Fedora: ASOS. Shirt: via Shiny Plastic Hag. Leggings: American Apparel. Ring: Mania Mania per the below post (Oracle I blame you for this). Winkle pickers: Trash & Vaudeville. Fur jacket: Vintage flea market (love this version online). Bag: Thrift + DIY studded
Don’t like the buses over here. Call me biased but they take forever (longer than in London so Brits, don’t complain – try waiting for one over here) and I still haven’t got the hang of their routes. I’ll stick to the underground from now on I think.
Best bit about last weekend was how warmish it was, so the shirt arrived just in time (the last post in a checked shirt was this one?). Plus I got to wear the red boots that I’m in LOVE WITH. Chances of me finding the Chloe studded Susan’s are about as likely as a stranger here apologizing after accidentally hitting me in the shoulder when passing, so these are a perfect fix. Also less expected.
Style by Buett says:
i can never get enough of your blog!!
your so unique for me!
Love everything again:))
Ashley says:
i am in love with that ring. so flashy and awesome!!
♥Run With Fashion♥ says:
Like your outfit.
I like the studded back and plaid top. 🙂
Nancie Mwai says:
love your ring! looking good! those shoes are super!x
Dylana Suarez says:
You look amazing!
Iina says:
I love your shoes!
GypsyMadness says:
Love the cut out shirt. You put things together perfectly
Emilia says:
great shoes! 🙂
that ring is killing me softly :)))
Maria Maliki says:
Amazing shoes
Brooke says:
love the cut-outs
letiziabarcelona says:
great outfit – again !
I love the red boots and the shirt.
Gorgeous Karen !
WOW. Those rings are just stunning!
xoxo, htpp://heelsandwedges.blogspot.com
The doll on fashion says:
Love the shirt, especially the shoulder baring cut-outs.
The doll on fashion
me from milano says:
Hi! please, could you let m eknow where did you buy the other star ring you have? im in love with it! thanks!!!
Any says:
Bare shoulders! Perfect!
Miss Molly says:
you really do have great style.. i love the red boots!
amalie says:
great outfit, love the cut out shoulders and your boots! x
fashion clocked says:
completely in love with the red winkle pickers and the open shoulder shirt- you look awesome and easy going. The busy= sound like a nightmare!Kisses Katie.xx
fashion clocked
J'ara Ami says:
Love your blog and love the holes in that shirt! A little bit of flesh showing is also gd lool
I finally found a way to comment on your posts YAY for the Opera browers!!
Camilla. says:
I suddenly want to cut the shoulders out of my shirts, ha ha x
*CaroL!n@ says:
Love your red boots!!!! Amazing!!!
Women Leather Skirts says:
Nice post. Keep it up.
Leather Jackets,
Women Leather Pants
R A says:
I really like your shirt.
Style Gazer says:
love your booties!! x
Jacquie says:
i love i scrolled down and had a pleasant shock at the red boots! very nice 🙂 glad to hear there’s a bus system more annoying than ours… makes me feel a bit better about London Transport!
Fara says:
wow, I love the shirt, gotta find me one 🙂 you look effortless, as is usual xx