live styling with ted baker

Guess who’s styling models ON LIVE STREAM at 3.40pm NY EST today? Yours truly.
It’s the world’s first remote controlled styling session and is part of Ted Baker’s launch in the US (they are a UK brand). There’s 7 bloggers chosen and I’m one of them.
My brief: Rock Out in A Gig at The Roundhouse In Camden.
Check back at that time to watch me style two models in Ted Baker’s London studio while I send LIVE instructions online on what garments each model should wear.
Leave me style tip comments, tweet with hastag #takeonted or just check back later and watch me here dressing two models live on the blog!
ps. I’m giving away $250 worth of clothing to one of you too from Ted Baker if you leave a comment below.
Wish me luck and see you later? (don’t forget to turn up your volume)


  1. Soul Pretty says:

    Your the bomb…good luck!

  2. Nathalie says:

    Wish you lots of fun with this fantastic project!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    hi, karen! ted baker has some great stuff, it would be nice to win that money and “bakerize” hehe 🙂
    [email protected]

  4. Blah Blah Becky says:

    Oops meant to say 7.40pm UK time!

  5. H and H says:

    that’s such a great idea! how cool, i’ll be watching!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Heyyy that’s sooo cool!
    GOOD LUCK! i’m sure you’re gonna do so well! 🙂

  7. BrokeByFashion says:

    How cool?!?! *Jealous*
    Very curious to photo’s and the whole story 😉

    x, from the Netherlands

  8. Liana says:

    wow congrats on the sweet gig! what an amazing opportunity, good luck! i know you’re going to do a great job! i’ll be sure to check back for sure! 🙂

    Fashion Bag 411

  9. the style crusader says:

    oh what a cool idea. will definitely try to pop back later to check this out… good luck! xx

  10. Anika says:

    I’m amazed at how far the blogosphere and interactive fashion has come. Bravo! And congratulations on the wonderful styling gig too 🙂

    p.s. would love to win moolah for clothes from Ted Baker…fingers crossed!

  11. Simms~ says:

    Eek!! Sounds divine. Can’t wait to see your styling. Best of luck and have a good one!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Good luck! x x x

  13. Patricia Flores says:

    Sweetie you’ll do a great job!

  14. Mari says:

    Amazing opportunity… Can’t wait to watch this LIVE! Good luck, Karen.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Congratualtions and good luck Karen! I absoluetly adore your blog, your amazing <33 xx

  16. DISTRIKMODE says:

    I’m in Malaysia right now, on my vacation, so your show will be on air at 3:40 in the AM!! But who cares?? Got mad love for you and your blog, thus I’m SOOO watching!! Wanna try to win that monay monay too 🙂

    Farrah @ DISTRIKMODE

  17. Josephine says:

    Congrats ! Free clothes you say, well sign me up !

  18. Dani says:

    Super excited for you! Congrats!

  19. Yoshimi says:

    Good luck! I can’t wait to see it!

  20. Diana says:

    GOOD LUCK! 😀

  21. Monroe Steele says:

    wow congrats!

    xoxo Monroe

  22. Felicia says:

    Sweet!…kinda diggin’ that male model that’s on right now 😛

  23. sray619 says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Li says:

    I feel like leopard print is a must!(: Good luck, you’ll do fab!

  25. Maki says:

    What a novel concept and refreshing way to deliver high-energy fashion to the online public sphere. Kudos to you for being selected, very well deserved! Looking forward to checking back to watch the live feed.

    All the best, I know you’ll rock it with swagger and true style!

  26. Diana says:

    i wanna win!!!!

  27. irina says:

    This projest is the dog’s bollocks!
    Congratz and good luck!

    And dont forget to show photos.

  28. irina says:

    how exciting! so happy for you!

  29. jp says:

    can’t wait to see what you do!!! love your style <3

  30. tiphaknee says:

    yours is a life truly blessed. beautiful girl, beautiful spirit. love ur blog 🙂


  31. AlexB says:

    Best of luck, Karen. Very exciting! I don’t post often, but I check your blog everyday. Great blog. Love it. Best of everything.

  32. Sarah B says:

    Congrats on being chosen!
    Can’t wait to watch


  33. sincerely jane says:

    I’d love to see FRINGE!! Congrats on the gig, anxiously waiting to see ur ideas come to life!!

  34. BrownFoxx says:

    I will be watching,LOVE your blog!

  35. JehanP says:

    Nice..never seen this done before, I will definitely be watching.

  36. Alecto says:

    i can’t wait to see how you style it 🙂 Best of luck!!!!

  37. CeCe says:

    Love this! Good luck and congrats!! 🙂

  38. Paisley says:

    Very cool! Good luck – This is way too exciting! Its like extreme sports for fashion lovers…

  39. Christina says:

    Wow! Congratulations!! This is awesome!

    Good luck! 🙂

  40. Faith says:

    wow! i never thought such a thing was possible. absolutely amazing, i know you’re gonna have alot of fun!

  41. juniee says:

    cOngrats how cool!!!

  42. sharpen says:



  43. Safera says:

    Wow. Great opportunity. I’d wish you luck but it looks like you rocked it already!Your blog inspires me to dedicate more time to what I’m passionate about. Thanks.

  44. eviebevie says:

    watched the whole thing today! it was amazing, and i have you to thank, because i found out about it from your blog. you did great styling, as did everyone else that was featured! what an honor for you all (especially you, because you hail from there, right?)

    thanks again for keeping us all posted!


  45. Steph says:

    That’s amazing! Congtats!


  46. Katy says:

    Oh, so great you where chosen. Crazy how far blogging has come. I wish I could have seen how you styled your models. Next time, I’ll make sure to take a late lunch so I can watch. Here’s to hoping you post pictures.

  47. Claire says:

    OMG, how fabulous are you? So happy for you and your success. Turning your passion into work which really isn’t work. Very inspiring. Keep doin ya thang mama.

  48. Jackie says:

    That is awesomeeeee!! I’m so happy for you and good luck – you will kick ass!!!



  49. rosanna says:

    Congratulations Karen! What a wonderful opportunity!

  50. Archie says:

    ‘ooh me love Ted Baker!!!’
    please and thanks

  51. gretchen says:

    Congrats! how exciting this must be!

  52. nlue says:

    have fun!

    i love your blog & am totally inspired by your style <3

    [email protected]

  53. Taylor B. says:

    Sounds fun! I hope it was. 🙂

  54. Shamini says:

    Good luck!
    You rock!

    fingers crossed for you!

  55. Lyrica Onyrica says:

    That’s soooo exciting!!

    Congrats and good good good luck!


  56. MARZENKA says:


  57. CrilovesJapan says:

    Good luck 😉
    You’re the best!

  58. Margarita's Blog Spot says:

    Congrats! Can’t wait to see the results. I’d love to win the gift certificate!

  59. xoxotara says:

    This is awesome. You did a great job.

  60. Lion-ess says:

    i love ted baker!! Bought their beautiful butterfly dress back in May and finally wore it at a wedding in Antigua a few weeks ago… Pure luxury!

  61. R.R. says:

    Congratulations love!!! You have my dream job, literally!

  62. Nil dura says:

    congrats 😉

  63. Blandina says:

    Congrats in being part of this launch. I truly love Ted Baker it’s a quintessential British Brand.

  64. Dhalia says:

    Awesome gig Karen….you will do great!!


  65. Anonymous says:

    I love your blog! Have fun styling!

  66. Anonymous says:

    dont you, sometimes, just looove the internet?
    wish you all the luck! you ll do great!


    [email protected]

  67. crystal says:

    That is amazing, Miss Karen!
    I know you’ll rock it goood 😀
    Can’t wait to see!
    [email protected]

  68. tinatre says:

    Just looked at the facebook pics and they looked great.Loved the jackets on each model. Awesome styling!

    [email protected]

  69. Kirstie. says:

    How awesome that should be alot of fun.

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