Satorialist while we hung around the back entrance to the shows
Gorgeous right down to the baby blue suede Acne wedges
Loved this. Simple but she stood out

Her Balmain boots alone had photographers swarming
Fashion Night Out. Squashed between Iman and designer Rachel Roy.
With Rachel Roy and one of the other models from the Rachel Rachel Roy F/W 2009 campaign (it was such a blast to have been involved). Pics from the campaign here.
With singer Estelle. It’s always nice to meet a Brit over here, famous or not and she’s lovely
Thought I’d post up the rest of my New York Fashion Week pictures.
I must be the last blogger left to post them.
Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Jacqueline says:

    wow, sounds like you really met a lot of people. it was really cool to see all these photos! thanks for sharing and congratulations on your experience at fashion week =)

  2. K. Julien says:

    fabulous people and great clothes, what more can you ask for? Looks like you had a fun time.


  3. Neekoh says:

    Better late than never! Great pictures 🙂 And I’d never seen those Rachel Rachel Roy campaign pics; they’re awesome!

  4. The Barely Tattoo'd Artist says:

    I’m awestruck…sorry, I’m a fan of Iman and Estelle…

    I always liked the long, leaness of Iman (and it doesn’t hurt that her hubby is David Bowie) and I just recently discovered Estelle and I can’t get ‘American Boy’ out of my head each time I shop…don’t know why…

  5. oOgiewOogie says:

    Very Cool “K”~!!!!

  6. goldenmeans says:

    Looks like you had a ton of fun! I think that’s Fern Mallis though and not Hillary Alexander;)

  7. agatiszka says:

    Just love Estelle’s jacket!!

  8. thischicksgotstyle says:

    Really great pics and wow, your leather leggings are insane (from your previous post :P)

  9. Jacquie says:

    this is a great post! i make that mistake to; taking photos and not actually appearing in any… although your subjects are rather more, er, well-known than i amd my mates!

  10. Lainey says:

    You have the BEST pictures from Fashion week though. Love Kelly Cutrone.

  11. Samantha says:

    WOW you are so lucky. D:

  12. Antonia says:

    Great pics, Karen….thanks so much for sharing them with us! Looks like it was lots of fun! 🙂

  13. Karen says:

    Lainey – I really like her too. Love the no BS straight talk personality.

    Antonia – it was. A bit tiring though after a while.

    Goldenmeans – thanks : ))

    Ooogie!!!! – welcome to my world of blogging. How are you?

    Thx all – sorry they got posted so damn late!

  14. Lion-ess says:

    hi Karen.. what top are u wearing at the W Lounge..
    Look so amazing with leather!

  15. Anonymous says:

    great pics, looks like u had alot of fun! i hope to one day go to ny and attend fw. thanks for sharing, like always 🙂

  16. melly says:

    what is the name of the woman with the blue suede acne wedges?! she has awesome style! must fashion stalk!

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