
Bell bottom jeans: Seven for All Mankind. Also available here or here. Faux leather jacket: Forever 21. Leopard tunic: H&M Men. Black top (unseen). American Apparel. Boots: Aldo. Shades: Ray Ban. Beanie: H&M. Gloves: Street vendor. Bag: Gypsy Nation Vintage
Pic 1:
So I really wanted this cheetah print jacket I found at an outdoor flea market the other day. Yea yea yea, I know I already have this and this but I would’ve sold one of them for it. Guess how much the seller wanted for it? $2500. Sod THAT for a laugh….
Rest of the shots:
Didn’t see anything else that caught my eye but we took these Abbey Road/Beatle pics before we left. Didn’t fancy wearing a coat so I bundled up in layers so I could go with a jacket.
ps. Guess who’s been invited to speak at the IFB annual conference during NY fashion week?Hope some of you can attend and say hello : -)))


  1. MaryBeth says:

    Awesome about the IFB conference!!!

  2. Marrisa says:

    I don’t think I could pull off the bell bottoms but you did it really well!

    Check out my blog and please follow me!


  3. Sing says:

    First, congrats on the IFB speaking engagement. Second, love this look! That bag is sick!

  4. The Photodiarist says:

    That cheetah coat is WOW! So beautiful. But what a price!!

  5. Emilia says:

    so great outfit! especially the jeans… 🙂

  6. Andee Layne says:

    always killing it! cant believe that jacket is from F21! XO

  7. Style Porn says:

    Hmmmm….pricing FAIL. And I must say that bag you’re carrying looks very much like the Krystal Simpson for Coach collaboration! I loves it!


    $2500?! That is laughable! I am going to do the best i can to attend the IFB conference since i am new to this fashion blogging world and need all the help i can get. Congratulations!

  9. bravegrrl says:

    love this look… perfect wintery uniform!

  10. CHRISTERIC says:

    love the beanie with the bells! eeekkk so excited for you to speak! I know you are going to charm everyone! wish I could make it!!! xxox

  11. *chameleon* says:

    awesome look and shoots!!!i adore leopard print!!:)
    and congrats!!!;))

  12. fashion clocked says:

    very cool shots, hot outfit too…and 2.5 for that jacket- whattttt thats insane, alhough it does look beautiful!Katie.xx
    fashion clocked

  13. Ara says:

    Cool jeans!

  14. E says:

    Your style is amazing, it’s truly inspiring! Plus, the F21 faux leather jacket is gorgeous, and it looks JUST LIKE the real deal. Good luck with the ASOS styling contest, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you to win!


  15. mfashion says:

    I really like Your bag!

  16. Mali rêve... says:

    completely in love with this outfit! it’s all that i like to wear…
    (sorry for my english, is not very good…)
    see u

  17. Tracy says:

    ohh..that photo on the bench – you are fabulous! Gorgeous shots, as usual…love the Abbey Road take! Congrats on the speaking gig!

  18. Girl about Oslo says:

    Love the pants,and the bag sweety:)

    Have a great day, and greetings from Norway

  19. Harrriiiet says:

    I love those shots, amazing. x

  20. GUILTLE$$ Beauty says:

    Love the bell bottoms!

  21. SAMANTHA says:

    oh my god i wish i could go!! ahh, i’m in lisbon for a few months though. i love these bell bottoms- they’re awesome. and your purse too. that coat was beautiful but for THAT much, helll no!


  22. Tamy & Yasmin says:

    Your style’s so amazing, I’m now following you on bloglovin!

    xx Tamy

  23. DISTRIKMODE says:

    2.5K??!! That’s crazy…. are they THAT special/unique? although they DO look luscious from far… and congrats on getting invited to speak at IFB conference!

    :: Farrah @ DISTRIKMODE ::

  24. Freya@WearItWithFlare says:

    You look amazing again!
    Just about to get reading Look Magazine, I hope you’ll be featured again!
    I love the seventies flares, very cool.

  25. FASHION CHALET says:

    Aww girl I would so be in your corner cheering you on but have some prior commitments (photo shoot in LA) just days before FW. I’ll def. be in town for the second leg of FW though. See you around, love? 🙂

    x X

  26. Alina S. says:

    I absolutely love the mild 70s throwback with the belt bottoms! Congrats on the IFB conference. It’s so exciting.

  27. Mcmaris says:

    I love this look!! The bell bottoms w/the bag & jacket…amaze. Congrats on the Conference.

  28. LadyNoir says:

    cool style<


    visit my blog

  29. BRAD says:

    ♥ those jeans – I have a feeling that EVERYONE will be wanting those next SUMMER – Always ahead of the trends, Girl!! ☆

    Auguri/Congrats on the IFB Conference!! Well-deserved….



  30. Kcookski says:

    i’m sad – i thought the 2.5K meant you ran a race in your wicked-awesome platform shoes. 😉

  31. Nickie Frye says:

    Highly highly jealous of the bag.

    Love the jeans too! I did a blog post on CUSTOM bell bottom jeans the other day. I’m a big fan.

    Glad you didn’t go for the $2500 coat. Geez!

  32. ZANAH says:

    Love the details of your biker leather jacket ! Enter my giveaway to win a bottle of Chanel nail color HERE 🙂

  33. london loves says:

    great combination of hippie and rocker! 😀
    are you going to move back to london someday? I cannot believe you have left this cool city, although I guess NY is not too bad ether!

    have a heart from your old city! <3


  34. loveletters says:

    i love it. all of it.. I don’t know what else to say!

  35. kaye says:

    “Sod THAT for a laugh….” haha I love your English colloquialisms (I’m from Australia), it makes me always read your posts, not just look at the pictures. Love the outfit, I thought you would have worn a maxi skirt with this this outfit, but I’m stoked you chose jeans!

  36. naomi says:

    your nyc street shots are amazing. makes me miss nyc so much.

  37. Sasha says:

    u r just too awesome!

  38. Sherraine says:

    Love it all! The jeans are so nice!
    Hi from Jamaica =)
    I just LOVE your blog!


  39. Zosia says:

    Beautiful !

  40. Anonymous says:

    Hi just happened to stumble on your blog….great style. I couldn’t help but notice the black fringe bag listed as Gypsy Nation which is Martha’s vintage. Jackie from Queen of Hearts, made that bag and I know she put at least 20 hours into it, they are both AMAZING women and my vintage guru-heroines. They share the same booth… Just wanted to give her the credit that’s due 🙂

  41. Anonymous says:

    Really love your style!…However please stop endorsing Forever21…I used to work there and the clothes are made in sweatshops…There is a documentary called Made in LA…check it out…and again please don’t support this company….

  42. Anonymous says:

    What a foxy mama! I would fall for you

  43. Anonymous says:

    Man, this is hot. The person in these photos is very attractive.

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