
Top row: Steven, Zara, Dr Marten. 2nd row: Michael Kors, Otto Tootsi Plohound, Trash & Vaudeville
Jeffrey Campbell’s response to ACNE and Burberry:
Thought I’d post the rest of the boots I didn’t get round to last time.
The thigh high boots are faux leather and less than $100 and will satisfy my thigh crave. If something more stunning comes along *cough* Barneys/Bergdorf/Jeffreys winter sale *cough cough* I’ll re-evaluate.
On another note, LF is coming up with a version of the ACNE wedge ‘skater’ boot. The first post I did wearing them is here. Of course, nothing compares to having the real deal, but being mine are a bit tight on me, nothing also compares to comfort and getting a similar version that fits better?

When they hit stores I’ll try them on and report back which way I’ll go.


  1. caylee says:

    you MUST tell me immediately when these two become available!! do you think they’ll be sold online?

  2. Jacqueline says:

    wow, the knockoffs look as good as the real thing to me. Damn. Good find Karen!


  3. Allison says:

    omg yess the burberry knock off im so stoked. thank god for jc!

  4. JT says:


    Decided to finally comment on your blog; i follow your blog religiously! LOVE LOVE LOVE your steeeeeezzz 😉

    keep up the great style!

    Also, i had to comment because im soooo stoked for these knock-offs too!!!! Shit, do u know when they’ll be out? Hook a girl up with the info!! <3
    love the blog!


  5. Karen says:

    Culture Chic = omg!!!!!!!!! i love them.

  6. Karen says:

    opps. I meant CultureCynic – Typed way too fast 😛

  7. lyn says:

    I def want those acne knockoffs, but my only concern is they dont look as high as the actual ones.

  8. lisa @ luxe says:

    The Steven riding boots are soooo good!
    Can’t wait to see the JC Burberry boots in person – love them!

    Karen, come check out my jewelry giveaway when you get a chance!

  9. Anonymous says:

    karen, thank you so much for this news!!!!!

  10. Sarah K. says:

    ohh those acne knockoffs are really nice, they look so similar to the real thing! Do you know where they’re selling?

  11. The Queen of Hearts says:

    I’m definitely investing in a pair of patent leather Doc Martens. I can’t wait. I should have them in a weeks time.

  12. All Women Stalker says:

    Those are beautiful!!!!
    I’d kill for that tall brown pair.


  13. Teresa says:

    Just emailed LF to see what the deal was with the “Alexa” Wedge Booties. I actually like the fact that the platform seems smaller than the real ones. I’m 5’8″ and I don’t need to be looking like gigantor in shoes. 😉

  14. Anna says:

    Those knock offs are SO UGLY! omg!

  15. Jessica says:

    What a cool find–I love finding a look-a-like or even something to just satisfy a craving. 😉 Thanks for sharing!

  16. Damsels says:

    hmm i hate to say it but i wouldnt really want the knock offs because i think he should have done his reinvention or sometihng so it looks too much like he copied …. yo are so lucky to have the real an thefake .. i am jsut so jealous

  17. Karen says:

    I agree in that the Jeffrey Campbells don’t have that same arch height as ACNE, but I think they are worth looking at (at least for me if I feel that I can’t deal with the ACNE size any more).

    As far as knock offs like this, it’s really an each to his own kind of thing really. Heck, if they work well enough (like the open lace up boot knock offs), then why not? ; – especially if looking for something budget or wedge height friendly.

    just my 2 pennies/cents worth!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    oo pls let us know when theyre available and if theyre gunna sell them online! ur the best

  19. Carmela says:

    Hey Karen!!!!
    Can’t wait to see about the JC k/os fo the Acne wedges! I emailed them to find out when they’ll be available. They are divine!


  20. Ida says:


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