Velvet sergent pepper trench: Thrift. Lace leggings & leather shorts: Forever 21. Boots: Zara. Sheer shirt: American Apparel Hat: H&M. Rings: YSL, Lucky.
Took these pics a couple of weeks ago-ish.
Apart from crochet, I’ve been loving anything velvet (well. Not anything but you get the point).
Black velvet flares would be killer.

caylee says:
wow lace and velvet, what a combination! and i love the sheer shirt and leather shorts.
OooKellyNicky says:
I love your hair curly, you look so pretty. And those tights are killer with that red velvet trench! I totally understand your love for it, velvet is such an amazing texture.
my blog: ♥La Stylin Girraffe♥
Sarah Dee says:
That jacket is killer!!! I want one!
Maria says:
I feel like in theory this shouldn’t work, but seeing it on you I have to say- WOW! I love it, I’ve saved it to my pictures for inspiration!
elora says:
haha i actually have stretchy crushed velvet black flares from forever ago. they were a costume for a modern dance routine.
lovveeee the sheer shirt.
garakami says:
The velvet is absolutely mad, and I love the lace against the wine colored blazer. You look amazing, as always.
Sarah says:
I’m loving velevet too!
You should check out my DIY blue velvet pants!
kahile says:
love the zara boots, great find/sub for the burberry boot! love the velvet trench
S says:
That shade of red is stunning on you.
Contempo Ingenue says:
I love the way that jacket looks on you!
Also just watched the video below, you are adorable in it!
the contemporary ingenue
xoxo E&L
Ria says:
I HATE velvet but you’re making me think ooh that looks pretty good. It’s a big deal since I have fabric phobia and velvet is right up there with something I just want nowhere near me lol.
Dylana Suarez says:
Awesome jacket!
Make sure to enter the giveaway on my blog if you like!
Solenn C.* says:
Love your shoes…
Taylor B. says:
Lace and the longest legs with those short-shorts! PERFECT!
Martha says:
mmmm velvet…
love your outfit too 🙂
vicky h. says:
i adore those lace leggings!
xox Vicky
Bikinis & Passports
Wini says:
wow you very cool coat :))
SheWearSheShares says:
The red velvet looks great on you. I still remember your post on the long black velvet double breasted coat you got a while back. I was in love with it…
The Fashion Cloud says:
The red and black combo looks amazing on you and can i ust say ‘killer legs’
f says:
the lace leggings are amazing
Tobi says:
The velvet gives the outfit an electric pop vibe and stands out really well against the black!
Fashion Butter says:
looking foxy
Joan D. says:
wow! that trench is stunnig! and the look is fab! so sexy!
kisses from spain!
Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries says:
Oh my velvety godess…..
Emm says:
you absolutely kill this!
I can’t believe how good these are, you really make that blazer look stunning.
An those lace tights are so lovely
moded'amour says:
gorgeous, love your hat!
notjustmedical says:
You look like an absolute rock star! Love how it’s topped off with the hat!
Anonymous says:
Beautiful combination of fabrics and textures!!!!!!!!
sofie says:
Nice kombination, you look smashing in that coat!
Coco and Zaahb says:
I love the sheer shirt
Kelly, says:
red velvet! you can never go wrong
fashionclocked says:
Velvet is so good- and unexpected for the summer- It looks like it’s heading our way this winter! I spied some velvet hareems reduced at h&m the other day.. i think you just have to be careful like you say with which pieces you choose! Great outfit- kind of reminds me of what the wife of an old-school rocker would wear.xx
fashion clocked blog
would love you to call by
vistaerivista says:
oh wow ..
i read about u on StyleLikeU, & i came down here immediately .. i luv ur blog, & ur style is great!!
im happy i found u,
luv xxx
MELISSA Z. says:
The first pic is wonderful and your lace leggings are awesome! wow!
Nina says:
red velvet, OMG Love!
Celine says:
Ah, LOVE this! First of all, your makeup looks awesome like that, and I love red on you. You should wear it more.
Las Lolicas de ayer, hoy y siempre says:
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love it!!!!!!!!a very nice outfit!!!
Jamie says:
I LOVE that YSL Ring!!!
Mcmaris says:
OMFG that red velvet!! The color is bananas and the whole outfit looks sick!!! LOVES
Anonymous says:
Is this serious? Do you actually wear that outside, or is it just for the photo/blog?
Karoline says:
Red velvet trench, are you kidding me?! How AWESOME!!
"L" says:
I have similat leggings, love them. Those rings are also very nice.
thehautepursuit says:
i love these pics babe 🙂
And i’m totally glad i got the bag. I got 20% off from OC for some special promotion they were having.
Jessica says:
Love this outfit. Just saw your video on stylelikeu ! You are lovely and your accent is great : )
The Beso Team says:
It’s amazing how your style reflects “high end designer apparel” when actuality some are vintage pieces and other pieces are from the trendy chain stores. And you look fabulous as always.
Dana @ The Beso Team
Anonymous says:
This is one of the best looks I’ve seen in a while. I LOVE that red coat it glows on your skin and the leggings are perfect. The shorts just make you rock and roll. You go!
Dree says:
I love the hat on you! you always wear the hell out of your clothes!
Dree xx
AlejandrA says:
i love your outfit!!
everything is perfect1
G. says:
Super hot.
I have a velvet fetish, too. I own thee coolest Lucky Brand velvet blazer (caught it for $10, retails $140) at an outlet sale and I wear it to death. Its been a staple for like 2 years now. Velvet is so supple!
lizzy says:
Love the combo! Super cute leggings
The Style Professor says:
Velvet + lace + the American Apparel top = A look that’s equal parts chic and inspirational!
Rae says:
Great photos. I’m loving the lace. Please feel free to comment on my blog!
Take a Walk on a Rae of Sunshine:
Karen says:
Thx for the comments guys.
Thehautepursuit – omg deal!! I got mine at a discount too ; )
Caylee – we are sheer shirt twins. The H&M one is gorge too.
Dree – it suits alot of pple. Have you tried one?
Tastes Eclectic Fashion says:
I’m not incredibly big on velvet but that coat looks great on you.
patricia says:
Red looks great on your skin 🙂
iamronel says:
fantastico..love it
Other blog’s
ronelmarin.net says:
you hot..like it
6roove says:
omg. this coat is genial!
red is definitely your color
Watching the waves
Magdalena says:
I love you in your natural hair but on the other side I do understand why you straight them, because I also have curly ones 😀
you look awesome in red.
Prad Savania says:
Hey there, impressive post!
Check out my new shoe designing blog, the link is,
All designs are Hand-Drawn!
Comment and tell a friend if you like what you see!
Many Thanks!
Prad Savania
Heather Yarnell says:
You thrifted that trench?! Oh, the jealousy…
gjo says:
love the mixing of textures!
Toni. says:
I love the lace leggings!
All Women Stalker says:
Loving the effect created by the velvet blazer and lace tights. So decadent 🙂
serenissima says:
im so inspired
That red velvet trench is PHENOMENAL!!
Trish says:
In love with the jacket…I have a collection of velvets ranging from circa 60’s to present day. Had no real problem with everything being basic black until I saw the power of that magnificent red.
I do own a vintage, really-very-red crushed velvet maxi skirt; eBay score. Now I am thinking I need to wear it once in a while.
About the flares…Newport News had some (inexpensive) cotton velveteen, lower-rise with a snug thigh and flared hem – not disco, but…come winter, might have that syle again.
Empress says:
This whole outfit has inspired me beyond measure, love it to bit!
True Queen
clarasmiles says:
I really love your jacket!
so amazing!
I like your blog too 🙂
Vio says:
Patricia says:
Over here you remind me of Tyra Banks.
Anonymous says:
I’m sooooo intrigued….so here goes…in each n every pic that u take who decides on the different poses, the feeling, the settings, simply genius….how do u find these varied locations….I’m inclined to think that what u wear/show is of ur doing….Kudos all around… from vintage thrift shop gal….blessings xo