You lot are f**king brilliant. Thanks A MILLION for the well wishes 🙂 I showed Michael the comments and he’s like: ‘holy crap’ and smiled.
Here’s what I wore before it was soooooooooo hot here. Read on for more info…

Jeans: J Brand Bette – sold here. Shirt: Vintage (similar one here). Boots: Vintage. Clutch: Zara (or try a neutral version). Fedora: Boutique on 7th street/east village. Belt: Vintage.
Ahhh yes. Leopard print and flares. Will I ever get tired of them? Of course I bloody won’t. Nothing wrong in wearing leopard on leopard (like this earlier post in different colours or this post mixing different animal prints).
I wore vintage looking flares with my old vintage fryes and an oversized clutch.

Sia says:
Wild thing! Love this outfit on you. xoxo
Cindy says:
happy wedding! i wanted to comment on the other post, but there were too many comments already to scroll through, lazy haha. best wishes for you two.
The Fancy Teacup says:
Girl, you are smoking hot in feline print and flares!
♥, Jamie
Shasie says:
Very cute look
Shasie of Live Life in Style
Wrinkle In Time Vintage Giveaway
Al says:
So cute! Love the contrast of your manicure against the leopard print too.
loves the hat. beautiful outfit.
BreezeyBee says:
ur style os amazing and so is ur figure! hows married life treating ya?
David Diaz says:
Have a Good Day!
401 says:
I love that top! And I always have a special place for oversized clutches.
floridacutie says:
That animal print is so HAWT!!!! Congratulations marriage is a beautiful thing;-)
Michelle Lee says:
amazing print
Friend in Fashion says:
The mixture of prints is perfection!
Friend in Fashion
Kandi-STYLE says:
Those jeans are my life, I have some just like ’em! Congrats again.
Vani says:
Super cool! Love the shirt with the hat.
Anonymous says:
congratulations karen! i’ve just started planning my wedding for next august and if im honest and did it totally my way we would be going to the county clerk too! (i’m a brit marrying an american so we can be together legally you see) but our families are too excited for us to skip over having a ceremony and party. i’m sure we will have fun anyway!
i hope you have a long and happy life together
letizia says:
congrats agaiN!
Love the leo print, you always look great and cool !
ASH says:
love love love!
HayleyWilletts says:
LOVE this outfit. That shirt is beautiful. x
Missy Cheeks says:
Explendid look 🙂
Glam`ourFever says:
great look and pics! 🙂
love ur shirt, hat and bag 😉
maphi says:
love the outfits xoxo
Nita -Karoliina says:
very cute. i am so addicted to bells. You look good in them 🙂
Noir La Belle says:
This is so cute, I’m in love with that top!!!
Maria says:
Very very cute outfit! 🙂 love the jeans 🙂
Megan Abigail Chandler says:
I love it … you’re taking us back to a brilliant movie via 1976. It’s classic!
The Chains of Love says:
Congrats on getting hitched Karen!! All the best to you and Michael! xo
Laura. says:
LOVE the shirt. looks so good on you.
by the way congrats on the nuptials!!
Fashion and Style Blog
Olivia says:
You always look so rock-star chic! Love the street style photos! Huge congrats on the marriage!
Liv @ bklynlifestyle.com
Valerie says:
You look beautiful and very happy! Nice clutch!
Sing says:
I sooooo want that hat. Would look great in my collection.
Sian says:
So gorgeous. My mum says she wore a very similar outfit in the seventies. She’s amazed you could get such a vintage look.
I adore double leopard print, hard to pull off and you’ve done it well.
You have a brilliant smile, ms. new-ly-wed! 😉
love the dots and that hat, brillz!
feesha says:
Great outfit, love that combo. Congrats as well!
Ms. Givens says:
That shirt is the greatest!
Jen says:
your actually amazing!
Congrats too btw.
J x
tiarenie says:
yes! i love that you love leopard just as much as i do!
Ria says:
Love the leopard top and the colored clutch. You look fabulous.
guildedsecret. says:
RAWR! divine…..
with love,
Karen says:
401 – so do I
Sian – huge compliment coming from her!
Nita Karoliina – make that two of us for the addictions
Chains of Love – thank you M!! : ))
Thanks everyone for the well wishes on the marriage too : )))))
Camille says:
wait a minute, you totally skipped over the wedding details! how, why, what brought it about?!
Anonymous says:
I looooovvvve this!
Neijah Lanae says:
Absolutely love this look! So 70’s chic
Istituto Marangoni says:
Fashion Internships
nice post, thanks for sharing…..
budget chic says:
Smart, hip, cool! Luv it!