Lace bell sleeve dress: LF (Clearance). Boots: Gee Wa Wa @ Solestruck. Wool tights: H&M. Bag: Thrift/DIY studded. Hat:Makin Faux fur vest: Forever 21 (I think). Black long sleeve top: American Apparel. Thermals. Scarf: Love Quotes. Gloves: Street vendor
LOVE this dress. A bit mod 60s. A bit 70s Penny Lane.
It’s not Spring (yet) but if there’s one thing I love it’s winterizing (like this fringe piece, the velvet crush or the pink maxi).
Wear what you want now and give the cold the finger. Although I can’t wait to wear the dress in a few weeks with nothing but bare skin and sandals.
PS. The ‘story’ behind these pics was me taking the train to meet Mandy (in last pic). Future post of us together coming soooooon 😉

Inside my head and wardrobe says:
great look karen . love that bell top !
Anonymous says:
Does LF have an online store
Catherine says:
looove your dress and you friend’s pants xxx
Yevgeniya Yelkina says:
i love your dress and mandy’s pants~!!!!!
only 2 days left for my fur clutch giveaway!
Love it all!!! But the last shot of u & Mandy reminiscent of “Pearly Queens” luv luv LUV it!!!!!!!
Stevie Wander says:
The dress is super cute. I love it.
Marissa says:
looks like you guys are headed to have a good time! this definitely makes me want to add some studs to one of my bags.
MELISSA Z. says:
these black&white pics are so cool, love them, congrats! <3
Promise says:
Great boots…x
Raspberry Jam says:
Awesome outfits!
Camilla. says:
your gee was contrast this dress so perfectly xx
Emma at Daily Clothes Fix says:
I love all the textures in this and those sleeves are awesome.
F@WearItWithFlair says:
Gorgeous outfits, both of you are so stylish, but I think Mandi might have won me over this time, with her bedazzled leggings and fur jacket!
But your outfit is still outta this world, your bag rules this post!
misslikey says:
adore both of your bags!
Carrie says:
You look so boho-beautiful!
eeva amanda says:
cute bag + I love your shoes and hat!
letiziabarcelona says:
love the gee wa wa boots !
maphi says:
the dress is cute and your friends pants are super cute too 😀 xoxo
Tracy says:
Amazing photos…that last one is WONDERFUL. So intriguing….
Nita -Karoliina says:
Your friends look there is amazing what i can tell.
katou says:
Love the Boho Chic outfit and this dress is just amazing.
Totally gonna give the cold weather the finger 🙂
blossomlink says:
love the dress!:)
looking forward to seeing it in color!
much love from Tokyo,
Collections says:
Love your fur vest!!
Blade says:
Absolutely FAB
Great to meet you outside the tents at Fashion Week. Posted a few pics of you on my blog. Have a look. Hope you like it The Urban Vogue
moded'amour says:
love your shoes!!
jenny says:
santhi says:
God! So perfect:)
Patricia says:
sick shoes!
Dodo says:
AMAZING as always!
> join my GIVEAWAY!
Laura says:
brilliant photos, you look gorgeous
La Petite Marmoset says:
You both look incredible! I give the cold the “finger” everyday!
La Petite Marmoset
She Wears, She Shares says:
You rule all things lace. I hope LF still has that dress in store in SF…I bought a nice buttery charcoal leather jacket the other week there. Their sales are just so crazy
Miss Cossey says:
Love the lace dress… actually the whole outfit is put together so well! Love your style, lady!
yamina beyondURclothes says:
absolutely gorgeous
xx ♥ yamina.
made-to-travel.com says:
oh my gawsh!!! thank you so much for this! i bought a twin of this dress at lulu’s and for the life of me could not what to wear under…black? white? more colorful? yellow!?
thanks for the inspiration!
Sofie says:
Mandy’s tights are marvellous!
And you look stunnin’ like always!
Kerrin says:
obsessed with these photos!! FABULOUS blog xx
What is Reality Anyway? says:
soooo beautiful!
Tamara says:
Where do Mandy’s pants come from?? thanks
Rossella says:
cool pants
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