shop love – daha vintage

Here’s a vintage shop I pop into whenever I am in the lower east side.
Click below to take a peak inside >>>>

I came THIS close to trying on this sunflower yellow maxi dress

And this one.  A dress like this screams for a ultra mod hair cut. Pin straight with a blunt fringe or a huge mass of messy curls. I tend to do this in case you hadn’t noticed yet: style an item I look at on hangers
So perfect with an old Tshirt and skimmers plus a vintage brown satchel worn messenger style.  Switch to knee high boots in winter and a slouchy knit jumper
Just look at that silver piece dead center
Why am I taunted by wing tip brogues that don’t fit?!  Yes it’s the men’s section
The navajo print pair dead center are fantastic

All footwear is usefully grouped by size. Saves lifting up every sole and crossing your fingers
I think I need a tool bag in my bag collection. Just waiting to pounce on the perfect one

I keep staring at the incredible gold piece in the middle. So sick over a floor length floaty dress. Crap I am literally talking myself into getting it as I type

Let’s see that again

Brilliant belts. I am seeing belts in these two below pictures that I’m now kicking myself for not buying (hmmm – what am I doing later this week…..)

Their glass counters are filled with trinkets ranging from purses to jewellery to clutches. Why the HECK did I not ask to look closer at the brown animal skin clutch on the left or that peacock feather wallet!????? 
Daha vintage is one of those well edited shops I feel I have to pop in when I’m south of Houston on the east side – just in case I may miss something. 
Their jewellery, especially their necklaces are one of the first things I think of when I want a statement vintage piece (that doesn’t cost a fortune either).  This necklace worn from an earlier post is from there. 
Spacious and quiet, I can have easily passed an hour in there and never felt rushed.  At all….


  1. Brandylis and The Bear says:

    Holey Moley Canoli!!!! How could you even contain yourself in a store like this?!?!?…. Look at the jewelry!!!… Sugar rush alert!!!!!!… Simple stunning!!!!!! Your awesome camera captured all the intricacies of every piece in there.. Good grief Florida… We need to replace a couple Tommy Bahamas and Bealls for some vintage stores…. Beautiful Karen… Jackpot!!!

  2. Dee says:

    wow this is awesome!

  3. SuSach says:

    love love! I’ll have to pop in later this week 🙂


  4. Lily says:

    Beautiful ! Love all the beaded and sequin pieces.


  5. Lainey says:

    That place looks fantastic. I need that mustard dress in my life.

  6. Amelia says:

    OMG that yellow maxi dress is literally to DIE FOR!!! is it possible to buy?? I NEED IT!!!!

  7. CHESCA says:


  8. gabrielle says:

    thanks for the tip. that place looks great- i would never have guess from the pics that the store was in manhattan. i thought you were going to tell us it was in texas or something.


  9. The Fashion Cloud says:

    God this shop looks amazing, Belgium is missing these kinds of amazing and not completely over prices vintage shops
    thanks for sharing



  10. Nicole Richie Anonymous says:

    Love the jewellery (especially that gold necklace!) and the ethnic print belts xx

  11. Mila says:

    omg omg the best place ever.

  12. Catherine says:

    omg sooo great!! You make me wanna shop there right now! I especially love footwear and jewelry!

  13. HS says:

    love the vintage store, im looking for the great one in here in Indonesia, the result is zero, so sad


  14. Hillary says:

    I love all of your Shop Love posts, and those photos of the dangling necklaces and belts are beautiful! Thanks for posting!

  15. Think Twice Style says:

    The yellow maxi is GORGEOUS! You should go back and try it on. It would look fabulous on you and be perfect with your skin!

  16. Jen says:

    *cries* I’m all the way in LDN, wanna visit this shop.

    Jen xx

  17. GeezLouise! says:

    Just in time for my first visit to New York! Thanks!! xxx

  18. Anonymous says:

    whats the address for this shop, looks amazing

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