urban legend

Source: Jak & Jil. Stockholmstreetstyle
Tell me I’m not the only one who’s found it is easier to spot a unicorn than to find a great pair of thigh high boots.
Made from thick matte leather, that fit narrow to the top with just the right amount of wiggle room. Plus a rounded toe with a platform.
Anyone with recs that don’t cost a rent payment?
ps. I have a faux leather pair that aren’t quite what I am looking for so I’ll add them to the ‘for sale’ pile.


  1. Jacqueline says:

    I am having the exact same problem. Very good blog topic!

  2. Amber says:

    I agree!! everything that is affordable is not HIGH enough!! And I don’t want to wait till next season when everywhere has them, I need them now!

  3. Suzanne says:

    amazing selection!

  4. Anonymous says:

    oh i agree ive def been looking everywhere but still nothing! good luck w/ finding some and ill let u know if i find any that ud like 🙂 also i LOVE LOVE LOVE ur last post. i know velvet is very in right now and i was just thinking everything we’ve seen is bodycon but what youre wearing is an awesome way to wear velvet. i think bodycon and velvet dont mix well as they make a person look bigger, but the oversized fit is perfect. im def buying one – hope u dont mind i really like it haha and the color is unique also. what size is yours if you dont mind me asking? and whats your height? tia karen!

  5. Jessica Werner says:

    Did you see the jimmy choo for h&m otk boots? They are only 199$!

  6. Nerdic.. says:

    Love the pictures & outfit of Chanel Iman!
    X, fashion-nerdic.

  7. Jennilie says:

    Love it!

  8. thischicksgotstyle says:

    Hi babe, did you check out the zara ones? (Not sure if it’s real leather though!)

  9. Hannah says:

    Topshop has some pretty good offerings – ‘Britany’, ‘Britany 2’ and ‘Billy’. It won’t let me paste the links in. . . sorry!

  10. Fashion Chalet says:

    Tell me about it, all I kept craving was soup and salad… NOT fast food.. O_o and yes NYC is a lot closer for me know. I plan to get there if not this year, early next year. 🙂

    PS: Chanel is so beautiful, and those boots! GAHH!


  11. Lala/S-R says:

    Same here, Karen! I’ve been having a hell of a time trying to find the perfect pair or two.

  12. Karen says:

    Fashion Chalet – I know Chanel is stunning. I’ve seen her in real life too and she’s so pretty. Cow. LOL!!!!!!! ; )

    Lala/Anon – I know you would think there would be a better selection right now of all times! Anon – I’m just under 5ft 7. The colour of that dress is called ‘Putty’ and the size is XS

    Thischicksgotstyle – do they look like a faux suede? I did notice those during last week….I wonder if your Zara and the one here are identical. I THINK they are though right? I think I know the ones you mean : -)

    Thanks everyone for your recs!!! I have made a choice!!

    Will post pics of the boots when they arrive.

  13. sisimae says:

    Excellent topic!! I got exactly same problem, I’ve got the britany 2 from topshop, and it’s just not high enough for my thigh! Now, the britany taller version is back, I tried them on and it just don’t seem to go up to my chuncky thigh high enough!!

  14. Taj says:

    Don’t know if its too late and not sure what your budget is but:



    the browser links are sooo long sorry
    go to http://www.endless.com then click boots then click over the knee.

  15. K says:

    yummy boots. i’m so obsessed with Chanel.

  16. Karen says:

    TAJ – thanks for the links. I ended up picking a pair from another website.

    I’ll post soon which ones soon as they delivery!

    K – Yea I love Chanel. She’s as cute as a button.

    Sisimae – how far did the Britanys come on your leg? were they too narrow on you but were in your opinion high enough? Yea I saw the Britnay 2 ones but noticed they were shorter.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Topshop have some really good ones in at the mo the style is called britany. they are really good as there tight on the thighs i have found alot of other thigh highs arent tight enough

  18. tina_mbc says:

    Hmmm, I ‘ve been looking for a pair of thigh high boots too, and yet to find sth that I like… think I might go for the Zara ones (suede, no platform, round toe)…!
    Good luck with your seargh Karen!


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