Dress: Shareen vintage. Chuck Taylor: Zappos (I want black with white laces next). Rings from left to right: Anantara. Large red stone: Vintage. (similar long ring here). Double spear head: Anantara. Talon ring: Leviticus. Band: Gift. Stacked with Bulgari. Brass ‘peace’ bracelet (vintage) Found a similar one here + red silly band
Got the dress from Shareen Vintage the other day – I love that place.
I faded the chucks in the sun the last time I was in St Lucia. The strong sun accelerated the natural fade process to get them to this shade. Definitely try this on a good hot day if you want to lighten yours.
A couple of extra shots (including with Sir Oliver) on FB.
Edited to add: I JUST noticed that I did a blog post before with the exact same title here! I need to watch that 🙂

Andee Layne says:
those rings are amazing! thanks for sharing im def checking out Antara
The Fancy Teacup says:
You faded the chucks to a perfect pink! Love them with the vintage dress and the myriad of jewelry.
much love.
EllysMakeupbag says:
I could not imagine my life without any pair of converse, i have pink, purple and red ones:P
Ashley says:
that dress is like dream come true. i have the black ones and u can wear them with everything. they are amazing
gabrielle says:
when can we see the whole thing?! ps- love your silly band!
Inside my head and wardrobe says:
love the all pink karen! and your rings are gorgeous!
heatherheartsfashion says:
love this photograph
Brandylis and The Bear says:
Beautiful!!! Love the pastel pink… The look is so girlie yet tomboyish.. Cute cute cute..
Lisa xo
B says:
Love it! Could we get a full shot?
Oooh PINK! So romantic and feminine… I don’t think I can rock PINK as well as you do chica!! Great rings you have too… DROOOOOL 🙂
▲ Farrah @ DISTRIKMODE ▲
Vani says:
The bird bracelet is divine!
The Fashion Cloud says:
I simply love this picture and everything about it 🙂
jicky says:
Didn’t know your blog: its is great! love the title, very interesting..
letiziabarcelona says:
the rings are just to die for, amazing look, amazing dress, all perfect!!
Jessie says:
gotta love a good old pair of chucks. i have a play by comme des garcons pair and they are fabulous. love rocking them with jeans or even a dress!
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
Maya says:
Great shot, love all the rings and the hcucks 🙂 xx
Sara says:
I love contrasts!!! Pink lace and sneakers are perfect together!!!
Dressed 4 Success says:
Love your rings!!
“Clodet-Illustrations by Clau” http://www.clodet-illustrations.blogspot.com
full shots. full shots. full shots, please.
never took you for a pink girl but now that i see it, it kinda makes sense.
Nicole Richie Anonymous says:
Perfect shade of pink. Love your rings too xx
internodiciotto says:
this pic is just awesome so stunning! could be an editoral pic
Priscilla says:
shareen’s vintage is the ultimate vintage store and pink is my fave color.. what’s not to like?!:)
Karen says:
AJ Taylor & Gabrielle – I thought I’d switch it up a bit and go for 1 picture for a change focusing on one or two areas. I’m sure I’ll post full shots of this dress soon though : )
Andee – do! I LOVE their rings. A bit addicted actually.
dinamita.paquita says:
I just love that picture…the color is perfect!
Shasie says:
I love those pink chucks! So cute!
Live Life in Style
Raspberry & Rouge says:
LOVE that dress! Such a pretty colour! XO Raspberry & Rouge
.shea marie. says:
babe i love this!!
amazing as always!
hope you are doin well darlin!
shea marie
her persona says:
great pic
Wholesale clothing says:
Perfect shade of pink. Love the chucks! so cute!
What To Wear says:
Love the tribal rings, we used some recently in our daily trends, check them out!
Sakura Emme says:
Amazing pink dress—-
Sakura Emme Fashion Blog
LENA says:
I see you wonderful photo on nearly every tumblr blog 🙂
Danielle Louise Hunter says:
Lovely photo, first time checking out your blog and i love your style!!,
I have a lot of love for lots of rings, check out my blog…
The Silver Lining says:
In LOVE with your accessories!
Tess xoxo
Rose and Muse says:
I like those pink converses and the ring on your right handmy mum has it!
Claire says:
would love to see the whole dress?? it looks so pretty!
Anonymous says:
Here I am vintage thrift shop gal again….one of the things that we (my twin sis n I) absolutely love (said with such passion) r ur accessories…the jewellery, hats, scarves, shoes, boots, We want them all lol…they r so Rockin’, n the way u juxtapose hi/low/vintage/new/different eras/patterns/…we could go on n on is solid, creative n unique….Love Love LOve!!!!!
wholesale scarves says:
Hi There, I just spent a little time reading through your
posts, which I found entirely by mistake whilst researching one of
my projects. Please continue to write more because it’s unusual that someone has
something interesting to say about this. Will be waiting for more!