Jacket + Boots: Zara. Shirt: Benetton. Skirt: H&M. Clutch: Random NY shop. Necklace: Thrift shop
The boyfriend and I attended a function at Cipriani on 42nd street tonight (highlight of the night for me was meeting photographer Annie Leibovitz). The invitation read ‘black tie optional’ so I went for semi-dressed up and wore my only smart black blazer (from Zara).
This short leather skater skirt is one of my fave pieces. The ankle boots (also Zara) are ridiculously comfy. I will continue calling them ‘socks with heels.’
Bonus points: The all rubber lug sole means silent walking so no pavement noise announcing I’m walking past you. Don’t you sometimes hate the clack clack?
ps. The closet tour should (hopefully) be my next post ; -)

Anonymous says:
great look! by the way, there are some amazing thigh highs at topshop:http://us.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=32051&storeId=13052&categoryId=133421&parent_category_rn=133419&productId=1431800&langId=-1
Annabel says:
awww i love that blazer. are they all sold out? x
Ola says:
You looked very elegant! Yet another style which really suits you
nikky says:
so sleek!
and i want some silent heels too!
Grace says:
Great post and you look amazing with the fresh face and hair pulled back!
Love Grace.
Julia 'So Thankful' says:
Yep, certainly don’t really like the clack clack most of the time :S But I ADORE this look! What an awesome skirt and looks fab on you!
bérénice says:
How make you to walk with heels so high?
I have already tried to H&M but saw the way the saleswoman to look at boots I fast stopped 😉
Jacquie says:
1. ohhh cipriani, very nice!
2. I really love this smart pulled together look – button up the shirt and change the heels, it could be a work outfit.
3. lucky you on the zara heels!
4. and omgyesidohatehthatclackclacksound!
Posh says:
Damn, the leather skirt is amazing!! <3 And like the first comment; when I saw the tight high boots on Topshop a few days ago, I had to think on you straight away! De boots are gorgeous, you will love them!
jeannie says:
You look adorable!
Emilie says:
I bought the same blazer! You look amazing! And that skirt is gorgeous!
Frickys says:
Total inspiration for tomorrow! Love those boots on naked legs… wish I can find them somewhere to get a pair.
Yasmin says:
love the shoes!
Girl in the loft says:
jealous of those boots!!!!!!!!!!! and love the white shirt.
Phoebe Rose says:
I love those boots! They’re not in my local Zara but I will find them eventually 🙂
b.entrance says:
Love the whole outfit! This leather skirt is gorgeous and already sold out since a while 🙁
Like the loose clutch too! xx
Suzanne says:
stunning look again!
PUNKIE says:
totally stunning!
the fact that this boots makes no noise is really attractive… I should wonder about purchase it!
Jane says:
I want that skirt!
Tiffany* says:
I really really love those boots! How long ago did you get them? Awesome outfit-so chic!
Love your blog 🙂
Check out my GIVEAWAY on my blog!
LaurenSchoon says:
Love the blazer!
Maddy says:
I love this look on you! Beautiful clutch!
haute.teapot says:
I’d love to try heels that don’t give away my every move. You look stunning–perfect outfit for the occasion.
All Women Stalker says:
Haha I love the clack-clacking sound of heels. ALL THE TIME. 😀
Anonymous says:
OMG I have to be honest, I love your blog and your personality that comes through! But sometimes i’m kinda “meh” on the outfits, but this one I LOVE! You look outstanding!
Jacqueline says:
Love this outfit! Very smart and sophisticated. Looking good Karen!
Antonia says:
Karen, this is such a runway look…so classy! I love the stuff you find at Zara-that’s one of my favorite stores!!I am so looking forward to the closet tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate Van Zandt says:
You look very cool, gave me an idea for an outfit I had no hope with! x
Kate Van Zandt says:
Also to say that Zara in Glasgow never has any of these things in store!!!! :-/
cupcake♥trash says:
love the shoes and blazer.
Anonymous says:
where did u get your lipstick and what shade is it… it looks red.. then purple?
Amber says:
LOVE the blazer! I dod hate teh CLACK CLACK, I always fell like i am the only one making that noise LOL
Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! says:
love the leather skirt and the boots seem like they would be perfect with everything! I want some 😉
Miri says:
WOW, that zara blazer looks great on you!
Tigeren aka Chau says:
Nice outfit the shoes and jacket.
I myself have the shoes, and they are comfy.
The Queen of Hearts says:
This is, by far, my favorite outfit from you to date. Simple, chic and completely elegant.
Dane says:
I love that blazer and yes I do hate the clack clack.. which is why I live on the beach. x
sexyinthecity says:
You looks amazing!
and the boots are gorgeous!
augustalolita says:
uuhmazing!! you look so chic!!
Nika says:
love this look
ooh I love your stile!!!!
SnakeCharmer says:
That blazer is to die for :0
stylorectic under medical treatment says:
damned, that makes me wanna bite my ass not buying those shoes.you look lovely dear!
the lipstick i am using is from rimmel and called scream.
Karen says:
Annabel – I got mine about 5/6 weeks ago ish? I’ve not seen any in the past 3 weeks but you never know…?
Anonymous – this one is by L’oreal the colour is called Scarlett. It comes in an ultra slim lipstick tube. Its not purple. Definitely a vibrant red.
Tiffany – I got the boots about 1 month ago. I was really suprised to see them there still actually because about 1 month BEFORE that I had been looking at them.
Stylorectic – Thank you : )
Lions, Tigers, Fashion – if you can find them. GET THEM!
Posh – I saw the shorter over the knee versions today and they are gorge!!! Soooo glad I ordered the higher leg ones.
Thank you everyone for the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lainey says:
Wow, that is a great look! I love the boots and the clutch. Very sophisticated.
Nerdic.. says:
Gorgeous shoes & bag!
X, fashion-nerdic
Binta says:
Hi! I love your blog and I love the clutch in this post!! I am looking for something similar. Do you mind sharing the name of the store?
Vanessa says:
Outfit = amazing
You = Stunning
Legs = for days
caylee says:
oh my gosh karen! i just bought a leather skirt like that, and i fully planned on wearing it with my black blazer like that this weekend!
great minds think alike =)
you look so fabulous.
Karen says:
Binta – I got the clutch from one of those shops on 34th that sells cheap jewellery and non leather bags. Its like between 8th and 9th avenue ish? on the north side of the street. I don’t know the shop name though : (
Vanessa – damn – thank you : )) You just made my day!
Caylee – great minds….?
Fashion Pix says:
You look so chic!! I really love your style, so inspiring 🙂
Trendy Gourmandise says:
amazing outfit
Anonymous says:
Tres chic!
tina_mbc says:
Cutest “black tie-ish” outfit ever!!!!!!!
stbartschic says:
wow, totally different look for you and LOVE it!!!!