Dress: Urban Outfitters (clearance). Crochet jumper: Housing Works. Fedora: Trash & Vaudeville. Boots: Solestruck. Rings: F21, street vendors, gift. long necklace: Foley & Corinna. Short necklace: Beacons Closet. Bag: Thrift (DIY studded)
On one of the last warm Sundays I wore the Gee Wa Wa’s. Side note: I have really cold feet so wearing boots when temperatures rise is normal.
The dress was first posted here and you already know the crochet jumper (sweater). I layered both and met friends for a long brunch. Those warm days are over. Expect jacket and coat posts only from now on.
These and the JC Litas are the two ‘omg wtf is she wearing on her feet’ expression inducers. Brilliant.

I love how you layered two pieces worn previously. I like the crochet over the girly dress.
Monroe Steele says:
Love this ensemble. Great shoes. I too have a whoa what the hell are those pink things she’s walking on pair of shoes…lol. I get all kinds of looks. Great Post….check out my blog to see “the shoes”…
xoxo Monroe
kaye says:
That dress and knit combo is absolutely perfect!! And I love the comment about your boots… that reaction from people is priceless.
Nyemale says:
The crochet jumper & UO dress go so well together and the boots are so unexpected, very cute!
FauxFur, not Friendships
Nava says:
LOL I love when people show me what they are really thinking of my outfit by just their facial expression! Keep up the good work the outfit looks gorg 🙂
irina says:
like the way you mix things, love your blog! new follower, please follow back if you like
{ I V Y } says:
eeek the boots are mad!
Jenise317 says:
OMG those shoes are speechless. I could never walk in those. The only outfit is pretty insane and unexpected.
FashionHippieLoves says:
omg this outfit is perfection!
I’m so in love with this look!
Fatiha Faulzi says:
I like how you tone down the shoes with the petticoat and sweater.
Xoxo, http://heelsandwedges.blogspot.com
Dirty Hair Halo says:
I’m lovin’ the flimsy, barely there, feminine garments with those mean and heavy boots.
What a perfect contrast. But, that’s nothing to new to you, that’s your thing.
jennie going west says:
these photos are gorgeous! (and so are you hehe)
Sarah Lauren says:
I absolutely love this outfit. Amazing shoes and jumper ^-^
Sarah Dee says:
the crochet is my favorite!!
Jose Camacho says:
Love the combination of that printed dress and crochet top!
The color tone looks very calm together, but the boots make it look edgy yet elegant. As always, your jewelry finishes it off perfectly.
Jose C.
Lolo says:
Love the look, very simple yet you pulled it off! You seem to wear very high heeled shoes…I am 5’10” and feel too tall beyond 2″ heels…plus the boyfriend is under 6″..lol! Absolutely love your style!
asha says:
The boots are freaking amazing and I want them.
MELISSA Z. says:
love your crochet sweater so much and obviously all your cool rings!
Tugba says:
U look soooo coooolllll 😉
G blog 🙂
Cynthia says:
i really love this outfit.. so carefree and romantic!
Shamini says:
beautiful dress!
lucky you to be able to wear a dress mid-october! over here, we are already wearing faux-fur coats with 2 layers underneath!!
Carrousel de la Mode says:
Love the pattern of the dress!
luisafernandadelmar says:
Lyrica Onyrica says:
yeah…I’ve purchased those shoes arround almost 3 weeks ago… I seriously can’t bear the wait anymoreeeeee!! Wanna feel the ‘omg wtf is she wearing on her feet” expression too!! 🙂
Really like like like you post!
Ivania santos By DIAMOND says:
loveeee the rings!!
AMAZING boots! <3
Ivânia Diamond*
emwhyte says:
Great mix of textures – loving the jumper
Nita -Karoliina says:
Yet again, perfect look. You are so inspirational Karen!
I beed to get that kind of a dress..
Those shoes are brilliant.
Camilla says:
How are the Gee Was for comfort?, they actually look insanely comfy.
and lovely layering haha:)
Great look! i love your jewels! Es. the necklace with the bird! amazing!!
Please Visit & Join
Bobiknannie says:
You are very nice and also your blog 🙂
blue-eyed girl says:
solestruck shoes are just amazing, love them.
Anonymous says:
Just a question.
How many shoes do you have?
spottedinflorence says:
i love the way you mix crochet:)not really feeling the shoes..
Sing says:
The shoes are very animal like and not everyone can pull them off, but of course you make it work. Love the layering here.
YoQueSe says:
qué guapa, me encanta ese vestido, y el sombrero es lo mas
Fashion Pirate says:
The material on that dress is beautiful as is the layering and the way it dips down at the back, you made the outfit even more perfect with that crochet jumper and tough black boots, love!
Lizzy says:
perfectly styled.
The Queen of Hearts says:
I think your outfit is quite darling — love blush and neutral colors for fall. However, the footwear is frightening. I think I saw them on Nitro and was not in love…and I’m still not I’m afraid.
The Black Queen
Missy Cheeks says:
this dress is so lovely :=)
Hanna says:
Love the compbination of light dress and “heavy” shoes!
Those shoes are massive in more ways than one!
It would be massive if could check h&m for me. Only if it isn’t too much a bother. *thanks* Otherwise I’ll hope mine has it? 🙂
TheMinx says:
I’m in looove with this outfit. The crochet top is beyond beautiful. Great post 🙂
wishful nals says:
love your purse!
Marina says:
I’m in looove with your style!!!!!!!!!!
Carrie says:
I just love New York as background 😉 Amazing.
Libra says:
aww…luv this pastel combination! the jumper is so cute 🙂
luv <3
Diana says:
I.love.every.single.thing.about.the.third.picture.for serious!
Megan Meenan says:
Absoluetly love these shoes !!. and the bag. reminds me of the summer, gorgeous look. You never fail to impress me with your amazing outfits !!
Daisy says:
I woulda never thought to pair all 3 items together. Very inspiring!! thanks 🙂
toopoorforcouture says:
I’m a big fan of mixing sweet and tough. I like the soft pink contrasting with your black boots!
Ms_SyllyBee says:
i totally adore and covet your crochet pieces! they are fabulous.
i wander, i wonder
Tiffany's Small World says:
nice outfit!love the shoes
Death By Shoe says:
Ooooh I love your shoes! xDanielle
LUU H. says:
brilliant indeed !§
Anna says:
I love the layering and the way you carry off those boots. I’ve only seen them on you and Erin Wasson (from what i can remember) and it should probably stay that way.
Corie says:
Boots are crazy!
Karen says:
Glad you lot like this one. I almost thought the boots were too heavy for the dress etc but I ended up loving that contrast.
jennie going west – well hello you!
Camilla – they ARE comfortable!
Kaye – it is and I wish Michael could just once catch it on camera. Hopefully one day and I’ll post it.
Diana – really?
Fashion Chalet – so far nothing : (
Anna – woah that’s a huge compliment re me and Erin. She’s amazing in them (as she is in anything).
MOnie*B* says:
hi Karen is solestruck an actual website. i keep trying to access it but its not allowing me to…please help me out lol
Princess Peach says:
What nail varnish are you wearing? It’s LUSH xx
Francheska says:
Love the colors, love the sweater, love the rings, love the shoes, love you!
Jessika says:
Your blog reminds me of Rumi Neely’s ‘Fashiontoast’ You both have very very simular tastes.in everything. Do you guys know each other? x
Karen says:
Jessika – Hi! I have been told that before and yes we do know each other and have commented in person about the style thing.
Aimee says:
I love the jumper over the dress! It looks great!
Izumihiiiflower says:
wooow great outfit!
i say great? no, PERFECT outfit!
ahah your shoes are fucking crazy!!!! i want it!